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For the first time since 1970, No Canadian team qualifies for the Playoffs.


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Ok, so how is this Bettman's fault?


Didn't he recently bring a team back into Canada? 


Maybe the respective management, coaching staff and players on Canadian teams should stop sucking so bad.


Calgary could have made the playoffs if they bothered to grab a better goalie in the offseason instead of Dougie Hamilton. It was well established that Calgary's goaltending was poor going into this year.


Edmonton is Edmonton. However, they had more than their fair share of injuries including McDavid. A healthy McDavid would have got them at least a few more wins.


Vancouver- It's a bloody mess, what can I say. The coaching has been substandard, Benning can't even get draft picks for pending UFAs, and the Sedins can no longer stay healthy. Canucks sent 2 of their regulars, including recently acquired Brandon Prust to the minors FFS. Ridiculous. Canucks need a coaching change and need to clean out some more old vets.


Winnipeg- Even if everything goes their way, they aren't as good as most other teams in their division. Their only hope was a wildcard spot right out of the gate, and even that was a stretch.


Montreal- Lots of injuries now, but they should have fired Therrien 1/2 way thru the season. Yeah, Price was injured, but it's no excuse to lose 20 of 25 games or whatever they lost afterwards.


Toronto - Sucked long before Bettman got here and probably will long after we are all dead.


Ottawa- Best of the bunch, but they have been inconsistent all year long. Anderson has been average and Hamburglar is out of the secret sauce that made him unbeatable last year.


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11 hours ago, milk and honey said:

I am really wondering how many Canadians will watch the playoffs. Now that the playoffs will have no Canadian teams.



Most Canadians that watch hockey are hockey fans I think many of us will still watch at least a few games. I know I'll watch a few I'll just have to pick a team to get behind I'm liking Florida and Washington this year.

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This will literally have no substantial effect on anything.

I also couldn't care less.  Canadian teams winning means nothing to me with the exception of Vancouver.

And lol at the Bettman bashing.  The victim complex on this forum is too real for some people.


Rooting for Florida, Nashville, and Washington this year.

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It sucks that no Canadian team is in it this year, but it will suck even more if the Red Wings don't make it as they're my second favourite team. Will be cheering on for them if they make it. If they don't, then I don't know - maybe the Capitals? Would be nice to see Ovechkin finally winning it, they have played very well this season.

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Considering the last time a Canadian team was on the verge of winning the cup and how the nation and it's media vilified them I find it laughable that we suddenly have this outrage in our country 


Basically what the NHL wants you to do is spend as much money as you can during the regular season for your Canadian team so they can send more money to the struggling southern markets and then root for your favourite American team during the playoffs.


No thanks. Canucks or nothing for me. 

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Meh, by the time playoffs come, weather here in Vancouver would be getting nice, days are longer, lots of things to do than sit indoors to watch the playoffs.


I don't know if its the reformatting, or these so called new rivalry NHL is trying to sell us, but last playoffs was boring.


I used to watch every series, no matter which teams. Last year I didn't even bother for the finals. Hopped on the NBA playoff finals wagon, and I've NEVER LIKED basketball.


This year, MAYBE I will catch a game or two, if not only to see how Washington does, guess they will be who I would root for this playoffs.

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31 minutes ago, Toews said:

About as many times as a senile old man pretending to be a "furry alien" has spammed this forum.

I'm not senile!  I'm incontinent.  :frantic:  And I prefer KLIK!!!! Spam is for poor people, who can't afford the quality stuff.  

God!  It's so very frustrating trying to keep the youth of this board properly educated.  :lol:

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11 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

I get the feeling he's very familiar with the inside of a high school locker.

Also very familiar with having a net worth of 40 Million dollars. With that kinda cash he could get hypnotherapy to forget he was ever bullied, and still have enough for a new pair of socks every day...& a couple Lambo's.

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12 minutes ago, falcon45ca said:

Also very familiar with having a net worth of 40 Million dollars. With that kinda cash he could get hypnotherapy to forget he was ever bullied, and still have enough for a new pair of socks every day...& a couple Lambo's.

Hey I never said he didn't do well for himself after high school. I imagine a guy gets a lot of time to plot his future while waiting for the janitor to come by with the bolt cutters and let him out. :P


As for Canadians not watching the playoffs. Why wouldn't they? Plenty of top class Canadian players will be playing Weber, Doughty, Toews, Stamkos etc.


If you've been following your Canadian team all year you've been subjected to a ton of low quality, boring games.


Now is the chance to see the game at it's best. Caps vs Ranger, Philly vs Pitts, Chicago vs LA, ANA vs SJ. Sign me up, I want to be refreshed on what quality hockey looks like.

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I'm sure Bettman has a perma-smile on his goblin face. Canadians will watch, because we're Canadians. Hockey is our game. Just because there are no Canadian teams in the playoffs, doesn't reflect on Canadian talent. Now if it was all Canadian teams left in the playoffs, how many Americans would watch? Probably zero, or some dude in Minnesota. Although, gotta be honest, I won't be watching as closely as I'm not invested in any other team. More out of curiosity, and like someone else has said, to watch the Ducks get eliminated. Hopefully the Hawks will also follow suit. Seeing Keith hoist the Cup again may make me ill.

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32 minutes ago, Alflives said:

I'm not senile!  I'm incontinent.  :frantic:  And I prefer KLIK!!!! Spam is for poor people, who can't afford the quality stuff.  

God!  It's so very frustrating trying to keep the youth of this board properly educated.  :lol:

KLIK with the little key! Classic lol

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Doesn't Ottawa still have a (long) shot at making it?  They have 5 games left and stand at 79 points in the Eastern Division.  If Boston and Detroit lose their remaining games, and the Sens win all 5 of their games, they are in the top 3 with 89 points while Boston has 88 and Detroit 87.

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Hopefully this is as bad as it ever gets for Canadian NHL teams. All of them were flat out garbage this season, none were close to making the playoffs.


My interest level for the playoffs is down to almost zero. This entire season has been probably the worst as far back as I can remember. Looking forward to the draft lottery and moving on to the offseason.



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