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By popular demand? Never drank it so I wouldn't know, but..


If Coke made crystal, it would be way better, like so much better, Coke would make crystal so much better than Pepsi. It would be great.


They'd make it so great, because it's Coke, and Coke is just so much greater than Pepsi. Like, much more great, massively greater in fact. So much greater that people who like Pepsi should have to wear a Pepsi armband just so we know who they are. Because I think they're dangerous.


Coke would make crystal huge... and crystal. It would be the biggest crystal cola ever. The best, none would have ever been greater or better than the great Crystal Coke.


Let's face it, Coke would make crystal so much better than Pepsi, that Pepsi would even like it so much better.


Pepsi would like it so much they'd pay to distribute it, and they would like it and be happy happy to pay for it.

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7 minutes ago, luckylager said:

By popular demand? Never drank it so I wouldn't know, but..


If Coke made crystal, it would be way better, like so much better, Coke would make crystal so much better than Pepsi. It would be great.


They'd make it so great, because it's Coke, and Coke is just so much greater than Pepsi. Like, much more great, massively greater in fact. So much greater that people who like Pepsi should have to wear a Pepsi armband just so we know who they are. Because I think they're dangerous.


Coke would make crystal huge... and crystal. It would be the biggest crystal cola ever. The best, none would have ever been greater or better than the great Crystal Coke.


Let's face it, Coke would make crystal so much better than Pepsi, that Pepsi would even like it so much better.


Pepsi would like it so much they'd pay to distribute it, and they would like it and be happy happy to pay for it.

so  this crystal "coke" your talking about does sound good ,like real good ,almost illegal good .  cola wars ,nope never a good thing I'm out.... 

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27 minutes ago, luckylager said:

By popular demand? Never drank it so I wouldn't know, but..


If Coke made crystal, it would be way better, like so much better, Coke would make crystal so much better than Pepsi. It would be great.


They'd make it so great, because it's Coke, and Coke is just so much greater than Pepsi. Like, much more great, massively greater in fact. So much greater that people who like Pepsi should have to wear a Pepsi armband just so we know who they are. Because I think they're dangerous.


Coke would make crystal huge... and crystal. It would be the biggest crystal cola ever. The best, none would have ever been greater or better than the great Crystal Coke.


Let's face it, Coke would make crystal so much better than Pepsi, that Pepsi would even like it so much better.


Pepsi would like it so much they'd pay to distribute it, and they would like it and be happy happy to pay for it.


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