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Weise says Lucic threatened him during handshake


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Yep. Exactly. Watching the post game interviews, Lucic was MAD. REAL MAD.

Iginla on the other hand, did the same old season-ending interview he's so accustomed to doing. Iginla is a good loser. Lucic can't stand losing.

Hey if Lucic doesn't fit in Boston anymore, bring him home where he belongs.

I don't like good losers. This team needs some Lucic on it.


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Sure, the Bruins could have been more gracious, but they were mean because they have pride. They said a few nasty words, boo hoo. They didn't flip any police cars and light them on fire.

The Canucks never flipped any police cars. People from Vancouver and the surrounding area did. People from the Boston area blew up a marathon so should we pin that on the Bruins players?
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Let's give Lucic a bit of a break, him and his wife wrote an Anti-Bullying book recently.

Boston Bruins' Milan Lucic recently released anti-bullying book

Boston Bruins' Milan Lucic, accused of threatening Dale Weise after Game 7, recently released an anti-bullying book called ‘Not Cool to Bully in School.’


Book - "Not Cool to Bully" - http://www.notcooltobully.com/

Let's all buy one and have it signed when he comes back for the summer.

Damn .. you are one seriously 'sarcastically dry' fellow OR one scary dude .. ;)

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They didn't flip any police cars and light them on fire.



2004: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSVRMmUGgyI




Don't ever let a Boston fan talk shit to you about rioting. I've lived here for 8 years and it happens all the time, albeit not as large a scale as in Vancouver. I think it was the 2008 Celtics riot that some college student actually died as well.

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I disagree. The worst way to lose is not fighting back when the going gets tough; see Canucks game 7, 2011.

They gave up. The Habs didn't.

That's asinine. The Habs are the ones who acted with class in this incident. The Canucks didn't buy into the Bruins antics and lost. The Habs didn't buy into the Bruins antics and won. The difference? The Habs were the beneficiaries of the league growing tired of the Bruins antics, the Canucks weren't.

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So, to those arguing in favour of Luc based on "passion". That's what Bert was acting on...did/do you give him a free pass too then?

And, if not, why?

Because if Lucic acts on that passion, it's back to square one with this stuff. The league's supposed to be proactive in eliminating potential ugliness. Your argument supports it.

Sure, I get that Bert acted on it. What if Luc DOES...your argument is that he won't. We don't want to leave it to chance or allow for this stuff to sprout, do we?

Anyhow, it's a done deal and this is getting into flogging dead animals territory. But don't make this ok, it's not. It becomes a gong show...WWE/F whatever it is now. Hit him with a chair on the way by too.

You answered your own question there. The reason why we will still remember the Bert incident 20 years from now is because Bert acted upon it. Threats are made on the ice all the time, during the play, after the play, between periods and even during the pre-game skate. In this case it came at the end of a game 7. The point being that a threat is just a threat, some people are just more vocal about their feelings than others. I personally say a lot of stuff that I don't mean when I am seething mad so I can understand how 7 games of feelings led to that moment. I won't excuse Lucic for saying what he did but I doubt he is willing to risk his career, his potential future earnings as well as his hockey legacy. Its not like he is unfamiliar with the Bert incident.

I also believe that this incident is not the first of its kind, there have been some really unhappy looking handshake moments in the NHL. I don't agree with a lot of Greg Wyshynski's writing but this was one I was definitely on board with.


Imo he is not wrong, its the worst stupidest tradition in hockey.

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Clearly you're not aware of the long list of injuries the Canucks had. Big difference between them and the Habs.

Not to mention that was the finals, and not the second round. We'll see how well the Habs can fight back if they make it 4 rounds.

I am very well aware yes. I'm not arguing for a 2011 win. I'm arguing for the "respect" the Habs we're calling for. Injured or not, Canucks got bitch slapped by the Bruins. Highly disrespected and did not fight back. The Marchand antics against Daniel was a disgrace to the Canucks. Instead of doing something about it, the Canucks kindly tucked their tails between their legs and went home.

I would have liked to see some killer instinct right about there. Fighting for their pride even if a loss was inevitable due to injury.

Seeing Daniel getting bitch slapped on National TV was greater injury than the final result.

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"show me a good loser and ill show you a loser" ---Vince Lombardi

Yep. Exactly. Watching the post game interviews, Lucic was MAD. REAL MAD.

Iginla on the other hand, did the same old season-ending interview he's so accustomed to doing. Iginla is a good loser. Lucic can't stand losing.

Hey if Lucic doesn't fit in Boston anymore, bring him home where he belongs.

I don't like good losers. This team needs some Lucic on it.

This isn't really what the quote is getting at. You want a sore loser when you are losing. When the game is over, nothing you can do will change the result. When the game is over, its time to be a pro. Getting upset about something you can't change is wasted energy.

Getting upset during a game? Being pissed off? Running at guys? This can be beneficial during a game. Iginla fits this mould perfectly. He is a misery when he is losing, but he also understands that, once the series is over, there isn't anything you can do to get the success that you wanted

EDIT: There is nothing wrong with being pissed off after a loss either. I hated losing and I was miserable to be around. But I also understood that that was my problem and nobody else's and I wasn't going to act like an asshole to other people just because I lost.

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You don't have to agree. You are certainly entitled to your opinion. Me? If I want to watch pleasantries in sport involving gentlemen, I'll watch Polo and Golf. Otherwise, I don't watch hockey and football to see anything but fierce competitiveness, because that is what is expected. Like I said in my initial post, he probably shouldn't have picked the lineup at the end to say what he said, it was "classless." But it certainly isn't out of place with the sport. And as much as I like Weise, which is actually a lot as he posed for a picture for my wife at the Jets/Canucks game this last year, it was really strange that he didn't shrug this off and say, "It was just hockey, no big deal." And that's how people should look at this. Lucic isn't LITERALLY going to kill him. I mean, can't we just go onto the next nonstory in the NHL that will be blown way out of proportion?

Threatening to kill someone is a serious threat. And you can play hockey with out being a buffoon. Want to watch that stuff watch the UFC.

And it has no place in the post game hand shake, seriously. You congradulate the winners show respect to the losers. Not threaten them cause you lost. Guy needs to lose the roid rage.

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Iginla looked disgusted in the video.

Not surprising. Iggy is like the polar opposite of Lucic.

And the handshake is a time honored tradition. It's what sets hockey apart from other sports.

You look your opponent in the eye and shake his hand like a man. Lucic might as well have just left the ice right away if those were the type of weak handshakes he was gonna give. I don't care how bitter of rivals guys are, you still respect the tradition.

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