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Making a case for a 2017-2018 playoff berth


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Just now, stawns said:

Why wouldn't Boeser?  Because he scored 4 goals in meaningless games at the end of last season?  A rookie spending time in a development league is a good thing.

Yes it can be but Boeser won't be going down. I'd wager everything I had on that

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2 minutes ago, stawns said:

That's a helluva argument you put forth there.  Im convinced!

Boeser is 20 going on 21. He spent the past 2 seasons in a development league called the NCHC playing against men, not boys. He proved himself there and after coming to Vancouver he also proved that he can handle himself, mind you it was over a small sample size. He will 100% start the season in Vancouver and will likely stick for the season unless he plays horribly for a stretch of games or gets injured and his replacement lights it up.

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I don't think we will make it. In fact it would not be a good thing as others have mentioned, because of our drafting position. But also a false sense of security. Like Willie's first year. Making the playoffs that season was the worst time for that to happen. It emboldened management and ownership to continue the "retooling" instead of rebuilding, thinking we can have our cake and eat it too. We are now at least two years behind where we could have been.


But I had to give the OP a + just to counter the negs.  I can't believe a poster on a Canadian city hockey forum would get negs for simply suggesting (however naive) their team has a shot at making the playoffs. :o

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27 minutes ago, stawns said:

That's a helluva argument you put forth there.  Im convinced!

If Boeser doesn't make the team ....it is a sign that management wants to dive to bottom again this season....so he will be on the team because we are not trying to dive.

Brock will score 20+ goals this year ...so why shouldn't he be on the team?


....just watch....

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22 hours ago, oldnews said:

Radulov, Hanzal and Methot could certainly conceivably put Dallas back into the playoff race.  They also - like Vancouver - need some better luck where injuries are concerned.


Winnipeg - it seems inevitable that they breakout in the near future.  Not sure any other team in the NHL has as many quality young players - and not just up front.   Perhaps Columbus' roster- but have to like the Jets future and probably prefer their prospects not yet in the NHL.


My reverse dark horse guess for the team to fall this year is Minnesota.  They still have that nucleus that has kept them in playoff contention - but they are a team that doesn't have a great deal of organizational and prospect depth - they never seem to be able to get themselves out of the first round and I'm just no sold on the quality of depth in their lineup....


I totally agree with that call on Minnesota too, the lineup is closer to falling than to advancing imo. St.Louis is another club that appears to be heading south in the Conference standings.

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12 hours ago, stawns said:

Jake, Boes and maybe Goldy might very easily spend the season in Utica.

If none of those players crack the NHL this season,.. I'd say that it would reflect badly on this management group...There would be a backlash.

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17 hours ago, stawns said:

Jake, Boes and maybe Goldy might very easily spend the season in Utica.


17 hours ago, Hortankin said:

Boeser deffiently isn't going to Utica lol.. and there's maybe a 5% chance Goldie goes down and Jake is 50/50

There's an argument to be made for both sides.


With the addition of Gagner and Burmistrov, plus Rodin, Boucher, Megna, Chaput and Gaunce things are rather thick on forward. Younger guys like Boeser, Goldobin, Virtanen may well go to Utica where they play big minutes in every role.


The flip side is will Gagner, Burmistrov, Boucher and Rodin help sell tickets? I could see Boeser being a cause for excitement and boosting ticket sales. Not so much the other young guys. Even still, a boost in ticket sales will be short lived if he doesn't produce like a star.


Ultimately it wouldn't be a bad thing for the youngsters to go to Utica. Fewer games, more practice time, and more time to workout are not bad things for a youngster. And injuries will happen so they'll be working for that call up.

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3 minutes ago, Baggins said:


There's an argument to be made for both sides.


With the addition of Gagner and Burmistrov, plus Rodin, Boucher, Megna, Chaput and Gaunce things are rather thick on forward. Younger guys like Boeser, Goldobin, Virtanen may well go to Utica where they play big minutes in every role.


The flip side is will Gagner, Burmistrov, Boucher and Rodin help sell tickets? I could see Boeser being a cause for excitement and boosting ticket sales. Not so much the other young guys. Even still, a boost in ticket sales will be short lived if he doesn't produce like a star.


Ultimately it wouldn't be a bad thing for the youngsters to go to Utica. Fewer games, more practice time, and more time to workout are not bad things for a youngster. And injuries will happen so they'll be working for that call up.

Honestly, unless you're McDavid. The AHL is the place to be. If it wasn't for that stupid Eligibility thing where you gotta play in the WHL an extra year, that league would be so much more exciting and a lot of NHL rookies would be far more NHL ready. 

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On 16/07/2017 at 3:39 PM, MattJVD said:

I actually thought we'd be a bubble team last season, guys like Granny, Horvat, and Baer took the next step and we added a top 6 winger and a good, physical 2nd pair D man. Obviously that didn't pan out. 

So I have resigned to accepting our team really isn't good. We have some good young players and pieces, but I am expecting a bottom 5 finish in the 2017-2018 season.

i had a similar feeling last season. I think i just called it to early.  if we can be in the hunt come early march ill be happy.  i think when Juolevi makes qn impact we will see this team climb up the standings.  


the one area we need help on is offense from the d men. Maybe del zotto adds some but i think we need much more contributions to have a serious push.


this year im expecting we will be a bubble team but finishing in the 9-12 range likely out come early to mid March.  i would love for us to make the playoffs but unless Juolevi and or Boeser make serious impacts i dont see us seriously challenging. LA i have no concern with but its that top 8 and dallas that have me concerned.

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9 hours ago, 6string said:

I totally agree with that call on Minnesota too, the lineup is closer to falling than to advancing imo. St.Louis is another club that appears to be heading south in the Conference standings.

yeah its exciting that our team will likely be rising as the stl, min, la, and ana's of the central start to slide.  it really leaves a good opportunity for the Alberta teams in particular.  as long as lucic s contract doesn't handicap the oilers they may have several conference final runs ahead in a few seasons time.  


oh how exciting it would be to face Winnipeg, Calgary, and Edmonton in the playoffs on a regular basis. :)  i feel bad for montreal. they need to capitalize on this window thry have.  i hope drouin can add some offensive stability to their lineup.

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9 hours ago, Honky Cat said:

If none of those players crack the NHL this season,.. I'd say that it would reflect badly on this management group...There would be a backlash.

They will do what's best for the young players and the FUTURE of the org, not the present.  If they were so dead set on young guys in the lineup, they wouldn't have signed free agent fwds.

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18 hours ago, Baggins said:


There's an argument to be made for both sides.


With the addition of Gagner and Burmistrov, plus Rodin, Boucher, Megna, Chaput and Gaunce things are rather thick on forward. Younger guys like Boeser, Goldobin, Virtanen may well go to Utica where they play big minutes in every role.


The flip side is will Gagner, Burmistrov, Boucher and Rodin help sell tickets? I could see Boeser being a cause for excitement and boosting ticket sales. Not so much the other young guys. Even still, a boost in ticket sales will be short lived if he doesn't produce like a star.


Ultimately it wouldn't be a bad thing for the youngsters to go to Utica. Fewer games, more practice time, and more time to workout are not bad things for a youngster. And injuries will happen so they'll be working for that call up.

Boeser would have to pull a " Fat Virtanen " to end up in Utica and that's not gonna happen. I expect Gaunce will spend more time in Utica reflecting the progress we have made.

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I would love to see this team sneak in the playoffs.   Damn , I'd love to see them dominate and prove all the nay sayers wrong !! 


Id also love to be bitten by a radio active spider and have great power with only a little responsibility. 


Doubt my wishes are going to come true though. 


Sincerely peter porker 

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Markstrom and Nilsson would both have to have at least 20+ win seasons for us to make the playoffs. Doubt that happening.


Our goaltending goes from one of the best in the West to one of the worst in the league's in a single off-season. We swap Tryamkin and Sbisa for Del Zotto and Wiercioch. Hutton and Stecher get better, Tanev and Gudbranson stay the same, Edler gets worse.


Our defence should take one small step forward from last year, our forwards will take 2 or 3 steps forward but goaltending takes a giant leap backwards.


On the whole we're still going to be a bottom-5 team for sure unless one of these average backup goalies has a Cinderella-season.

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5 hours ago, 6string said:

Boeser would have to pull a " Fat Virtanen " to end up in Utica and that's not gonna happen. I expect Gaunce will spend more time in Utica reflecting the progress we have made.

Most were shocked when Stecher was sent to Utica to start the season last year. Never say never. Boeser is certainly the most likely waiver exempt player to make the team though. It may come down to who would have to be exposed to waivers to keep him up.

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