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Mafia: Vanilla Cone - Game #108


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I am confused by the whole process..

So I have no idea what's going on...

All I do know is that I was told to trust no one and that everyone's using cute gifs! Is that how we play using cute gifs?

We're trying to decide who's most suspicious to vote out, but there's pretty much nothing to go on right now so most people are just joking around. Things will probably get more serious soon.

Vote Bo Hunter Booth

The only post he's made since the game started was a joke vote for Toews. While the people who haven't posted at all concern me too, some will likely be godkilled, so no sense in wasting a lynch.

There are a lot of players who haven't said anything of substance yet. For example, I think this is my first serious post. Why pull BHB out of the pile?

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Can anyone update me on whats happened so far :rolleyes: . I got put to sleep by all of you

yah evidently you are (like most people) wildly obviously insanely smitten by me but are devastated that I don't reciprocate said infatuation.

Also WW is mafia but you already knew that also being mafia

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Have you met you?

oh I see what you're doing.... very clever BDM... hoping that by introducing myself to me that I will fall hopelessly madly in love with myself and that if you can't have me then at least no one else can.

yes I have and yes I am in love with myself but as much as it must pain you to hear this I am not in a monogamous relationship with me.

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oh I see what you're doing.... very clever BDM... hoping that by introducing myself to me that I will fall hopelessly madly in love with myself and that if you can't have me then at least no one else can.

yes I have and yes I am in love with myself but as much as it must pain you to hear this I am not in a monogamous relationship with me.

This sounds a lot like mafia Aladeen :mad:

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This sounds a lot like mafia Aladeen :mad:

You know I'm not in mafia chat, why would you even say such things. Such horrible horrible things.

Tis better to have love and lost Aladeen than to never have experienced Aladeen at all.

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oh I see what you're doing.... very clever BDM... hoping that by introducing myself to me that I will fall hopelessly madly in love with myself and that if you can't have me then at least no one else can.

yes I have and yes I am in love with myself but as much as it must pain you to hear this I am not in a monogamous relationship with me.

That reminds me, I have some news for you:


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Lol Heffy being suspicious of joke posts in the first round. Grasping at straws.

Joke posts can be suspicious at times if they seem forced. I'm curious of why he picked out only one player for contributing nothing but a joke when that's what literally everyone in the thread was doing.

I'll vote KH for now. Obviously tenuous and subject to change because it's the first round.

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whew I was getting worried that you may be infertile and I would have to execute you!!! So do we know if it's going to be a boy or an abortion?

That's so bad.

I wasn't going to vote for you this round but now.... top of the list.

the list has only one name so far.

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