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Linden and Benning on TSN 1040 (Oct 1, 2014)


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Surprised no one made a topic on the Team 1040 interview today with Linden and Benning.


  • Learned anything new? [benning] 1st time being around this group, impressed with shape, readiness, focus. They still want to win and be competitive.
  • Does Horvat make it? Had an excellent camp, young players have all showed up and played excellent. Still have a couple more exhibition and will meet when that's done to talk about it. He's done everything coming in that he could to make it a tough decision for us.
Sense that Makrstrom would make it through waivers/Stockton to hide his progress? Worked real hard this summer, came into camp and played well in Stockton game. He's a young goalie and it takes longer to develop. Won't hide we're happy he's still in the org, trying to add depth in all positions and Rollie will continue working with him. [Linden] Talented and a big goalie, wanted to buy time for him. Is it possible Lack becomes a trade asset? Will monitor Jacob's play and Rollie will go down and work with him, we don't have to make that decision. How great do you think Lack will be? [L] Lack has a breakthrough year in a tough situation, great attitude/mental place where he's at. Doesn't carry baggage. Knows he's got stuff to learn and he and Ryan will challenge/push one another. Goalie's a tough position and can't get away with mistakes as much so for him to have more time to develop and work with Rollie is critical. Look for great things from him, the two guys we have put us in the top of the league in goaltending. Vrbata and Twins, will Burrows get a look? Talked to coaches and Willie's changed things up a bit, but don't know if that could happen. Vrbata's been good and is a smart player, if it does it may be a chance to balance our lines and give us more chance to score on every line. [L] Talked to Alex, he doesn't care where he plays, he wants to win. Happy wherever. Do we have enough depth? I think we do, sat with Linden after hire and tried to address it, good competition for ice time and happy with it going into the season. Scoring, 2nd last in the league last year and lost offensive players? [L] Went through a process in June, got Vrbata, Bonino will help. Depth at forward needs contributions from everyone. Burrows, Richardson, Hansen, Mathias need to chip in. Sum of the parts. Talent that we have and PP has been good in preseason, should continue and we can get goals there. What's the feeling in the room, excited to get season under way? Worked hard this summer, nice to get started, see where we need to improve on. [L] Happy with where we are, felt good coming out of Whistler, guys are excited to be here. Bonino, Sbisa, Dorsett want to play in Canada and it's refreshing. Feb 13, bigger deal for Boston coming here or when Canucks play there? Bigger deal here, we want to beat them. Heart was torn in SCF since he'd played here but now on other side. Will be important to win here. Face offs a concern?? Talked to Willie, weren't good last game, coaches will work with C's after practice. We're a skilled team so starting with the puck is important. Weren't good enough in Phoenix. Last 6 months? [L] Quite the journey, all new to me and came quickly. So much negativity at that time and most important thing was bringing in Jim and the timing was critical. On the phone non-stop since to get moves in place. Interesting to watch and been a lot of fun, back in the game and part of a team. We both know we have challenges and are ready for it. Dorsett looked good? Gives us puck pursuit, dump and chase and finish checks to make a play, leaves it all on the ice. Kesler, fuel on fire and boxed in on deal? Moved past it, want players that want to be here. He wanted a fresh start and wish him the best now. Got some good pieces and will move forward, want to win when he come to town because they're a good team. Ticket sales? [L]Fans are jacked up, new food, etc., etc.

EDIT: formatting, second EDIT because I realized I called it Team 1040, not TSN 1040.

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If our players have a bounce back year we should be able to make the playoffs. Last year to me was just an anomaly with a crazy coach and an incompetent GM lol.

But i still think we need a top 6 forward if were serious about winning the cup.

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Wish they asked about a puck mover on the PP.

They sort of did. When asking the scoring question they noted both our top scoring forward and top scoring defenceman were gone and our offence was already bad last year. Neither Linden or Benning said anything specific to our D in response however, only mentioning forwards and our PP.

Ryan Ellis ..

Considering they just re-signed him, I don't think they're trading him. They'd said he's in their plans going forward and could work well in Laviolette's system.

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Linden- " needs contributions from everyone. Burrows, Richardson, Hansen, Mathias need to chip in."

Linden has spoken!

but I think Richardson on faceoffs and pk is valuable and Mathias can hit and help the 4th line. Burrows has to score and stay out of the box.

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They sort of did. When asking the scoring question they noted both our top scoring forward and top scoring defenceman were gone and our offence was already bad last year. Neither Linden or Benning said anything specific to our D in response however, only mentioning forwards and our PP.

Considering they just re-signed him, I don't think they're trading him. They'd said he's in their plans going forward and could work well in Laviolette's system.

Interesting. Hopefully it's because they have an iron in the fire somewhere. I'm not sure who they could be targeting, or who would be on the way out, but there are a couple teams I can think of who might be able to spare a guy.

Yeah....it won't be Ellis. Poile was clear he never intended to move him in the first place and that was before the deal was done. They are probably even less likely to do that now. It's a perfect Preds deal.

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This "need a PMD" is quite funny. Not because it isn't true, but more because it's always something that the Canucks are missing. First it was a 3rd line centre, then it was secondary scoring, now it's a puck moving defenseman. No matter what, the Canucks will always be missing something. Especially because the door to win the Cup has officially closed.

At this point, the team isn't a puck moving defensemen away from really challenging, they are "their elite players in their prime" away from really challening. The window has closed, and they are years from challenging again. Sad, but true.

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Interesting. Hopefully it's because they have an iron in the fire somewhere. I'm not sure who they could be targeting, or who would be on the way out, but there are a couple teams I can think of who might be able to spare a guy.

Yeah....it won't be Ellis. Poile was clear he never intended to move him in the first place and that was before the deal was done. They are probably even less likely to do that now. It's a perfect Preds deal.

I'd swap Tanev and Weber out if we could somehow manage say Pouliot out of Pits and Boychuck out of Boston.

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This "need a PMD" is quite funny. Not because it isn't true, but more because it's always something that the Canucks are missing. First it was a 3rd line centre, then it was secondary scoring, now it's a puck moving defenseman. No matter what, the Canucks will always be missing something. Especially because the door to win the Cup has officially closed. At this point, the team isn't a puck moving defensemen away from really challenging, they are "their elite players in their prime" away from really challening. The window has closed, and they are years from challenging again. Sad, but true.

Yeah but when we do have guys like Horvat, Shink, Virtanen etc in their prime in a few years it would be nice to have an offensive D along for the ride with them. Best to get him now and having his rookie/sophomore seasons on a team with lower expectations and especially considering D usually hit their prime a bit later.

We've got 2+ years before Hutton or Subban reaslistically even get a sniff at the big club...frankly that's too late IMO.

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Guest Dasein

Mark Pysyk anyone?

Behind Ristolainen, Zadorov, Myers, McCabe, Gorges, Meszaros.

RHD with decent size and offense on a young and loaded backend in BUF.

EDIT: Apparently Zadorov's been #%#@ing the bed in BUF so far but they do have two other veterans in Benoit and Weber, so their blue line is quite crowded. I don't think Pysyk has to go through waivers, so it might be an easy decision for BUF if they just think he needs more seasoning.

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