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[Report] Torts wanted to buy out Alex Burrows


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If this is true, I'm glad that little psychopath is gone.

I had faith in him at first but now in hindsight, he was a lazy ass.

Based on his poor showing with the Canucks and the dirt Mason uncovered, I highly doubt another team takes a chance on him at all.

I guess what spoke to a lot of fans was his emotional impact. People felt drawn into his "passion" and saw it as an antidote to Vigneault and his gum chewing.

Well, look at how that played out, eh?

And it all leads back to Gillis. So glad that corrupter is gone.

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I'm tempted to bookmark this thread in case Burrows plays just as badly for the next 1 or 2 seasons. Granted at the moment buying him out would be a bad move but i'm up for trading/ buying out Burrows if it somehow makes the team better.

And as much as I hate to say this... REALLY hate to say this... but IMO Marchand > Burrows. Better rat, better at getting under people's skin (players and fans alike), and better overall forward. Love to have him on this team.

I wonder how Marchand fairs on any other team other than the bruins without the muscle to back his punk ass tendencies. At least Burr has the stones to play his style on one of the softest teams in the nhl.

More often the case us Burr backing up his boys rather than the reverse in ratboys case.

That being said the new mgmt should listen to any offer made for Burr if possible.

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This makes his hiring look all the more disastrous. I wasn't a hater until now.

What a hack, how did this man win the cup?

He won a cup with a young core of LeCavlier and St Louis and Richards back in the day..You can't take that away from Torts..

However,time changes everything ...It didn't work with the veteran group in NY..and it certainly didn't here..If those latest Rumours are indeed true,then he was lazier and more arrogant than I originally thought.

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I wonder how Marchand fairs on any other team other than the bruins without the muscle to back his punk ass tendencies. At least Burr has the stones to play his style on one of the softest teams in the nhl.

More often the case us Burr backing up his boys rather than the reverse in ratboys case.

That being said the new mgmt should listen to any offer made for Burr if possible.

Adapting to the environment is all it is really. I stand with the opinion that Marchand is the better forward.

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To be fair, can you really blame him? He got a big pay raise, and took up 4.5 million in cap and for most of the year produced pretty much nothing. Torts is the kind of guy that is all about, holding people accountable. (Possibly to a fault?) Burrows performance this year was abysmal. It's understandable he'd want to hold him accountable.

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Yeah I heard this while driving today. Almost had to pull over as it got me all riled up.

Amongst other things this year, Torts:

  • Started working on Gillis to move Weise right from the beginning of the year.
  • In spite of his public comments, he tried to convince management AND ownership to buy out Burrows to get rid of him.
  • That the players believed they didnt practice enough or that Torts didnt take practice seriously, especially the practicing of special teams.
  • He began an early morning team meeting by blasting Booth with F-bombs for being late for the meeting. To which Booth, and confirmed by his teammates, said he was actually there 5 minutes early. Torts continued to lay into him for another 5 minutes.
  • Torts, and by extension his assistants, never watched film of the opposition they were facing.
  • That Torts did not have a single conversation with Travis Green, Utica Head Coach, all season long. Not one.

What I still can't fathom is why wouldn't some of Torts' philosophies regarding practice, film work, etc be scoped out in the interview process.

Would management not talk to previous teams and players who played for him about this stuff?


Hasn't done a thing since the nhl bought him and Tampa cup with boring defensive hockey. Later dude

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I guess Linden made the right decision. I didn't know Torts was this bad... What's with all these Americans that live in Point Roberts anyways? Big country Reeves to Tortorella...

Maybe Kesler wanted trade out of Vancouver because of this and when Linden learned of this, he decided to fire Tortorella. At the same time, maybe the ownership wants to justify the firing and leaked this information so that people would get angry and support the decision to fire Torts.

I'm tempted to bookmark this thread in case Burrows plays just as badly for the next 1 or 2 seasons. Granted at the moment buying him out would be a bad move but i'm up for trading/ buying out Burrows if it somehow makes the team better.

And as much as I hate to say this... REALLY hate to say this... but IMO Marchand > Burrows. Better rat, better at getting under people's skin (players and fans alike), and better overall forward. Love to have him on this team.

Maybe Burrows isn't a rat. I mean Burrows fought Getzlaf... Marchand on the other hand, would hide behind his daddy Chara.

Sure, Marchand is a better rat than Burrows but Burrows days as a rat was done a few years ago I think anyways. Burrows really isn't a rat anymore. All he does is just chirping, which bother no one. He never intentionally tries to injure anyone. The worst thing he did was... the biting but I don't think he could have done much damage anyways with a glove between his teeth and Bergeron's finger. And don't tell me pulling Keith's hair was bad.

Most people that say Burrows is a rat really can't give any instance of Burrows being a rat. That's probably because Burrows really isn't a rat.

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I just finished the entire interview and boy did Torts seem like an ass. I know he wants his players to play a stiff game and is hard on them to do that, but accussing Booth of being late for a practice he was early for seems like a jerk move. i guess i see him as more of a ticking time bomb now

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What's with all these Americans that live in Point Roberts anyways? Big country Reeves to Tortorella...

Income tax dodge. Mogilny lived there too. Messier lived down in Semiahmoo in Blaine during his years here, as does Travis Lulay now.

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Aside from what blind homers think of Burrows he is not a top 6 forward unless he is playing with the Sedins. So you are basically paying a 3rd liner 4.5 million dollars which is way too much buy him out or get rid of him.

Everyone wants change but they don't want to see the core change.They just want to see like Edler traded thats not going to make the Canucks contenders EVERYONE except the Sedins needs to be on the table. Okay if the new GM wants to give the core one more chance then come trade deadline if the Canucks are not sitting comfortably in a playoff spot clean the house out. Burrows, Kesler, Edler, Garrison gone.

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That is reassuring but something smells a bit .. like where did the info come from?? .. is it a hatchet job for a purpose?

I dont know either. I seems fairly inflammatory to me. Like kicking the guy when he is down and out. In my opinion he was high on Burrows, and either way, he has no say in buying out players. I very much doubt he would state an opinion on the matter. Even to Gillis in private.

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