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8 minutes ago, Blueberries said:

3 reasons for this (for me at least):


Sportsnet hockey coverage is bad

No Canucks 

For the life of me, I have no idea why people are badmouthing the Sportsnet coverage.  They show every game and have some of the worlds best hockey announcers. Because they don't have Mackenzie,Ferraro and Dreger then they suck?  Don't think so.  I liked TSN as well but SPN does a great job.


Or is it because they don't say enough nice things about our beloved Canucks??

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Long ways back, I wish Cdn fans would've smelled a rat, & starved this beast. Stop spending on this travesty.


Back in the 70's they had moxie & backbone. I saw one documentary, where Paul Henderson RETURNED his WHA salary, as he didn't feel his play warranted such pay. What a man, & deserving hero for kids to admire.


We'll never see such honour again. Hockey Gods awarded him with three of the most important goals in history. So appropriate.


A WHA(Canadian version 2.0) is what this corrupt pack of HQ-lawyers deserved..at least 15~20 yrs ago.


With the equipment & technological(spec cameras) breakthroughs evolving from the early-90's, this league COULD have been absolutely brilliant, in the right hands. They needed to ensure a level playing field; & enhance the offense, spontaneity & passion of this great game.


It's not ONLY hockey folks. Look at any important cultural/social pastime, & it's relative-descent. Follow the money. The wayward path will invariably take one back to a certain place. A country that supposedly values freedom(& cash) to a degree that everyone HAS to suffer in it's attainment.

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Why would anyone want to watch hockey anymore. No more fights, rivalries, not allowed to hit, terrible officiating, goalies are pretty much unbeatable and all the creativity is coached out of every player. 




You don't see boxing/UFC taking out punches to the head or football changing anything because of concussions and stuff. The players know the risks, that's why they get payed millions of dollars, let them play.... Obviously headhunting should not be allowed, but if it's accidental whatever, keep your head up, that's hockey.


Hockey is by far my favorite sport which is why I continue to watch, but mostly just the playoffs or any other hockey that's on, that's not the NHL.

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1 minute ago, Erik Karlsson said:

Why would anyone want to watch hockey anymore. No more fights, rivalries, not allowed to hit, terrible officiating, goalies are pretty much unbeatable and all the creativity is coached out of every player. 




You don't see boxing/UFC taking out punches to the head or football changing anything because of concussions and stuff. The players know the risks, that's why they get payed millions of dollars, let them play.... Obviously headhunting should not be allowed, but if it's accidental whatever, keep your head up, that's hockey.


Hockey is by far my favorite sport which is why I continue to watch, but mostly just the playoffs or any other hockey that's on, that's not the NHL.

Football has made a lot of changed wtf are you talking about? 

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Just now, peaches5 said:

If you think hockey needs fighting to be entertaining.. you are not a hockey fan.

Oh please, considering I've played hockey all my life and in the Dub, I'd say I'm more of a fan than you are. (and probably a lot more knowledgeable)


Way to pick the least important things in my post to bitch about.

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17 minutes ago, Stelar said:

For the life of me, I have no idea why people are badmouthing the Sportsnet coverage.  They show every game and have some of the worlds best hockey announcers. Because they don't have Mackenzie,Ferraro and Dreger then they suck?  Don't think so.  I liked TSN as well but SPN does a great job.


Or is it because they don't say enough nice things about our beloved Canucks??

Well firstly, their team of George kyper and Healy is terrible. Elliote is great, but barely gets to talk. 


Hughson is fine still, but then again 18 year old sam bennett. 


If you think they are doing a great job you should watch TSN, NBC (SNF), TNT. Now that's entertainment.

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Just now, Erik Karlsson said:

Oh please, considering I've played hockey all my life and in the Dub, I'd say I'm more of a fan than you are. (and probably a lot more knowledgeable)


Way to pick the least important things in my post to bitch about.


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Playoffs are so much better than regular season. The pace is a lot faster, it's way more physical, brilliant goaltending, crazy loud fans, longer stretches without a whistle, end to end action and beautiful goals. I love it. It's just unfortunate there isn't a Canadian team to cheer for, more so the Canucks. So I'm pulling for NYI, WAS, MIN, TB and NSH. What I'm really going to love is watching Benning announce Vancouver's 1st pick at the draft.

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2 hours ago, Mackcanuck said:

I am a big sports fan, watched some games, portions of others, will watch game 7 of Royals / Rockets tonight.

Sportsnet guys are terrible, Strombo, Cox, PJ Stock, Spector, Shannon, MacLean, Healy and Kypreos all hated the Canucks until ratings dictated they had to start being nicer but it was to late for all of those biased d!cks



2 hours ago, HC20.0 said:

Honestly, Sportsnet has been a huge turn off for me since that deal. Even HNIC is dying now because of it. As much as I dislike MacLean, Strombo makes me miss him badly. TSN was by far the best network for anything hockey. That's part of the problem, since the TV deal went down, quality went down severely. Can't stand watching PJ Stock or some other Sportsnet loser EVERY GAME. 



55 minutes ago, Stelar said:

For the life of me, I have no idea why people are badmouthing the Sportsnet coverage.  They show every game and have some of the worlds best hockey announcers. Because they don't have Mackenzie,Ferraro and Dreger then they suck?  Don't think so.  I liked TSN as well but SPN does a great job.


Or is it because they don't say enough nice things about our beloved Canucks??


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3 hours ago, Spotted Zebra said:

What a shame. The hockey is the best it's been in years. People who only watch for Canadian teams are missing out

Wow I actually couldn't disagree more.

I mean it's your opinion so fair enough, but I haven't found NHL games this boring to watch since, well... ever.  I honestly preferred the dead-puck era.  

I don't know what it is.  Maybe it's the lack of physicality, the lack of creativity in the game (for most teams), maybe it's the fact that a majority of teams play to defend 1 goal leads have the time, but I'm finding that a majority of the games I watch now are devoid of excitement.

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51 minutes ago, peaches5 said:

If you think hockey needs fighting to be entertaining.. you are not a hockey fan.

It doesn't hurt. A fight at a hockey game gets all the fans out of their seats and into the game. A fight makes a hockey game very entertaining, I've been a hockey fan for decades and i can enjoy a game without a fight. I can also enjoy a 0-0 game that goes to shoot out, but a fight and/or a few goals is what gets me going. 


As far as I'm concerned fighting is part of hockey just as much as scoring goals is. It's "part of the game". 

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Just now, Jägermeister said:

Wow I actually couldn't disagree more.

I mean it's your opinion so fair enough, but I haven't found NHL games this boring to watch since, well... ever.  I honestly preferred the dead-puck era.  

I don't know what it is.  Maybe it's the lack of physicality, the lack of creativity in the game (for most teams), maybe it's the fact that a majority of teams play to defend 1 goal leads have the time, but I'm finding that a majority of the games I watch now are devoid of excitement.

Did you watch the last minute of the Kings/Sharks in game one. No one scored a goal but it was the most exciting hockey I've seen in a long time

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1 hour ago, Erik Karlsson said:

Why would anyone want to watch hockey anymore. No more fights, rivalries, not allowed to hit, terrible officiating, goalies are pretty much unbeatable and all the creativity is coached out of every player. 




You don't see boxing/UFC taking out punches to the head or football changing anything because of concussions and stuff. The players know the risks, that's why they get payed millions of dollars, let them play.... Obviously headhunting should not be allowed, but if it's accidental whatever, keep your head up, that's hockey.


Hockey is by far my favorite sport which is why I continue to watch, but mostly just the playoffs or any other hockey that's on, that's not the NHL.

I could live with a lot of the issues but the goalie thing is killing it for me.  When someone gets a chance I don't get excited...I just sit here and wait for the puck to suddenly bounce in off someones ass.



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Ratings drop has nothing to do with SportsNet vs TSN. 


Only the hardcore fans even know about the different TV networks and hosts, casual fans who would be watching if the Canucks were in the playoffs have no idea about TV contracts, player salaries, salary cap etc. etc. etc. They don't know the announcers names. They just watch hockey because its the buzz in the city. 


People like us who know all these details still watch and will continue to watch, we are the 39%. 

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Has anyone else noticed all the "hockey never been more exciting" defense even with no goals.... how many of these same people make fun of soccer for all the 1-0 games?  Difference is I seem to be more entertained by bad soccer than bad Hockey I guess.  Just an interesting thing that with all the emphasis on lack of goal/chances= boring games people would then say it "NEVER" been more exciting...just say'in. 

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