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Write a Eulogy for a Banned Member


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I disagreed constantly with Ambien, but I liked him.

A year ago I completely trashed one of his posts, and then in another thread he took his time to provide me with incredibly helpful advice on travelling through Cali.

Too often we allow one difference (e.g., politics) to dictate our opinion of a person. There is so much more to find common ground on.

Yeah, I don't get why people treated him like he was a major troll. I mean he certainly did from time to time, but they mainly hated him for having an opinion that differed so much from the echo chamber that this place can be. He was generally respective, and defended what he said very well. I disagreed with far, far more often than I ever agreed, but I've seen people arguing against him with just as, or more so, an unflinching position,

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I agree. It would nice to know which lines people cross to get banned. In KeslerPlaysLikeaCanadian's case I'm pretty sure it wasn't his/her opinions, it was the demeaning and condescending way it was delivered.

Ye I would agree from out of nowhere he became one of the most childish posters. even though some of his posts were thoughtful and knowledgeable regarding hockey, the delivery on the majority of the posts was hard to take. Just relentless attitude.

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Yeah, I don't get why people treated him like he was a major troll. I mean he certainly did from time to time, but they mainly hated him for having an opinion that differed so much from the echo chamber that this place can be. He was generally respective, and defended what he said very well. I disagreed with far, far more often than I ever agreed, but I've seen people arguing against him with just as, or more so, an unflinching position,

He was never "generally respective" that was his problem.

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I disagreed constantly with Ambien, but I liked him.

A year ago I completely trashed one of his posts, and then in another thread he took his time to provide me with incredibly helpful advice on travelling through Cali.

Too often we allow one difference (e.g., politics) to dictate our opinion of a person. There is so much more to find common ground on.

I agreed with Ambien most of the time so that maybe makes me a bit biased, but you're right. He was one of the few in here that could separate from the differences in other threads and be cool with anyone. Dude had a way with words that you don't see too often. He used to crack me up with his "because muh feelings" comments when he would chime in on the outrage from some in here regarding letting their emotions cloud their judgment from facts and reason.

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This guy was banned?

Would be interesting to know the justifications as per the mods for bans.

Yeah, I agree. Supposedly Bert... I mean, Cerridwen has screen caps of some of the things that were deleted that were used to justify Ambien's ban. I requested a PM of said screen caps and am still waiting. That's of course if she does indeed have them, which I doubt.

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He was never "generally respective" that was his problem.

In fairness from what I have read he just gave as good as he got. There are plenty of disrespectful posters on both side of any debate in OT. If you ban one for that you really should ban them all.

No one should be able to abuse their fellow posters on this site. We're all Canucks after all.

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Man I'm gonna miss Ambien. Really intelligent dude, for the most part.

So Mr. Ambien is banned...I would love to read the offensive post that warranted this.

He always backed up his arguments and was never inflammatory without some sort of reason.

He engaged in intelligent discussion often...IMO he was the sort of person you would want on a message board.

We agreed on a lot of things ( but not everything) and he was very skilled at presenting his arguments in a reasonable ( but sometimes ostentatious) fashion.

It must have been an egregious post to warrant his ban. If it wasn't, shame on this board's administration.

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So Mr. Ambien is banned...I would love to read the offensive post that warranted this.

He always backed up his arguments and was never inflammatory without some sort of reason.

He engaged in intelligent discussion often...IMO he was the sort of person you would want on a message board.

We agreed on a lot of things ( but not everything) and he was very skilled at presenting his arguments in a reasonable ( but sometimes ostentatious) fashion.

It must have been an egregious post to warrant his ban. If it wasn't, shame on this board's administration.

Let's just say a powerful person didn't agree with one of his points. A shame, really.

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Yeah, I agree. Supposedly Bert... I mean, Cerridwen has screen caps of some of the things that were deleted that were used to justify Ambien's ban. I requested a PM of said screen caps and am still waiting. That's of course if she does indeed have them, which I doubt.

I have the screen caps and anyone who was in the conversation at the time witnessed the egregious posts and the mod abuse which took place which is a bannable offense. Read the board rules. I will not be sharing the screen caps as I have no trust that they won't be shared amongst other users thus further perpetrating the offense. When you are publicly warned by a global moderator to cease and desist and you continue the behavior and then rudely dare said global moderator to ban you, the ban hammer will be forthcoming.

So Mr. Ambien is banned...I would love to read the offensive post that warranted this.

He always backed up his arguments and was never inflammatory without some sort of reason.

He engaged in intelligent discussion often...IMO he was the sort of person you would want on a message board.

We agreed on a lot of things ( but not everything) and he was very skilled at presenting his arguments in a reasonable ( but sometimes ostentatious) fashion.

It must have been an egregious post to warrant his ban. If it wasn't, shame on this board's administration.

There is a board rule that says if you have an issue with a moderator/administration it should be dealt with via PM, not in the public areas of the board.

Let's just say a powerful person didn't agree with one of his points. A shame, really.

That was not the grounds for the banning at all. Perhaps you should have read ALL the posts before they were subsequently deleted. You need the entire context of what happened, not just the selective parts that serve your purpose.

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I have the screen caps and anyone who was in the conversation at the time witnessed the egregious posts and the mod abuse which took place which is a bannable offense. Read the board rules. I will not be sharing the screen caps as I have no trust that they won't be shared amongst other users thus further perpetrating the offense. When you are publicly warned by a global moderator to cease and desist and you continue the behavior and then rudely dare said global moderator to ban you, the ban hammer will be forthcoming.

I keep hearing about this mod abuse and egregious posts and have seen none of it. Kinda peculiar when it comes from someone who claims to have proof.

Sounds more to me like a fancy way of saying you don't have them. I've also heard it hinted by more than just a few posters that it is suspected that he got banned for not agreeing with a mod that had strong feelings about their opposite view on a subject.

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I keep hearing about this mod abuse and egregious posts and have seen none of it. Kinda peculiar when it comes from someone who claims to have proof.

Sounds more to me like a fancy way of saying you don't have them. I've also heard it hinted by more than just a few posters that it is suspected that he got banned for not agreeing with a mod that had strong feelings about their opposite view on a subject.

You would be incorrect. The speculations and suspicions of those 'other' posters you refer to are incorrect.

I do have screen caps. As I said, I will not be sharing them due to the fact that I don't believe that you won't start sharing them around the board thus further perpetrating the offense. I will share a cropped header from the thread in question that shows that I was indeed there and have the screen caps. Are we done now? Or must I be compelled to use the quote another user used in another thread last night?

So what nut of ____________ (insert name here) do you like to ride most?


Time to let it go, dude.

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That proves nothing. I've seen way worse posts from other people that went nowhere. "Perpetrating the offense"???? Are you serious?? That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard. Proving you were there means absolutely nothing. Proving the posts in question justified a ban is what the issue is and since you don't have them, whether or not they in fact existed, further "perpetrates" the suspicion that you don't have them or they ever existed. Good try though.

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That proves nothing. I've seen way worse posts from other people that went nowhere. "Perpetrating the offense"???? Are you serious?? That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard. Proving you were there means absolutely nothing. Proving the posts in question justified a ban is what the issue is and since you don't have them, whether or not they in fact existed, further "perpetrates" the suspicion that you don't have them or they ever existed. Good try though.

You're never going to be satisfied no matter what so we'll just leave it as it is. The fact is, you weren't there, a good number of us were and know what went down. Perhaps you should stay up later at night if you don't want to miss out on the happenings that result in bannings? You know, so you can see for yourself. I don't know why I've wasted my time with you, to be honest. I outlined what went on, you've seen the cropped screen cap with the thread, date and time on it.....if you choose not to believe your eyes or the facts, there's nothing more that can be said. In the meantime, if you truly have an issue regarding a global mod's actions, you can take it up with them privately as per the board rules.

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You would be incorrect. The speculations and suspicions of those 'other' posters you refer to are incorrect.

I do have screen caps. As I said, I will not be sharing them due to the fact that I don't believe that you won't start sharing them around the board thus further perpetrating the offense. I will share a cropped header from the thread in question that shows that I was indeed there and have the screen caps. Are we done now? Or must I be compelled to use the quote another user used in another thread last night?


Time to let it go, dude.

Oh.....so deb banned ambien.....

I see.

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