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[Report] MLSE approves major Leafs rebuild; "Mr.Phaneuf & Mr.Kessel are not in the plan"

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I can see Kessel bringing in a nice return but I really don't think they can move Dion.

Seriously? Teams are desperate for top-4 defensemen. Flyers paid 5 million per for Andy frickin' MacDonald. Washington shelled out 5.5 for Orpik...until he's 38!!!

Phaneuf at 7 mil is overpaid, but if he'd still get that contract if he were UFA on July 1st. And the deal only takes him to 35, so he shouldn't regress too much over the course of it.

Of course, one of the reasons teams overpay for UFA's is it's the chance to add a quality player without giving up any assets (other than money). So although there will likely be a few teams willing to add Phaneuf at 7 mil for minimal return, I don't think they'll be offering quality assets for the honour.

I've heard rumours that San Jose would definitely be interested. Edmonton too, of course, but that would depend on if Dion wants to go back to Alberta.

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Retain big money on Phil and Dion for the next 3 years and we can get a wicked return I think.

There's the problem. AFAIK, when you retain salary, it's every year of the deal.

So if Toronto retains money on those deals, they're screwing themselves 3-5 years from now too, when they hope to be competitive again.

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By you saying that you have been a canuck fan since day 1 you have proven point number 3 in my response to your post, which was that you are completely ignorant of the fact that making a generalized inference of all canuck fans as just winning hockey fans, you as a canuck fan just insulted your own dedication to this team win or lose.

I have stated myself in other threads I would be happy to cheer for the canucks through years of suck if they went into full rebuild. I have been through cheering for them in there early years, I can handle them sucking, unfortunately not all fans can.

I was myself not happy we did not stick w Lack/Markstrom this year and signed miller, although he has played great on occasion but both he and the team have crapped the bed on several occasions. Money spent on him imo could have gone to other areas of need, but thats not in my control so I will cheer for the canucks regardless of what moves Benning makes.

I am looking forward to some of our more veteran players that can be realistically moved being moved to further our retool and incorporating some prospects. I agree we havent "wrecked" Horvat show me where I as part of the the"just winning hockey fans" fanbase ever said we would.

Not all fans have stopped going to games otherwise we would quite literally an empty arena every game, which is not the case.

When you make a sweeping statement about an entire fanbase and what it may or may think make sure the entire fanbase thinks the same way otherwise you look like a fool. General consensus is not unanimous its general which means there are other opinions.

What I get out of this is that you're one of the fans who are somewhat like me. And yes, I was generalizing. Sue me.

One can't ignore the fact that the sellout streak is over, we have empty seats at the Rog and that any question of a true rebuild is met with a flood of responses saying that ownership will lose millions. In the minds of many, if not all Canuck fans, it's a foregone conclusion that fans will stop coming to Canuck games if they rebuild.

How many times have we seen on this board, comments like "Why should I pay good money to see a crappy hockey team?" I don't know about you, but I've seen it many times, usually right after a Canucks' loss.

Toronto just announced their intention to tear it down and start over. (The right move, IMHO) Does anyone honestly think that fans in TO will stop coming to the ACC when that happens? For that matter, did they stop going to games in Calgary or Edmonton?

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I just don't understand the deliberate scorched earth. Just seems to be horrible asset management. Sure, at some periods in a franchises' history, you need to stop making moves for the now and make all moves with an eye to the future (otherwise known as a rebuild). But just tearing everything down to the ground and deliberately sucking seems anti-competitive.

I hope Pegula loses his franchise because of too many years of humiliating futility. What the Sabers are doing right now is an embarrassment to the league. We'll see how the MLSE handles the rebuild, if they do it in a similar manner as the Sabers, I'll hope they won't make a Stanley Cup final for another 38 years.

Getting a good draft pick because you had a bad season should be a consolation prize, not what you strive for at the beginning of the season. If the Canucks ever tried to purposely tank, I'd stop watching. I'll start watching again when they're trying to be the best team they can be.


Best post I have seen in awhile. Teams like the Sabres and now possibly the Leafs openly tanking makes the NHL draft and to a lesser extent the NHL a joke. I never want to be a fan of a team that isn't trying its best to win every game.

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You can see it in Kessel's face and hear it in his voice. The man is defeated and TO media is riding him to the ground. Sucks because he is their best player and gets all the blame even though he's just one player capable of only doing so much.

I'd be interested to hear what in your opinion makes him their best player - your concept of a team's 'best player' is.

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Being the teams leading scorer 5 years running generally helps.

That's as obvious as the counterpoint - that it is oversimplified, reductive thinking. May be considered Maple Leaf thinking - what got them where they are, thinking they can cheat systems hockey and score their way out of their underlying inadequacies.

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Best post I have seen in awhile. Teams like the Sabres and now possibly the Leafs openly tanking makes the NHL draft and to a lesser extent the NHL a joke. I never want to be a fan of a team that isn't trying its best to win every game.

Thank you. Heh, I'm a little surprised nobody labelled me a band wagoner.

I'll support a rebuild. Fully. But a full out tank where you lose with glee because you'll draft your next saviour just is not competitive and competition is what makes sports fun. Sure, you don't always win, but at least you have the thrill of competition.

Edmonton surely should be an example of what can happen when you have all of the talent and potential in the world means nothing when you expect the youth to carry the load in a grown mans league. On top of that their culture seems to be getting a little sour because of the losing. I feel a little sorry for them, they didn't go this route by choice. If Buffalo follows the same trajectory I will not shed a tear for them at all. Ditto for Toronto, if they decide to go the same way. Sure you can draft talent at 18, but it's so much harder to draft character because you never know how a player will mature. You need both talent and character to win in this league.

Some food for thought, take two fairly recent Canuck picks, both of which have been labelled future captains at some point with great character. Both were picked around the same point in their draft years:

Cody Hodgson

Bo Horvat

Who was the more exciting prospect? Who'd you rather have now? How many people would have predicted that?

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I'd be interested to hear what in your opinion makes him their best player - your concept of a team's 'best player' is.

Ovechkin is not the Capitals best player..


what concept? lol. There is no recipe/concept to a teams best player. Every team is built differently and therefore you'll have different types of players being the best players for each roster.

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Kessel MAY be the Leafs best player.

Therein lies the problem.

He still isn't half the player he could be.

Same goes for the entire Leafs team. You can't just pin the tail solely on one player. Kessel is depended on, has a weak supporting cast, and therefore gets the blame when things aren't going well. He can only do so much + he's a winger, not even a centre who has most of the responsibility.

And what do you mean may? He is their best player lol. 2nd is arguably Kadri.

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Same goes for the entire Leafs team. You can't just pin the tail solely on one player. Kessel is depended on, has a weak supporting cast, and therefore gets the blame when things aren't going well. He can only do so much + he's a winger, not even a centre who has most of the responsibility.

And what do you mean may? He is their best player lol. 2nd is arguably Kadri.

I wasn't pinning it on him solely. I blame it on management. As detailed by my fantastic roster on page 1.

I just wasn't getting into the debate is all, hence the use of the word 'may.' The franchise is an utter crap show.

In the end he hasn't proven he is a player you can expect to be the best on the ice vs another team's best. If he learned from Yzerman and gave up that scoring title he'd be a better player. Maybe one even worth 8 million bills.

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