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[Official] Toronto Blue Jays Major League Baseball thread

The Stork

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About time someone spoke up on the team. Pathetic it was 1st year player Donaldson though. Shows the character guy he is but speaks to lack of others stepping up.

...knew with Gibby we wouldn't be able to pull it off. So frustrating watching him manage. Still a long ways to go but so far things aren't looking good

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For anyone that missed it-


Donaldson "this isn't the "try league" this is the "get it done" league. Eventually they're going to find people who can get it done"

Love Donaldson. This guy is just amazing all around. Sad this core group won't even get a lick of playoffs. If this is the last straw, frack me because I love this core...you'll never have it better than JB & EE

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For anyone that missed it-


Donaldson "this isn't the "try league" this is the "get it done" league. Eventually they're going to find people who can get it done"

Love Donaldson. This guy is just amazing all around. Sad this core group won't even get a lick of playoffs. If this is the last straw, frack me because I love this core...you'll never have it better than JB & EE

Im beginning to think maybe its what they need to do..get rid off EE and JBats for some NOW pitching help..enough is enough..I love Donaldson and Travis....those 2 boppers may not be missed.

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I'm happy to see hitters be aggressive with RISP, the first pitch is often the best to hit even at the major league level. The approaches the hitters are taking are likely more on Brook Jacoby anyway. But yeah, if it's not working in a particular game then sometimes it's advisable to switch it up.

Ya I was speaking a little out of frustration with this team. I agree, with risp the first pitch can often be the only good one a hitter will see. I shouldn't blame them for offering at it in the right situation. I guess my main pet peave kinda spilled into my post. My main beef with this team over the last number of years is offering at first pitches, first time through the order with no risp. Why not see as many pitches as possible first time through so the team can see what that pitcher has that day. Maybe he's a little off and is susceptible to the walk. Too often I see quick at bats and easy outs, making it easy for the pitcher. I'd like to see more of a team philosophy in place of what we've been seeing for far too long now. A hot hitting streak for a month or two each season just doesn't cut it. Get back to basics and build that groundwork for prolonged success. I remember watching the Jays in the early nineties and how they would be super patient first time through. Even if they made outs, it didn't matter. They collected all the info they could and come the 3rd and 4th innings, they'd come alive. I really wish I could see that philosophy again from my Jays. There's my rant lol. Cheers!
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The bullpen...

Good job by Estrada though.

I like the idea of adding some Canadian content to Canada's team, but I think it's probably time to put an end to the Jeff Francis experiment. Has he done the job even once this season?

Having a lefty specialist who can't get lefties out is not much help to anyone.

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Ya I was speaking a little out of frustration with this team. I agree, with risp the first pitch can often be the only good one a hitter will see. I shouldn't blame them for offering at it in the right situation. I guess my main pet peave kinda spilled into my post. My main beef with this team over the last number of years is offering at first pitches, first time through the order with no risp. Why not see as many pitches as possible first time through so the team can see what that pitcher has that day. Maybe he's a little off and is susceptible to the walk. Too often I see quick at bats and easy outs, making it easy for the pitcher. I'd like to see more of a team philosophy in place of what we've been seeing for far too long now. A hot hitting streak for a month or two each season just doesn't cut it. Get back to basics and build that groundwork for prolonged success. I remember watching the Jays in the early nineties and how they would be super patient first time through. Even if they made outs, it didn't matter. They collected all the info they could and come the 3rd and 4th innings, they'd come alive. I really wish I could see that philosophy again from my Jays. There's my rant lol. Cheers!

I'd agree with you there. I'm not sure of the actual numbers but it seems to me that the team BA doesn't improve as greatly with the 2nd and 3rd times through the lineup as much as the league averages.

I like the idea of adding some Canadian content to Canada's team, but I think it's probably time to put an end to the Jeff Francis experiment. Has he done the job even once this season?

Having a lefty specialist who can't get lefties out is not much help to anyone.

I'm a North Delta native, I played for the same high school team as him, and I've met him and he's a tremendously nice guy, but his career is done. It was a nice thought and there's not really anybody I'd like to see succeed more than him, but his career is done. Those two at bats yesterday were pretty bad, even Rasmus absolutely tagged him. And with two strikes I believe...

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May as well blow it all up soon. I hope they trade Bautista and EE to a playoff team, they won't get in playing with the Jays. Their prime years are wasted in TO.

Any bets on when the Jays will make the playoffs? 10 years from now? Waiting for over 20 years, lol

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For anyone that missed it-


Donaldson "this isn't the "try league" this is the "get it done" league. Eventually they're going to find people who can get it done"

Love Donaldson. This guy is just amazing all around. Sad this core group won't even get a lick of playoffs. If this is the last straw, frack me because I love this core...you'll never have it better than JB & EE

I stated from day one, the trade for Donaldson was unnecessary and now it looks like I was right all along. Sure, Donaldson has been great for the team, but if you're going to trade Lawrie, then you trade him for help at areas your weak at (pitching) or you don't trade him at all. That trade was a lateral move, because offence was never the problem. Edited by shiznak
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Fire gibbons bring cito gaston back!

Gibby has got to go

I've been saying this for awhile he needs to go. Why AA brought him back when he didn't work out the first time.

AA needs to be fired too. This season was suppose to be their last chance at making the playoffs or there would be a house cleaning. He should be fired simply for not addressing the pitching (rotation and bullpen) The money spent on Martin and Donaldson could have been spent on pitching. Nothing against either of those guys as they've been upgrades at their respective positions. Jays have the best offense but they can't win or compete for a playoff spot with this pitching.

Steve Phillips has suggested Jays deal one of their big bats for pitching help and they could get 2 pitchers and a prospect in return. Phillips says the market for Joey Bats or EE would be great as teams such as Mets are desperate for offense and are loaded with pitching. He also mentioned Hamels and Papelbon but Jays won't be able to take on their contracts nor have the assets to make a deal with Philly.

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I've been saying this for awhile he needs to go. Why AA brought him back when he didn't work out the first time.

AA needs to be fired too. This season was suppose to be their last chance at making the playoffs or there would be a house cleaning. He should be fired simply for not addressing the pitching (rotation and bullpen) The money spent on Martin and Donaldson could have been spent on pitching. Nothing against either of those guys as they've been upgrades at their respective positions. Jays have the best offense but they can't win or compete for a playoff spot with this pitching.

Steve Phillips has suggested Jays deal one of their big bats for pitching help and they could get 2 pitchers and a prospect in return. Phillips says the market for Joey Bats or EE would be great as teams such as Mets are desperate for offense and are loaded with pitching. He also mentioned Hamels and Papelbon but Jays won't be able to take on their contracts nor have the assets to make a deal with Philly.

I'd pass on Papelbon and probably Hamels too. Both guys are well past their best days. If AA is gonna ship off either Bautista or EE I'd like to see it be for younger arms.

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What a waste this season is going to be. JB, EE, and Donaldson?!?! Sucha lethal 3,4,5 hitting. Yet no pitching to help, the loss of Stroman is really showing now

Also, how bad is Reyes? His stats are so bad, is he playing well defensively atleast?

Edited by Mr.Plow
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I'd pass on Papelbon and probably Hamels too. Both guys are well past their best days. If AA is gonna ship off either Bautista or EE I'd like to see it be for younger arms.

All they have in the minors are younger arms though. If Bautista and EE get traded and you're rebuilding they need some potential offense back too.

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