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On 10/22/2020 at 1:21 AM, filthycanuck said:

Yeah I think Im done for the most part for the US stocks, made a few $$ and a few holds. Seems Im getting more luck in the TSX and CSE. A lot of upcoming companies in fast growing sectors. Im not sure if the election has anything to do it with it

which Canadian ones are you looking at?

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14 hours ago, NucksPatsFan said:

which Canadian ones are you looking at?

I mentioned a month or 2 ago I was heavy on Very.Cn (Very good food), I have 75% return so far, really nice company, canadian version of Beyond Meat. Its about $2.50 right now and a lot of stuff coming down the pipeline, just started eastern canada distribution, vancouver and california factories are coming online mid-late 2021 to meet the insane demand.

I have a few hundred of Baby.F (else nutrition) and doc.cn. (cloud md) All these are long term holds, there not much volatility but a steady climb in growing spaces. But Very.CN is the one im most excited about. Loaded with potential, growing fast, the CEO knows his stuff and most of all, the food is great!

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Hello folks!!


Hope all is well, been a week or so since I've checked in. 


Currently only holding AMZN, bought at the very end of market on Friday.. Earnings report Thursday after market close, some rumours they're announcing a 10/1 split (doubt it but couldn't resist the earnings). 80B last Q and I'm thinking they may have their first 100B quarter. I will set a stop loss on Thursday afternoon incase it sinks but I just can't see it.


I will likely sell off on Friday and hold all funds till the election is over, with Biden leading in polls I will sit back and wait for the sell off




I'm currently heavily watching ARKK that's Cathies ETF.


Side note, I bet you NOW, which is ServiceNow hits $600 by weeks end. It's a bullet train and not stopping for anybody. Earnings are Wednesday and it sounds like they are gonna absolutely smash it.




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2 minutes ago, AriGold2.0 said:

Hello folks!!


Hope all is well, been a week or so since I've checked in. 


Currently only holding AMZN, bought at the very end of market on Friday.. Earnings report Thursday after market close, some rumours they're announcing a 10/1 split (doubt it but couldn't resist the earnings). 80B last Q and I'm thinking they may have their first 100B quarter. I will set a stop loss on Thursday afternoon incase it sinks but I just can't see it.


I will likely sell off on Friday and hold all funds till the election is over, with Biden leading in polls I will sit back and wait for the sell off




I'm currently heavily watching ARKK that's Cathies ETF.


Side note, I bet you NOW, which is ServiceNow hits $600 by weeks end. It's a bullet train and not stopping for anybody. Earnings are Wednesday and it sounds like they are gonna absolutely smash it.




Too rich for my blood

  • Haha 1
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I had bought CHR.un (Chorus) at $2.21 about a week ago. There came news that they might have an acquisition offer but they are not announcing anything yet as nothing is confirmed. Unfortunately I had a sell order gtc at $2.68 (although I got $2.80 for it) but now it's at $3.18. Wondering if it'll go much higher on monday after market has had time to digest the news.

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On 10/24/2020 at 12:20 AM, filthycanuck said:

I mentioned a month or 2 ago I was heavy on Very.Cn (Very good food), I have 75% return so far, really nice company, canadian version of Beyond Meat. Its about $2.50 right now and a lot of stuff coming down the pipeline, just started eastern canada distribution, vancouver and california factories are coming online mid-late 2021 to meet the insane demand.

I have a few hundred of Baby.F (else nutrition) and doc.cn. (cloud md) All these are long term holds, there not much volatility but a steady climb in growing spaces. But Very.CN is the one im most excited about. Loaded with potential, growing fast, the CEO knows his stuff and most of all, the food is great!

I'll take a flyer on Very.CN. I like what I'm seeing


Right now my Canadian holdings are Lightspeed POS, Aritzia, and EARK (follows ARKK, but in Canadian dollars). 

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5 hours ago, NucksPatsFan said:

They just acquired a half stake in my friend’s company 

Ya, it's already about 6% of my overall portfolio, I'm buying up till it gets to 10%. It's the future of health care in Canada sped up by covid. 

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What are people's general feelings about the market moving forward as we close out the year? Cases are rising, Italy and spain are imposing curfews, markets are near their previous record highs, valuations are high, PE ratios are high, the USA election is up in the air with a possibility of the result being questioned, VIX is low. It seems disconnected. I am in mostly long holds (canadian banks, IT, tech) but there seems to be a doom and gloom narrative starting to brew.

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2 minutes ago, I.Am.Ironman said:

What are people's general feelings about the market moving forward as we close out the year? Cases are rising, Italy and spain are imposing curfews, markets are near their previous record highs, valuations are high, PE ratios are high, the USA election is up in the air with a possibility of the result being questioned, VIX is low. It seems disconnected. I am in mostly long holds (canadian banks, IT, tech) but there seems to be a doom and gloom narrative starting to brew.

“The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.”


They’ve been predicting doom and gloom for the market since June. There will be tons of money to be made. Even in the most bearish market you can make money with puts and shorts and playing short term with catalyst plays. 


Unless there’s a full on collapse like 08 which I don’t personally believe happens. 

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11 hours ago, I.Am.Ironman said:

What are people's general feelings about the market moving forward as we close out the year? Cases are rising, Italy and spain are imposing curfews, markets are near their previous record highs, valuations are high, PE ratios are high, the USA election is up in the air with a possibility of the result being questioned, VIX is low. It seems disconnected. I am in mostly long holds (canadian banks, IT, tech) but there seems to be a doom and gloom narrative starting to brew.

I originally thought to increase cash prior to the USA election as I anticipated negative sentiment no matter who wins. Cash + equivalents + gold now sits at roughly 30%. Are valuations high? In tech for sure but they have growth and that is a valuable asset. My value stocks are barely recovered from pre Covid levels. It all seems to come down to a vaccine. Vaccines likely start rolling out in December/January. Combine that with massive USA government spending (no matter who wins) and markets should go up. I stay in my gold play no matter what as America/Canada and the world start to realize the financial fallout of all the spending. I can easily see 2021 as a seriously down year and likely a precursor of years to come.  

  • Cheers 1
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22 minutes ago, NucksPatsFan said:

What the institutions did to/are doing to SPAQ should be in the curriculum for people studying to become traders/analysts.


Objectively, if I remove myself from the equation, what a beautiful walk down by the whales from 15 down to 9.75. 

I’ve been shorting it.... Sorry bro but it’s easy money. I know I said I would never short but just too many new traders which equals weak hands.

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30 minutes ago, AriGold2.0 said:

I’ve been shorting it.... Sorry bro but it’s easy money. I know I said I would never short but just too many new traders which equals weak hands.

No need to apologize take the easy money. I don’t have much of my holding left and have made back the losses through FUBO. 

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22 minutes ago, Tortorella's Rant said:

So what the hell is going on today?

the long awaited correction. Last night, when I made that post, I just had that feeling. I was going to sell today but I am still up on my long holds so I'm going to weather the storm. I have some cash on had so I may go shopping tomorrow if it continues.


Looking at AT&T and probably buy more VGRO. I want AT&T in anticipation of 5g and to add to my dividend stocks. Many are predicting a stagnant next few years, which to me makes sense, so I may as well be in stocks that are going to pay me a dividend.

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