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JB on TSN1040: draft + Lucic + Stamkos + PK Subban talk


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The talking heads on 1040 are rambling on about how Montreal asked Edmonton For Draisaitl + 4th overall, deducing it would take the 5th overall + Horvat + (something) to get Subban.


No thanks, PK is great but 5th overall + Horvat + 10+ million in savings probably worth more.

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14 minutes ago, aliboy said:

Tanev + Virtanen + 5th overall for PK.


I would do this deal, still leaves us Hank, Sutter, Bo down the middle, we can add a winger or two, yet the offense from the D will be night and day from last season. I think our D would be lights out if we added PK, even if we give up Tanev.


I tried to delete the top part of Russians post but couldn't. I also think JB needs to be careful about what he says about players under contract, namely Stamkos.

All of that just for PK


At 12% of our total cap...are you nuts?

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4 minutes ago, DontMessMe said:


That would be the equivalent of Horvat/Virtanen/Boeser+5th+something 


from a Canucks perspective 




Edit: leave out Horvat and I easily do this deal. Would prefer to deal Virtanen over Boeser imho.

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2 minutes ago, 250Integra said:

The "rumour" or "speculation" revolves around Tanev + Hansen + 5th for Subban + 9th.


But of course, this is from Dreger.

If that's the deal than I hope Benning takes it. Doesn't include Boeser or Virtanen. Lol.
Jordan and P.K together on the same D pair one day...? Beautiful. 


Or... we could just keep the guy who beat out P.K for a spot on the Sochi Canadian squad B)


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3 minutes ago, TheRussianRocket. said:

That would be the equivalent of Horvat/Virtanen/Boeser+5th+something 


from a Canucks perspective 




Edit: leave out Horvat and I easily do this deal. Would prefer to deal Virtanen over Boeser imho.

For sure. Virtanen and the Fifth for Subban is a yes 10 times out of 10, Horvat is the only asset on this team we should not be trading 

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9 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

All of that just for PK


At 12% of our total cap...are you nuts?

JB is quoted as saying that if there's a deal to be made negotiations may go through the night, is he nuts? Of course you try to make the deal, at least he knows that.

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Subban... trying to imagine what it would be like having potentially another 2 brother line tandem on this team. I think the probability is there for the future, but not this season.

Subban's value has to go down a bit, and make him humble, imo, but a great NHL player.


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Wow, Subban is expensive. I like the direction our team is going, with Horvat, Virtanen, Hutton, Gudbranson, Tryamkin, Boeser, Stecher, and maybe Dubois or Tkachuk. To trade a few of these guys for a clown like Subban, I'd be very wary of that. Stay the course JB, let some other team, gut their future for PK. If it's EDM, I hope they trade Draisaitl and their 4th. lol


PK's used to playing in the east, soft travel, etc. If he joins the Pac Division where the teams are bigger and nastier, it'll be interesting to see how he performs.

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14 minutes ago, 250Integra said:

The "rumour" or "speculation" revolves around Tanev + Hansen + 5th for Subban + 9th.


But of course, this is from Dreger.

If this were true it would get done. Perhaps they would also take Burr.

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1 minute ago, Where'd Luongo? said:

I get that, I'm just stating what Montreal would want from us.

Yeah I agree that's probably abut right. After reading the Weisbrod article I posted, that would be pretty much the opposite of what he claims the philosophy is. I sure hope they don't get distracted from that by the "shiny object"   

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10 minutes ago, SunnyHours said:

So what constitutes tampering? Expressing interest in players under contract with another team? Aren't both stamkos and subban under contract? 

It's an interesting question.


The league ruled that the following statement, made by Ron Wilson on the eve of free agency, was tampering and a punishable offense:


"You're hearing right now — and this sounds very contradictory — but there is a real possibility I would think that we would be going after the Sedins. Let's just speculate there"


Which isn't all that different from what Benning is reported to have said:


"[Stamkos is] gonna have lots of interest across the league. But we'll talk to him and see where it goes"


Probably Benning kept things general enough by talking about the league-wide interest and then suggesting the Canucks would merely talk to Stamkos, as opposed to Wilson saying the Leafs were "going after" the Sedins.


But it's really skirting the line.


As for the Subban stuff, I think the league's previous rulings (such as the Burke comments about Vancouver shopping players) suggest that potential trade discussions don't generally constitute tampering, so Benning is probably safe there.


And with Lucic, the Kings have already said the other 29 teams can talk to him, so tampering isn't really an issue.


But that comment about talking to Stamkos, whether it's tampering or not, is probably one that Benning could have kept to himself until Saturday (when the interview period starts).

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51 minutes ago, stawns said:

I think it was more that Gillis was neither liked nor trusted by other GM's.  The combination of being a former agent and always trying to "win" deals outright was like repellent for trading partners

I was just about to post this same thing. Benning has already earned a lot of currency around the league by offering fair deals. He may even be perceived as a pushover by some GMs for some of the deals he has done. I think that has already paid off for him, when you hear that the Panthers called JB about a deal for Gudbranson before talking to any other other team. Benning is crazy like a fox and I think he deserves a lot more credit than he gets. Sure he has made some mistakes already, but he is quick to cut bait on players that can't pull their weight.

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