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UBC's Vantage College: Canadians need not apply


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I am actually surprised you feel that way...

Here at Uvic the international students are spoiled, but they seem to be pretty smart at least some of the ones I have encountered.

in many cases, i rather talk to a not so smart person and level headed. The entitled ones are annoying.

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Yes I do.

Ridiculous how sensitive people are.

If you don't think what I said is accurate and you are OK with that then by all means call me ignorant.

Oh btw, this is coming from an immigrant, who came here at a young age with parents who busted their ass to learn the language and adapt to the culture.

comment number 10 is not necessary. And it is on the ignorant side. And it leads to fear mongering.

To me this is money grabbing and has nothing to do with mandarin/cantonese taking over.

This is no different than conservatives in the states screaming minorities are taking over and whites are losing power.

Believe me, we're not quite there yet...

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You're basically using the same arguments racists and bigots used 50-100 years ago... The whole they're coming to replace our culture and language crap.

I highly doubt some Mandarin speakers will bring a new world order of change..

As I have stated my family immigrated here.

I have ZERO issue with any and all races getting the opportunity to live in this great country.

What I DO have an issue with is the ones who come here who abuse the rights provided, don't learn or even attempt to learn the language and make no effort to integrate into the local community/culture.

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As I have stated my family immigrated here.

I have ZERO issue with any and all races getting the opportunity to live in this great country.

What I DO have an issue with is the ones who come here who abuse the rights provided, don't learn or even attempt to learn the language and make no effort to integrate into the local community/culture.

The issue here is more to do with money not some sort of conquest. So bring it down a notch. There's no need to get angry. I don't want some foreign country changing our society any more than you do but careful how you are reacting.

I get the sense this is UBC making profit. I highly doubt any of these people can surive here long term without english. So don't worry.

Alot of the times, people like those Chinese students, come to learn and go back.

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Alot of the times, people like those Chinese students, come to learn and go back.

And we should be ok with that?

Displacing other students, diverting $$ away from them to cater to people who basically will use the system? It's not ok.

Read the very valid argument people are presenting.

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And we should be ok with that?

Displacing other students, diverting $$ away from them to cater to people who basically will use the system? It's not ok.

Read the very valid argument people are presenting.

Did I say I was ok with that? I don't even think that was the issue I was addressing... :huh:

I think you misinterpreted the conversation i was having with that other person.

And you are arguing about another issue here. That's not what i was arguing about.

Apparently you did not read the valid argument, the other person and I were presenting.

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Did you even read the article before you started arguing your point?

Even without a bricks-and-mortar building, there's already been an initial intake of 200 Vantage College students in September. Those students displaced a number of regular UBC students from existing campus housing as the Vantage College residential tower isn't ready yet.

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Yes, so what is it that you're arguing about? If I misinterpreted it.

He felt as though we are being taken over. I said hold on here.

I'm not discussing the article right now...at least not specifically.

Go back and read the whole thing between me and him/her. I know alot of things get thrown out there.

It's kind of frustrating that you're automatically targeted me for inciting something when i was trying to defend the doom and gloom scenario of losing our society.

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And we should be ok with that?

Displacing other students, diverting $$ away from them to cater to people who basically will use the system? It's not ok.

Read the very valid argument people are presenting.

While I don't agree with the displacing of those students, I do however think its unfair to label all international students as people who use the system... They pay large sums of money to learn here and even if they dont give a crap when they get here its none of our business as long as the have paid the tuition cost, and contribute our economy is someway. You would be surprised how many Canadian students do this especially those funded by their parents..

i remember reading a story that UBC has had extra space over the last few years because not very many Canadians are attending post secondary schools in general. A quick Google search might find that if you're interested.

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I read the whole thing and his points are valid. If people get priority status based on money, but don't have any desire to stay here or integrate into the community and it ends up being at the expense of others, that is a legitimate problem.

And the article clearly indicates that is happening. So perhaps don't just come in here TO argue with someone in particular, but allow for others to offer opinions that differ from yours without going on the attack (which you did, using terms like "ignorance").

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I read the whole thing and his points are valid. If people get priority status based on money, but don't have any desire to stay here or integrate into the community and it ends up being at the expense of others, that is a legitimate problem.

And the article clearly indicates that is happening. So perhaps don't just come in here TO argue with someone in particular, but allow for others to offer opinions that differ from yours without going on the attack (which you did, using terms like "ignorance").

Thank you.

We have differed a lot on opinions over the years, but we are definitely in the same boat here.

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@deb - Ok so, apparently you did not understand the conversation that me and the other guy was discussing. So, let me try again. The conversation me and the other person were talking about was indirectly related to the article.

He/she felt as though our society would change or would be force to change. Even making the comment "...learing mandarin/cantonese to take a job".

I was saying saying to take it easy on the doom and gloom.

I was never referring to the article. The issue with the article i would gladly discuss with you but that was not the point of our discussion.

Please understand that...

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You're helping to make my point...it is our business what is happening here. Money doesn't provide immunity and a "mind your own business" pass. If things impact some negatively, it's in everyone's interest to be concerned and try to address it. That's a sense of community and a very important part of what makes this place great. That people actually care about one another and money doesn't trump that.

But yes, sure...Google and provide that information as it would help your argument in this.

While I don't agree with the displacing of those students, I do however think its unfair to label all international students as people who use the system... They pay large sums of money to learn here and even if they dont give a crap when they get here its none of our business as long as the have paid the tuition cost, and contribute our economy is someway. You would be surprised how many Canadian students do this especially those funded by their parents..

i remember reading a story that UBC has had extra space over the last few years because not very many Canadians are attending post secondary schools in general. A quick Google search might find that if you're interested.

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@deb - Ok so, apparently you did not understand the conversation that me and the other guy was discussing. So, let me try again. The conversation me and the other person were talking about was indirectly related to the article.

I sure do understand the conversation. So no need to try again...your opinion is just that and others may not share it, that's all. That's where there's a lack of understanding it seems.

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I sure do understand the conversation. So no need to try again...your opinion is just that and others may not share it, that's all. That's where there's a lack of understanding it seems.

ok, i'm sorry...but you're not getting this. You don't even realize where the issue i was concerned with him/her on started.

Cause that is not the issue i was discussing with him/her. You went off on "priority based on money" and i'm not talking about that. Are you sure you read the whole thing? Perhaps you shouldn't come in here without any clarity and start throwing jabs at ppl.

but its your call. I was never agreeing with UBc but apparently you think i do. I was trying to defend against the doom and gloom of our culture supposedly" being taken over and trying to calm down the situation, but...apparently you already made up your mind.

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You're helping to make my point...it is our business what is happening here. Money doesn't provide immunity and a "mind your own business" pass. If things impact some negatively, it's in everyone's interest to be concerned and try to address it. That's a sense of community and a very important part of what makes this place great. That people actually care about one another and money doesn't trump that.

But yes, sure...Google and provide that information as it would help your argument in this.



These two articles explain the drop in post secondary education enrolment among Canadians in Western Canada. These factors must play in when schools decide to cater to international students aside from the money factor.

Also just because some students were displaced doesn't mean the "community" as a whole was deeply impacted...

I am pretty sure UBC eventually accommodated those displaced students.

IMO if people are willing to pay double or even triple the cost of education here in Canada we shouldn't complain but endorse it.. I have yet to hear stories of people being deeply impacted by international students in North America..

This is no different from people going abroad to study in English only Universities.

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