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Young Dman to Acquire (Discussion/Proposal)

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With the rapid emergence of Ben Hutton, we are unexpectedly deep in LHD, and more able to move Hamhuis now, then before.

My suggestion is to move him now, while his name still brings up thoughts of solid ability, and teams are looking for a veteran presence to keep tem in the playoffs.

I think now is the time as there is less risk of him fading and bringing back a lesser asset.

My suggestions/proposals are as follows:

Bowey  for Hamhuis   +  Shinkaruk      Washington doesn't need to do this, but would.......they can feel it!

Theodore  for Hamhuis   straight across      Anaheim does this to stabilize the young blueline, we may need to take a cash dump back.

Pouliot  For  Hamhuis cap retained      How long can they afford to keep Malkin and Crosby together without winning a cup

Fleury + 2016 2nd  for  Hamhuis + Shinkaruk    Carolina is knee deep in young Dmen, the kicker for them is Shinkaruk, the 2nd might be a 3rd

My worry is Hamhuis get hurt or declines in ability..............

The reason these teams (excluding Carolina) does this is the cost will go up if Hamhuis stays healthy. Pittsburg and Anaheim

Maybe I am reaching, but I think we should do it now!

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Anaheim might, depending on how desperate they are.  Thing is, they already have Despres (signed to new contract), Lindholm (already a big-minute stud) and Fowler on their left side D-group.  Even Stoner commands a pretty penny and plays on the left side.  If one or more of the young kids gets injured or falters in their play maybe they'd swing for Hammer if they're close to the playoffs.  Doubt a rough start such as theirs would be enough for them to tear apart the farm to bring in Hammer as they have the pieces to do damage once they gain momentum.

Pittsburgh also might, but we'll have to take a salary back along with the positive assets.  Hammer just might solidify things enough in Steeltown to help Fleury thrive, but we'll have to take on a cap dump if we take Pouliot as well (which very well could happen).

Doubt Carolina would be in the running, their team should go into selling after this season with how the season started.  Building around Faulk, Hanifin and likely their kids, I doubt they'd get a vet for any kind of deadline push as they won't be playing after the regular season ends.

I doubt Washington does it, both Orpik and Alzner are solid, physical guys in their own end.

I'd also add Columbus to the list.  Their current roster should put them in contention but they just need someone to really help Bob out in net and Hammer's a solid defenseman.  IMO if J.K. is smart they'd make a move to try and right the ship.  

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The return would probably be greater around the deadline. We are so early in the season teams don't really know where they're going to be. A team could trade a good prospect for Hamhuis now and then get a rash of injuries and miss the playoffs. Then they'd have to trade him themselves if they couldn't sign him or Hamhuis could walk. That's how GM's get themselves fired.

I'd wait until the deadline and let a feeding frenzy occur as contenders shore up their rosters.

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The return would probably be greater around the deadline. We are so early in the season teams don't really know where they're going to be. A team could trade a good prospect for Hamhuis now and then get a rash of injuries and miss the playoffs. Then they'd have to trade him themselves if they couldn't sign him or Hamhuis could walk. That's how GM's get themselves fired.

I'd wait until the deadline and let a feeding frenzy occur as contenders shore up their rosters.

trade him when we can get a second, or equivalent prospect, the sooner the better.

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I have to kind of agree with the Carolina comment.......they really don't have much need for Hamhuis......I was trying to force it a little I must admit....but the thought was that Carolina is flush with young Dman and not a lot up front......thought it was a lateral kind of move young Damn out, young offensive forward in....Hamhuis was the equalizer....I agree though...not a great idea

Thought about Columbus, but I was looking for young Dmen.......don't think Columbus can afford to give any away.....

I still think this is the time to move Hamhuis.......

Just as an explanation, I would really be happy if we had one more young high Offensive Dman, as it would take the pressure off at the draft.....not saying Benning will absolutely take a Dman then, but if we had one already(besides Hutton) it would be much easier for him to make his pick...just saying

Hamhuis seems like the logical choice...just a thought!

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I have to kind of agree with the Carolina comment.......they really don't have much need for Hamhuis......I was trying to force it a little I must admit....but the thought was that Carolina is flush with young Dman and not a lot up front......thought it was a lateral kind of move young Damn out, young offensive forward in....Hamhuis was the equalizer....I agree though...not a great idea

Thought about Columbus, but I was looking for young Dmen.......don't think Columbus can afford to give any away.....

I still think this is the time to move Hamhuis.......

Just as an explanation, I would really be happy if we had one more young high Offensive Dman, as it would take the pressure off at the draft.....not saying Benning will absolutely take a Dman then, but if we had one already(besides Hutton) it would be much easier for him to make his pick...just saying

Hamhuis seems like the logical choice...just a thought!

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max for him is a second, so as soon as we can get that move him and make space for a youngster.  That's a win win.

haha max is a second???

Antoine fricken Vermette got a first last year, Paul fricken Gaustad got a first on deadline day as well.

Hamhuis is a #2-3 Dman on any team in the league, his minimum value is a first round selection, or an upper tier D prospect

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haha max is a second???

Antoine fricken Vermette got a first last year, Paul fricken Gaustad got a first on deadline day as well.

Hamhuis is a #2-3 Dman on any team in the league, his minimum value is a first round selection, or an upper tier D prospect

You know Logic,,,can't agree with you........Hamhuis is a #3 on our team, and we are kind of short on Dmen.......he may be even a #4??????...............I think he is better in a package deal. going after an high end prospect.........or finding a very desperate team....aka at the deadline.....kinda shot myself in the foot on that, but my worry is he gets injured as he usually does near the DL


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haha max is a second???

Antoine fricken Vermette got a first last year, Paul fricken Gaustad got a first on deadline day as well.

Hamhuis is a #2-3 Dman on any team in the league, his minimum value is a first round selection, or an upper tier D prospect

I sure hope you're right.  If we could get some sucker to give us a first, or an A prospect for him that would be awesome.

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Our left side is suddenly pretty stable with Hamhuis, Edler, Hutton and Sbisa. I've liked Sbisa as a 3rd pairing lefty, and Edler and Hutton will likely be our top-2 lefties for the next few years as Hutton slowly replaces Edler over time.

The problem now is on the right side (which used to be our strong suite with Tanev, Clendening, Corrado and Subban in the ranks). Now we just have Tanev and Weber, with Subban still a good 2-3+ years away from top-4 minutes.


I'd be happy to trade Hamhuis + pick/Jensen for an early-20 year old right handed defenceman who can play 15 minutes this season, then 20 minutes next year.

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The emergence of Hutton definitely makes moving Hamhuis a possibility.  There's no need to be hasty though.  Let Hutton develop a bit for starters. Hammer is the best mentor for Hutton on the team.  It's easier for a young player to play well if he knows that the team isn't relying on him to play well.  Secondly, Hamhuis' contract situation makes him a classic rental.  There's no point in JB losing his cool and moving him before he can get maximum value.

Hamhuis will go to a team like Pittsburgh who needs help on the back end and a solid defenseman might put them over the top.  So the return would be a 20-30th pick (+ if they're lucky).

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Tryamkin is ready.  Bring him over.  If not him, then Pedan.  

How is he ready? Have you ever seen him play, I have not, aside from the WJ a few years back.

Besides he is still under contract with Yekaterinburg for another 2 years I believe, after that he will most likely get one year in the A

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I think the Anaheim trade could work, depending on how things go for the next little bit. The Ducks have the space to take in Hamhuis, but they would not want to commit to him after this year as Lindholm, Vatanen and Andersen all need new contracts. That's why I think they are the team that will most likely bite on an expiring contract. I wouldn't even mind throwing in a 3rd to really sweeten the deal:



Hamhuis + 3rd Round Pick 2016





For the rest of the season our left side would be Edler, Hutton and Sbisa, with Bartkowski maybe replacing Hutton if he's not ready for top-4 minutes yet.

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Good thread, many good points.

I agree with some that it's too early for this trade.  Both because we don't know where the Canucks will be around the deadline, as well as that we can likely get a higher price at the deadline.

With that said, I also agree with the OP that this season is the time to sell Hamhuis before his value starts dropping more.  Getting a young defenseman would be a huge piece of our future.

Someone mentioned Columbus, and I think there is almost no chance of this working, but I would absolutely love to see us put a great package together for Ryan Murray starting with Hamhuis 

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