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[Report] RHD European FA Linus Hulstrom looking to sign a NHL contract

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4 hours ago, desiboynux4lifee******* said:

first sign this guy, much younger has potential

then move Sbisa or Edler, get more prospects, eg younger 






This unknown over Edler and Sbisa? No wonder no1 takes you seriously on these boards lol.

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1 hour ago, DeNiro said:

Didn't you know Hulstrom is this years Sanguinetti?


He's got superstar potential.

He needs a new AHL player to drool over lol. However Hulstrom does look pretty good, better than Sanguinetti anyway, but to think hes better than Edler and Sbisa is just silly.

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In all seriousness, there is another swedish defensive prospect Lukas Bengtsson who is apparently negotiating with a few NHL clubs that I would be more excited to sign. His stats aren't very telling but I've watched him live twice and he can really control the puck along the blueline and has a fantastic outlet pass. 

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17 hours ago, oldnews said:

Listen to the hat-talkers in here who haven't seen Hulstrom or Larsen - perhaps a couple highlights at best - pretending to tell us who is better, who has more upside, who makes whom redundant.


Thanks for the morning laugh - coffee came out my nose!


If it weren't for the micro managers that post 90% of the content here what kind of place could this be?

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On 3/25/2016 at 1:56 AM, Diamond NHL said:

+ I heard no income tax in Florida?

Not sure about no tax, but know it is much less and is a reason FLA is intriguing for players to sign.  Getting more of their paycheck. 

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On ‎25‎/‎03‎/‎2016 at 1:32 PM, desiboynux4lifee******* said:

great model of mediocrity we have right now lol


do  you really think Sbisa and Edler will take us to the promise land 


edler will be 30 next year, why not trade him for a younger asset?


2 things:


1.  The Canucks are half way through the rebuild.  They would be very stupid to change plans now.  Going full Toronto is only for supremely dysfunctional teams.


2.  Don't confuse the disaster we are going through right now with Bennings plan.  Too many injuries, several veterans becoming ineffective before expected and the injection of too much youth (less team structure) at one time.  When people said there would be a few bumps in the road along the rebuild, this is what they meant.


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