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Mike Gillis Team 1040 Interview

Cold Hard Truth

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some posters sure feel like their opinions are right and no one elses are....what ever happens with this team will happen in the off season and what heads roll will be made by hockey people....imo, gillis will get another year to fix the team and torts, if he agrees

to change his style to fit the players he has, he'll get another year to prove he is the guy....

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Was putting together my own post, but took too long before you posted with the detail I was putting in. Here's what I put together on it though:



  • Canucks for Kids telethon well received, close to $3M in net proceeds, thanks to fans and honoured to be in the position to help like that.
  • Enjoys working for the Canucks, hard on himself and knows we have passionate fans. Easy to kick people when they're down, but his responsibility to get back on top.
  • Torts is a proven winner and the season has been difficult with all that's happened they didn't anticipate. Torts (like Gillis) will have a thorough evaluation, but running team is Gillis' responsibility and they chased moving goalposts and got away from core principles for how he wants team to play and the tempo they want to play with. Organization has deviated from things that can make them successful and he wants to get back to that.
  • Will Torts be back? Gillis isn't sure if he himself will be back, he recognizes everyone is open to evaluation. Has a clear vision though they have to execute on to compete in West, but fair to say all will be under scrutiny which is deserved.
  • Entire team's performance has dropped off, unlikely it's attributable to one thing. Combination of things need to be addressed to build the style of play and team they want. Torts is accomplished, people thought AV couldn't change years ago, any coach can coach the team they have if the players are committed. Problems are far reaching and if people don't want to get onside then they won't be here.
  • Ongoing process for when he'll sit with ownership, thorough review at the end of the season for where they're at as an organization, team and financially. Now has cap space where didn't before and will go through a plan for the owner's to choose direction.
  • Bringing in a GM with him in Pres position hasn't been discussed, job is beyond full time in terms of responsibility, pressure and scrutiny and he accepts that, really good people working for him so hasn't considered it but they'll do anything they can to win the Cup including sharing roles or reorganizing differently. Not in it to hang around, in it to win, came close but will do what it takes to do that.
  • Will try to spend to the cap if it's the right players/positions, manged to do well in first week of July previously, will have to see what's available when he gets tehre.
  • Kassian and Tanev haven't had initial negotiations yet, Kassian is just scratching surface of what he can do, has had a pretty good season and is going in the right direction. Tanev is a steady, reliable defenceman who they miss when injured and confident they can get them signed.
  • Kesler will be met with at end of season to talk about goals and how he feels then move on from there.
  • Will do a webcast with STH, hasn't happened yet because they've still be working at the playoffs but plans to do it next week.
  • TO Media love to carve Canucks, used to it now but unfortunate for a young guy like Lack. Great personality and size, he's allowed them to think differently. Great faith in him and Markstrom, a great 24 year old with attributes to be a top flight goalie in the NHL. Two young guys in their prime, hopes fans get behind them and support them. If Eddie had any run support this year he'd be in consideration for Calder, probably wouldn't win it but has more one goal losses than anyone else and 2nd in shutouts with half the games played. Has a great opportunity, wants to be a Canuck, would love to see people behind him.
  • Markstrom will start, Rollie has specific coaching style and works hard with them. Determined they get in when they show him enough in fundamentals and skills to be able to play. Markstrom coming from another organization that does things differently, but we have a lot of faith in him, competitor, huge, athletic, there's some things he needs to do to reach the next level but spennding his time in practice and miving in the right direction.
  • To the fans: we've had a lot success, but has been incredibly frustrating and Gillis is committed to getting back to levels they expect, has a plan to do it, had a plan 6 years ago and got as close as possible. Learned a lot from that and tired of chasing a moving target and will get back to fundamentals he believes in and that's how they're going to play. If people don't want to comply they'll make hard choices as they did 6 years ago.
  • Wants to play upbeat puck possession, move the puck quickly, force teams into mistakes, high transition game. Thinks they have the personnel to do it, and if they don't they'll be changed. That's his vision for how to win in the West. If you look at the top teams there isn't a lot to separate them but the top teams play that way and was how they played. Made a lot of enemies playing that way but that's why they had success.
EDIT: added the rest.

There are a couple of things about this interview, and his comments, that are peculiar (but interesting). First, he is clearly taking a shot at Torts. Gillis has said in the past that he supported Torts being hired and that the owner didn't foist Torts on him. If that is true, then he must have known from their interviews what style Torts would bring here. So, either he lied then and didn't really want him hired, or he's changed his mind regarding the style that will be effective here.

Second, I always thought that the GM supplies the personnel but the coach decides who to play and how to play them. Gillis is clearly telling Torts to change his game plan. They are not on the same page.

Third, Gillis may be simply trying to save his a** by blaming the coach and not taking responsibility for the Luongo-Schneider fiasco, getting little in return for both, over paying for Ballard and Booth, etc.

Fourth, I was a Gillis supporter in the past because he seemed smart and he said the right things in terms of what the Canucks needed to do (e.g. get grittier, bigger, younger and faster, etc.). However, I think he has made a number of significant mistakes and I don't see him taking responsibility for them.

Fifth, in hindsight, it looks like you have to play the style that suits the team and not impose whatever style you want on them as they are. AV had them play to their strengths but they were only able to get so far. Torts wants them to play his way, but it doesn't match their skill set. We need to change styles, change players, or change our coach. It may also be time for our GM to go as well, as he's made the decisions that have led to our current plight (significant downgrade in goal tending, too many NTCs, no deals when other teams were interested, trading away some of our best prospects and picks, and getting rental players for picks when a cup run was hopeless).

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My guess would have been that Tippett was #1 on the list.

If Tortorella was for the most part an ownership decision, I have absolutely no interest in finding out who Gillis might be replaced with.

My sense/impression is that Gillis was not trusted enough - and that a measure of control was taken out of his hands - and that might also explain why some pretty fundamental things that characterize Gillis' approach appear to have been ignored for the most part. Not least of which is dealing with the reality of being a west coast team and the resulting demands upon the players. Even if you go back to the first month of the season, before injuries hammered the depth of the team, you see that the fourth line was playing 3, 4,5 minutes a night.

Tortorella recently made comments that the lack of depth pretty much dictated what he could and could not do with the lineup, but I can only accept that explanation at the point at which the team was in fact missing a handful of players on a regular basis. I was disappointed with that comment, tbh, because it is almost always taken as a vote of non-confidence in what a GM has provided. Imo, at that point and with all the mistakes that Tortorella had made, that was probably the last thing he should be making allusions to. Isn't he a guy who prefers to give out very top heavy minutes and has done so regularly in his coaching career? To try to retroactively suggest that a lack of depth forced his hand is questionable, and probably didn't earn him any favour with his GM. That kind of thing generally winds up being divisive, so I'm not particularly surprised that Gillis is now standing his ground.

If the rumours surfacing that Luigi is stepping in and removing Frank as a roadblock to help MG operate in full capacity are true, then i am hopeful this season was just a failed experiment on Luigi leaving the team open to be messed with when MG is more than capable of running things.

I also picked up on Torts throwing MG under the bus regarding depth. Im pretty sure in that same interview he also claimed that he and MG get along like Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.

Very telling, and benevolently clumsy words chosen by Torts.

Meant to comment earlier about only rolling 3 lines. Not a fan at all. How in the bloody hell do you ever advance in the /season/playoffs without 4 lines? That coupled with what you mentioned about scaling back the talented 2-way forwards PK time for the Sedins is such a recipe for disaster. He should have already known that the Twins have played on the PK under Crow, but their ability is better served in pure offensive roles.

Again, if Torts had done his homework and ditched his antiquated belief that players (forwards) want to play as much as possible so they play ungodly minutes, leading to injury susceptibility...then maybe we wouldnt be having these discussions.

Heavy minutes are the domain of talented D-men.

Even Sids TOI average scaled down as the season went on.

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Key word: meddle.

Its better to have 1 vision as a team and act upon it rather dispersed ideas that really lead no where.

Why do you think the Mavericks can't ever hold on to GMs well? Clearly there are conflicting ideals of control and vision.

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I think there are a lot of things to like about Gillis.

Not least of which is how intellectually hard he works. He also seems to be a good manager who shares power effectively and isn't as stubborn or arrogant as some characterizations suggest. If anything, I find his assertiveness here refreshing.

As for his decision making:

I liked that he retained AV and thought they developed an incredible complementary relationship.

Can't argue with what he has done on the free agent market - simply outstanding record imo. Hamhuis, Garrison, Tanev, Lack, Santorelli, Richardson, Eriksson, Lain. Hard to complain about anything there.

I have really liked his drafting in recent years.

He is most maligned for his trades, but imo, his biggest deals have been difficult but excellent ones. I loved the Kassian deal from the get-go and more and more each day. The Schneider deal was a forced one imo, a combination of little choice with a cap drop and Luongo - (I also wonder if keeping Luongo was entirely his decision) - that will take a few years of Horvat developing to assess, but the additions of Lack and Eriksson and now Markstrom certainly make these deals easier to live with.

The Luongo deal imo was a great move - for a shockingly good return. I am thrilled he got that done when the opportunity arose and commend him for jumping at the chance to get it done regardless of the timing or risk of going with youth to close the season. The irony here is that the amount of overlap with the naysayers who had also thrown in the towel on this season anyhow. Not going to review the rest of his deal - has been done a lot - but I will say that I love Higgins, and the additions of Markstrom and Matthias. Booth has been a wash, as was Ballard in terms of what Florida actually got out of the deal.

I look forward to what he can manage with the cap space, the youth he's accumulated, and the option of trading a key asset to add to the effect of the retool.

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"I think we have the personnel to do it. And if we don't have the personnel to do it, they'll be changed."

Is that Gillis giving this group one more chance? So looks like Gillis still hasn't seen what everyone else in the world sees.


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Stevens was my choice from the start for who was available. I'd be happy with him coming in as a replacement, but we'll need to find a balance with assistant coaches too.

Do you think Stevens and Guy Boucher could work well together?

I also liked Stevens alot as a head coach candidate (to replace AV) and I still like him as a potential Torts replacement, but I'd really love to try to get both of these guys on the Canucks coaching staff.

Boucher has an out clause with SC Bern that allows him to accept any NHL employment opportunities that arise, so he's very available (if the position interests him).

I've always liked Boucher's mind for the game and his willingness to innovate. And the whole 1-3-1 controversy was hugely overblown IMHO. Boucher's not merely a "defensive minded" coach. He's actually been very good an running offenses and special teams (especially PP) during his coaching career.

I have no doubts about his ability to coach an up-tempo, puck possession style.

I see Boucher as very detail-oriented and a good systems guy who could be a huge help in tailoring a playing style to this roster's specific strengths and weaknesses.

I also wonder what Glen Gulutzan could accomplish (continuing as an assistant coach) if he was given more of a voice and some influence on the direction this team takes?

I see GG as having been largely shutout this season (by the two-headed Torts-Sully monster) from any meaningful coaching role with this team. I still wonder what his responsibilities actually are? Wasn't it supposed to be the power play and other aspects of how this team produces offense? I've seen Sullivan grabbing those reins all season, at least in the game situations (and pretty much driving those horses into a ditch). It's been hard to even judge Gulutzan's performance this year.

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Ok, that worked.

I never listen to the morning any more though cause 'bro jake' is just unlistenable.

Totally agree, the morning show would be a lot better if Pratt was on his own or had an actual sports guy as co-host. Bro Jake should stick to classic rock.

I appreciated what Gillis said in his interview but I'm still not convinced he's the right man for the job. In a way it seemed like he was throwing Torts and the ownership under the bus to save his own ass, or at least make it look a bit better.

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To me 'style' is overrated. There should be no set style to how this team plays other than the style that wins.

What i mean is that a team like Chicago doesn't have a set style other than to play the other teams' style, but better. To do that you need better players though.

Anyway, i'm certainly glad that the plan is to control the puck a bit more again. Accomplishing that is a bit tougher though. Several pieces or eqivalent pieces from our 2011 heyday are missing.

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I think there are a lot of things to like about Gillis.

Not least of which is how intellectually hard he works. He also seems to be a good manager who shares power effectively and isn't as stubborn or arrogant as some characterizations suggest. If anything, I find his assertiveness here refreshing.

As for his decision making:

I liked that he retained AV and thought they developed an incredible complementary relationship.

Can't argue with what he has done on the free agent market - simply outstanding record imo. Hamhuis, Garrison, Tanev, Lack, Santorelli, Richardson, Eriksson, Lain. Hard to complain about anything there.

I have really liked his drafting in recent years.

He is most maligned for his trades, but imo, his biggest deals have been difficult but excellent ones. I loved the Kassian deal from the get-go and more and more each day. The Schneider deal was a forced one imo, a combination of little choice with a cap drop and Luongo - (I also wonder if keeping Luongo was entirely his decision) - that will take a few years of Horvat developing to assess, but the additions of Lack and Eriksson and now Markstrom certainly make these deals easier to live with.

The Luongo deal imo was a great move - for a shockingly good return. I am thrilled he got that done when the opportunity arose and commend him for jumping at the chance to get it done regardless of the timing or risk of going with youth to close the season. The irony here is that the amount of overlap with the naysayers who had also thrown in the towel on this season anyhow. Not going to review the rest of his deal - has been done a lot - but I will say that I love Higgins, and the additions of Markstrom and Matthias. Booth has been a wash, as was Ballard in terms of what Florida actually got out of the deal.

I look forward to what he can manage with the cap space, the youth he's accumulated, and the option of trading a key asset to add to the effect of the retool.

Yeah....we all get it man....you're completely and utterly in love with Mike Gillis and everything he has done....you've mentioned this in literally hundreds of posts...you'd probably marry him if you had the chance...you probably have pictures of him all over your house...in your next post you'll tell us all about his plan to win the Cup next year AND draft Connor McDavid...old news indeed...

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Do you think Stevens and Guy Boucher could work well together?

I also liked Stevens alot as a head coach candidate (to replace AV) and I still like him as a potential Torts replacement, but I'd really love to try to get both of these guys on the Canucks coaching staff.

Boucher has an out clause with SC Bern that allows him to accept any NHL employment opportunities that arise, so he's very available (if the position interests him).

I've always liked Boucher's mind for the game and his willingness to innovate. And the whole 1-3-1 controversy was hugely overblown IMHO. Boucher's not merely a "defensive minded" coach. He's actually been very good an running offenses and special teams (especially PP) during his coaching career.

I have no doubts about his ability to coach an up-tempo, puck possession style.

I see Boucher as very detail-oriented and a good systems guy who could be a huge help in tailoring a playing style to this roster's specific strengths and weaknesses.

I also wonder what Glen Gulutzan could accomplish (continuing as an assistant coach) if he was given more of a voice and some influence on the direction this team takes?

I see GG as having been largely shutout this season (by the two-headed Torts-Sully monster) from any meaningful coaching role with this team. I still wonder what his responsibilities actually are? Wasn't it supposed to be the power play and other aspects of how this team produces offense? I've seen Sullivan grabbing those reins all season, at least in the game situations (and pretty much driving those horses into a ditch). It's been hard to even judge Gulutzan's performance this year.

I was hoping for Boucher last summer. if Torts does go, I hope they give him another look (at least as an assistant).

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Yeah....we all get it man....you're completely and utterly in love with Mike Gillis and everything he has done....you've mentioned this in literally hundreds of posts...you'd probably marry him if you had the chance...you probably have pictures of him all over your house...in your next post you'll tell us all about his plan to win the Cup next year AND draft Connor McDavid...old news indeed...

That's a bit over the top, no?

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Yeah....we all get it man....you're completely and utterly in love with Mike Gillis and everything he has done....you've mentioned this in literally hundreds of posts...you'd probably marry him if you had the chance...you probably have pictures of him all over your house...in your next post you'll tell us all about his plan to win the Cup next year AND draft Connor McDavid...old news indeed...

Oldnews is Mike Gillis, didn't you know?

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Honestly liked what he said but he tried hard to cover himself and his mistakes. Trying to throw it on Torts. Weather he wanted him or not go back a year. He had his coach, they style of play he wanted so why did he fire AV then?

We declined consistently since 2011 and Gillis is a big reason for it. Boston and Chicago continue to make moves and changes and better their team.

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i for one applauded the booth trade....a former 30 goal scorer, had a history with kes, was fast, big and finished his checks....

it didn't work out but it was sure worth the risk.....as for the ntc gillis gave out....they were for guys who were willing to play for under market value...right or wrong....we got most players for less than they could get from other teams.....mistakes...yes he has made some but also gets blamed for everything, whether they are his fault or not.....

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