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Have we found our Moen line?


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Back in 2007 - and I'm sure a lot of you will remember this, after we dispatched Dallas in a nasty-long 7 game series - we faced Anaheim, who we thought we would have a sliver of a chance against. We didn't, and they knocked us out of the second round in 5. Their checking line (which consisted of Sammy Pahlsson, Travis Moen, and Rob Niedermeyer) scored four goals - two of them were GWG - and was the bane of the Canucks' existence that whole series.

We didn't have the toughness then to deal with that, and when we went to the finals in 2011, we still didn't have that Moen line-like toughness we needed - and I'll spare the details of what happened in the final. In 2012 and 2013, we were still being criticized over our lack of toughness.

Now, in 2015, do we finally have our Moen line? Or will we have it as soon as next season?

Hansen, Horvat, and Kenins have found unlikely chemistry, absolutely dominating with 35 points in the 22 games that have passed since Kenins was called up, and Kenins dished out 36 hits over 16 games (good for a pace of 185 over 82 games). The question is, can this line be for us what the Moen line was for Anaheim? Can we make a deep playoff run with this line?

Or will it come next year, along with the possible additions of Jake Virtanen and Brendan Gaunce? At 6', 208 (JV) and 6'2", 205 (BG), we could have some more heavy hitting, offence-providing young guns who could propel this team through the playoffs.

Your guys' thoughts?

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Dude anyone who thought that was going to be a fair fight was on crack. I was a retarded preteen and I knew the Canucks were up against it. Scott, Pronger, and Selanne. Three hall of famers.

And no, we probably don't. Pahlsson and Niedermeyer were extremely experienced. Horvat and Kenins haven't played a game in the playoffs. I'm actually kind of expecting a lot of scoring production from Horvat in the playoffs though. He seems to be that kind of player. Kenins could be in and out of the roster in the playoffs.

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Dude anyone who thought that was going to be a fair fight was on crack. I was a retarded preteen and I knew the Canucks were up against it. Scott, Pronger, and Selanne. Three hall of famers.

Back in 2007 - and I'm sure a lot of you will remember this, after we dispatched Dallas in a nasty-long 7 game series - we faced Anaheim, who we thought we would have a sliver of a chance against. We didn't, and they knocked us out of the second round in 5.

Thanks. Fixed it

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You pose a good question. I think our current fourth line has come together nicely, but I am not convinced they can sustain the level of grit and offensive touch that they have shown to date in a seven game series. The potential of the two additions you suggest next years as the foundation of a new fourth line is intriguing. You are on the right though, quality lower six players consistently capable of doing the heavy lifting is a necessity for a cup run.

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We did have a line like that in 2011 with Torres Lapierre and Hansen the problem in 2011 was that that line should have been our 4th line but ended up as our 3rd line due to injuries, And most of the guys who ended upon our 4th line shouldn't have been in the NHL.

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We did have a line like that in 2011 with Torres Lapierre and Hansen the problem in 2011 was that that line should have been our 4th line but ended up as our 3rd line due to injuries, And most of the guys who ended upon our 4th line shouldn't have been in the NHL.

True. #RememberOreskovich

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I really hope so... We also have that Richardson Higgins Dorsett line. They're able to score unlike a 3rd line we've had lately.

I see those 2 lines as being the best 3rd, 4th lines we've had in the Sedins era.

The question may be, are Bonino, Mathias and Vrbata going to produce in the playoffs.

Teams like Anaheim and LA play at a faster, tougher level in the playoffs. We know the Sedins do not. The Sedins are solid though and if guys like Bonino, Richardson, Horvat (Canadians) bring a higher level of play we stand a chance.

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Agreed, Kenins - Horvat - Hansen is the makings of a good line.

I also like Matthias - Richardson - Burrows and think that makes a heckuva bottom 6

If you think that Virtanen and Gaunce will play with the Canucks next year, I hate to burst your bubble.

Barring a big trade, we may see a 2nd line of Baertschi - Bonino - Vrbata.

Baertschi has to clear waivers so will almost certainly be playing with the big club.

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Agreed, Kenins - Horvat - Hansen is the makings of a good line.

I also like Matthias - Richardson - Burrows and think that makes a heckuva bottom 6

If you think that Virtanen and Gaunce will play with the Canucks next year, I hate to burst your bubble.

Barring a big trade, we may see a 2nd line of Baertschi - Bonino - Vrbata.

Baertschi has to clear waivers so will almost certainly be playing with the big club.

Yeah, I know it's unlikely and that Baertschi, Conacher, Jensen, and Cassels even will be trying to make the permanent roster alongside them. I'm just saying that those two could, and that they'd be kind of what we're looking for, as far as a "Moen line" goes

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That Anaheim team was stacked, we had no hope of beating them. And that line they had was awesome. I can only hope ours can come close. We've got a good thing going with our fourth line, I love the way they play, and they are all still improving.

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Horvat pulled off 2 sick dekes last night. He's got better hands then I expected.

Kenins is really poised with the puck also, one of the better passers on our team.

he has great hands. He scored 16 goals in 21 OHL playoff games including 3 game winners in the finals as a 17 year old. If he wasn't so commited to defense I'm sure his numbers could have been even higher (much like McCann) but I'll take 2 way play and decent offense over 1 way kessel play anyday.
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Maybe but...

Winning in the playoffs is all about goal tending, scheming and timely scoring. It isn't about how well a 4th line is playing. If lines 1, 2 and 3 are MIA then the 4th line is irrelevant. If we want to win in the playoffs we need all lines going.

The Kings are successful because they have mastered their craft on the ice come playoff time. They take away space and time from their opponent and live off the other teams mistakes and turnovers IE Hamuis to Kopitar on thurs nite. They also have one of the most clutch goalies in the NHL. A good 4th line is important to success in the playoffs but its down the list from other things.

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