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ABC cancels 'Roseanne' after racist Twitter rant


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21 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Follow the story 


Roseanne loves trump.

Trump loves Roseanne 

Roseanne said something racist

ABC cancelled her.

White house issues report of sadness 

Right wing base mumbles whatabouts

Comedian calls trumps daughter name

White house issues statement

Furst menment

Trump on twitter makes comparison


There you have it




1 hour ago, Monty said:



CDC: Thread’s about Trump, now.


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1 minute ago, debluvscanucks said:

Trump has paved the way for this stuff.  All the like minded whackadoodles (sp?) are crawling out of the woodwork, proud as punch that 'merica's great again!  So that's how the dots connect here.

I suppose. 


Racism existed before Trump and it will after. As long as you want to make everything about the guy you can a l ways connect dots if you try hard enough.

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7 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

I suppose. 


Racism existed before Trump and it will after. As long as you want to make everything about the guy you can a l ways connect dots if you try hard enough.

But, in this day and age, it's pretty inappropriate to have a racist President.  He makes everything about him, kind of seems fair to respond the same way.

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10 minutes ago, Chicken. said:


 White trash racist president 


Roseanne has mental health issues. She throws 'nazi' around a lot


Interesting take


Just watched some of your video. I was under the impression she was always nuts. Apparently not according to Tom.

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7 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

But, in this day and age, it's pretty inappropriate to have a racist President.  He makes everything about him, kind of seems fair to respond the same way.

Isn't that what he wants though ? For everything to be about him. He probably believes in the old adage 'any press is good press' 


For those whom are not a fan it would seem smarter to just ignore imo but idk that doesn't seem possible currently, the guy is polarizing af

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12 minutes ago, CanadianRugby said:

If I was a celebrity I wouldn't have twitter.  It's gotten so many people into trouble.  

It's useful as an additional income source through endorsing products and self-promotion. I would hire professionals to run my account if I were a celebrity.

7 minutes ago, fivethej said:

How is it fair to punish everyone else on the show.


Rumors that another network might pick it up. Don't know how true it is.

It's not fair but that's just how life and business in usual works. You are at the mercy of those higher up the chain than you. Their disastrous decisions like in this case can cost you.

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This move by ABC actually makes me sick to my stomach. Some of the storylines in the sitcom tackles issues we all face like medicare and etc. No other show really shows that part of life. So it kind of makes me sad that the show is off, they actually could have ran a lot with it. I've seen many celebrities do much worse than Roseanne but it does seem like she is unfairly vilified because she is a Trump supporter. I grew up watching her and seen some of the things she has fought for or forced a discussion on so one tweet is not going to make me change my mind on her. Everyone has off days. Away from the politics, I've always liked Roseanne, she has always been one of those give it to you straight kind of people.

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5 hours ago, smokes said:

This move by ABC actually makes me sick to my stomach. Some of the storylines in the sitcom tackles issues we all face like medicare and etc. No other show really shows that part of life. So it kind of makes me sad that the show is off, they actually could have ran a lot with it. I've seen many celebrities do much worse than Roseanne but it does seem like she is unfairly vilified because she is a Trump supporter. I grew up watching her and seen some of the things she has fought for or forced a discussion on so one tweet is not going to make me change my mind on her. Everyone has off days. Away from the politics, I've always liked Roseanne, she has always been one of those give it to you straight kind of people.

It's not 1 tweet. Take a look at her Twitter account and you'll see all sorts of horrible garbage. It's not even the first time she's called a black woman an ape.




Not to mention her poisonous tweeting of bulls*** fake news stories like Pizzagate. Some mental midget actually showed up at that pizza shop to investigate if Hillary Clinton was running a pedophile ring out of it and discharged a shotgun inside the restaurant.


Or her spreading the birther nonsense about Obama.


You want to back a bigot, go right on ahead. Just stop making excuses like "Everyone has off days".

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5 hours ago, smokes said:

This move by ABC actually makes me sick to my stomach. Some of the storylines in the sitcom tackles issues we all face like medicare and etc. No other show really shows that part of life.

Not true. There have been a lot of crappy medical dramas over the years that cover these topics.


So it kind of makes me sad that the show is off, they actually could have ran a lot with it. I've seen many celebrities do much worse than Roseanne but it does seem like she is unfairly vilified because she is a Trump supporter. 

Name those celebrities because Roseanne Barr called Valerie Jarrett an ape because she is black, Muslim brotherhood just because she was born in Iran. Why was she born in Iran? Because her African-American parents worked in a children's hospital trying to bring the benefits of modern medicine to a developing nation. 


I grew up watching her and seen some of the things she has fought for or forced a discussion on so one tweet is not going to make me change my mind on her. Everyone has off days. Away from the politics, I've always liked Roseanne, she has always been one of those give it to you straight kind of people.

*Yawn* Not entirely surprising that you have more sympathy for the racist than the woman she so callously attacked.


Oh and by the way Roseanne Barr is an even worse human being than Trump, at least Dotard serves his most offensive barbs to those who he feels have slighted him. Roseanne Barr attacked someone whose only mistake was being part of a right-wing conspiracy theory. She did not know who Valerie Jarrett was, nor did she bother to even look into the allegations even a little bit before she tweeted that. Since her "apology" she has been attacking people from her cast who condemned her comments and in general being extremely unrepentant.


By all means you can be one of those let's call them "special people" who still thinks that Bill Cosby is innocent because he played Cliff Huxtable on a tv show.

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13 hours ago, evanderkanesmoneystack said:

What's hilarious is how liberals are so quick to jump on Roseanne yet their idols such as Bill Maher have compared the current great president with an orangutan multiple times. 

Sure, clam, let's totally ignore the historical context that racists (like you! :lol:) have been calling black people apes and monkeys for generations and say that one white guy calling another white guy an orangutan is the same. 


By the way, when it comes to Bill Maher, the response from most liberals I've seen has been "Sure, take him off the air." and I share that view as well. :lol:

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10 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

But, in this day and age, it's pretty inappropriate to have a racist President.  He makes everything about him, kind of seems fair to respond the same way.

it's pretty inappropriate to have a racist anything in this day and age, but we all know they exist and likely always will.


The difference is, societal norms used to keep the racists in check, or at least hiding under their respective rocks. Cadet Bone Spurs' actions have emboldened the bigots who now feel free to "joke" about things like people's skin color, or religious affiliation. Unless, of course, that religion is Christianity. Then it's "hands off!".

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3 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Could the show go on without her?

I think so and so does Jimmy.


I'd like to see it happen. Not because I was a fan of the show, (I was indifferent) but because the other cast members and crew didn't deserve to be taken down by the racist ranting of the show's "star"....

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11 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

it's pretty inappropriate to have a racist anything in this day and age, but we all know they exist and likely always will.


The difference is, societal norms used to keep the racists in check, or at least hiding under their respective rocks. Cadet Bone Spurs' actions have emboldened the bigots who now feel free to "joke" about things like people's skin color, or religious affiliation. Unless, of course, that religion is Christianity. Then it's "hands off!".

If it ended at jokes that would be one thing. They feel emboldened enough to march in public waving nazi flags, denouncing Jews and African Americans.


The biggest gimme in politics is denouncing Nazis. Cadet Bonespurs even managed to fumble that one.

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