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[Report] Benning will "look at" dealing either Lack or Markstrom

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Dealing Miller would look great on Benning and Linden.

heyyyyy Ryan come to Vancouver, here's three years, we're a good organisation who looks after our players... Fast forward 12 months seeya..

Then every other FA we go after will turn around and say yeah sure I'll join ya but I want a NTC.

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Eddie Lack + Jared McCann


Edmonton's 1st?

Eddie Lack + 1st round


Edmonton's 1st?

I would be ecstatic to see

Marner Horvat Virtanen

Edmonton's first could be the most valuable asset in the NHL today. We don't have enough quality players to even touch it

Edmonton's 1st > Horvat, Markstrom, McCann, Virtanen, shinkurak, Gaunce, 2015 1st,2nd,3rd, 4th, 5th

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Edmonton's first could be the most valuable asset in the NHL today. We don't have enough quality players to even touch it

Edmonton's 1st > Horvat, Markstrom, McCann, Virtanen, shinkurak, Gaunce, 2015 1st,2nd,3rd, 4th, 5th

i see the point your trying to gwt across but your wrong. The last time somethig like that went down the avs gained an entire franchise.

But you are right in saying that lack+1st wouldn't even be close to landing Edmonton 1st.

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i see the point your trying to gwt across but your wrong. The last time somethig like that went down the avs gained an entire franchise.

But you are right in saying that lack+1st wouldn't even be close to landing Edmonton 1st.

I also see your point but I'm not really sure our prospects have the upside philly's did.

Then again neither did philly at the time.

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Edmonton's first could be the most valuable asset in the NHL today. ...

To go slightly offtopic for a moment, yes, Edmonton's first could be the most valuable asset today, but at the all-star break Buffalo with its 11 game losing streak has taken the lead in the McDavid/Eichel Sweepstakes with 31 pts in 47 games, <leading> Edmonton's 33 pts in the same number of games. Edmonton is on a 2 game winning streak.

Source:http://www.nhl.com/ice/standings.htm?type=con#&navid=nav-stn-conf as of the time of this post.

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I notice you delete a lot of posts.

Just go ahead and say it buddy!

Look at me man, I rarely make and sense on these boards, partly because I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about and I know more about poop and pee then stuff like the Okanagan hockey league and Kassian's Corsi #s

It's the Internet my friend

Run free. Be who you wanna be.

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An interesting team is San Jose, niemi is an Ufa at seasons end and they want to go with the youth movement as well as upgrade their goaltending but that means trading within the divison which is rarely seen.

To sj: kassian, lack

To van: marleau

I'm not happy that kassian isn't being given proper ice time because that's what he needs at this point in his development and be patient with him. A 34 year old Marleau still has gas in the tank and having vets like him along with the sedins still taking the attention of the opposing teams helps insulate our young players grow into their potential at their own pace












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I'd like to remind everyone that this has been labeled as one of the most talented draft classes ever.

So ask yourselves:

Would an NHL GM be willing to give up a high draft pick to pass on an elite player with top-line/top-pairing potential?


If we were in the position to pick in the top-10 this year, would you want to give up that pick?

I think at the most Lack could be used to move up 2-5 places depending on need and the like, and less so the higher up we would draft. I think he could bump us up from 16-12, but not from 10-6.

At the end of the day he's a backup. We have Miller who will play most of the games anyway. Get what you can for him and bring up Markstrom, or get the other teams backup in return.

A person would almost hate to take Markstrom away from the Comets but if it needs to it will be done.

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