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Jake Virtanen | #18 | RW


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On 16/03/2016 at 7:29 PM, Qwags said:

He still tries to rush the play, but that will change as time goes on.

Although that's true, can you consider him a prospect for next season? The only exception is if he plays the AHL next season.

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15 hours ago, Gstank29 said:

He's a pure offensive player so his point total is more important than Virtanens. Just pointing out he was overhyped and overrated

Without any real proof of it, but sure. They have basically the same stat line over the last 11 games, but Virtanen is more physical and Nylander is over 50% on faceoffs.


11 hours ago, Gstank29 said:

 I'm pointing out that a lot fo people, including yourself calling Virtanen a bust earlier this year is hippocritial. Especially when Nylander essentially has done nothing to prove his hype or acclaim but yet you choose to defend him instead of our own prospect. 


For the record Nylander and Marner is the only prospect from another team who I don't like. They are soft premeriter players that are overhyped and overrated

Some people have called Virtanen a bust, but that's pretty much the same as you calling Nylander one right now. Others have been more reasonable in their assessments on both, i.e. if Virtanen's ceiling is high enough or if he'll be a 3rd liner, or if Nylander's not physically capable of succeeding in the NHL despite his strong offence. 


The thread was humming along pretty well with mainly Virtanen-specific posts. If you want solid discussion, don't spam a post hating on other teams' prospects.


But my original point was for all the people that complain that the Virtanen haters want to keep talking about Nylander (and Ehlers) it's more often the Virtanen supporters keep bashing those players to try and make Virtanen look better. Virtanen will do that on his own if he's really better, but more likely they're just different players and each will have their own success. If you're going to bash, make sure you have a strong point or it just looks like bashing.


Then again I've said this before, and it keeps happening.


12 hours ago, DeNiro said:

No need to mention how bad the Leafs are when comparing, we're just as bad if not worse than them this season.

Well, they've been bad, then they traded away players that were keeping them from being worse and started icing their AHL'ers and are still a decent amount behind us in the standings. Sure, we're icing AHL'ers too, but that's due to injuries and we're still going to finish ahead of them in the standings. It's relevant since he came in when the Leafs were at a particularly low point and is still putting up some offence.

Edited by elvis15
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25 minutes ago, The 5th Line said:

Yeah, there is a poster named Gstank who always causes problems and drama around here, do you know him? Sometimes I just wish he wouldn't say anything.   For some reason, be brought  William Nylander's name in to the discussion, even though he says he "hates" talking about William Nylander.  Now all hell has broken lose.





Yeah, I'll be the first to admit I was very hard on Jake at the start of the year, but the Nylander talk gets a little out of hand sometimes.  I was labelled some sort of Nylander supporter, even though I was never actually the one to bring up his name , it is always the "anti-Nylander" crowd who brings his name in to the discussion and then the other posters come in and see the state of the conversation and just assume that the people(like me) who were hard on Jake at the start of the year are the ones who keep bringing his name up.  It's like people forced me in to being a Nylander supporter or something and I just went with it because I was so frustrated with what I had seen from Jake.   Nylander has a very high upside, I like his poise with the puck and he can already pass and shoot with the best of them.  I think he will be a more valuable player than Jake moving forward, but I hope I am wrong.  


It's not a nice thing to say about young guys, but I hope all Leaf prospects fail, including Nylander.  I would prefer if Toronto stayed in the basement forever.

Gstank is a saint! You take that back! Lol

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31 minutes ago, The 5th Line said:

Yeah, there is a poster named Gstank who always causes problems and drama around here, do you know him? Sometimes I just wish he wouldn't say anything.   For some reason, be brought  William Nylander's name in to the discussion, even though he says he "hates" talking about William Nylander.  Now all hell has broken lose.





Yeah, I'll be the first to admit I was very hard on Jake at the start of the year, but the Nylander talk gets a little out of hand sometimes.  I was labelled some sort of Nylander supporter, even though I was never actually the one to bring up his name , it is always the "anti-Nylander" crowd who brings his name in to the discussion and then the other posters come in and see the state of the conversation and just assume that the people(like me) who were hard on Jake at the start of the year are the ones who keep bringing his name up.  It's like people forced me in to being a Nylander supporter or something and I just went with it because I was so frustrated with what I had seen from Jake.   Nylander has a very high upside, I like his poise with the puck and he can already pass and shoot with the best of them.  I think he will be a more valuable player than Jake moving forward, but I hope I am wrong.  


It's not a nice thing to say about young guys, but I hope all Leaf prospects fail, including Nylander.  I would prefer if Toronto stayed in the basement forever.

I seem to bring up one poster, but from what I can tell there were at least 5 who made posts that didn't contribute anything to the thread.


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1 minute ago, Toews said:

If I were a troll this thread would be my feeding ground. All it takes is mentioning the names Nylander or Ehlers in either positive or negative context and the thread goes off track. 

3 pts today by one of those you've mentioned.  Thats like infinity times the amount our entire team has score in the last 2 games lol.

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Virtanen unfortunately will be linked and compared to players such as Nylander and the like for a very long time. maybe the rest of his career. especially if he doesn't live up to the expectations this market and fanbase has for him. but that's a part of being drafted as high as he was. hope the kid lives up to his potential and kills the Leafs whenever we play them. 

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