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Anti-vaccination, whats old is new again


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9 hours ago, BPA said:

If I was heartless...


I would say that you're not medically covered if your children contracted a disease due to your children not being vaccinated.  Let's use a form for those who opt out (so they can't say they forgot or some other BS).  A percentage of the costs of treating your child will be garnished from your wages (I'm not totally heartless). 



Do you have children?

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2 hours ago, chilliwiggins said:

My wife had an adverse reaction to a vaccine as a child and was very close to death and actually suffered permanent damage as a result, at which even at the time they exempted the Vaccine from any blame even know it was almost a immediate reaction.   You will never get an honest answer from BIG PHARMA on these incedences unless your willing to take them to court and then even at that time they settle out of court with cash for silence deals.   I could go on with this as I have a child as well that suffered from something else at birth which the medical system forced into him giving him a permanent disability, in which 3 medical lawyers in the HOWE STREET strip are drooling over to have it before a judge, in which I have to decide that before he turns 19.   They poisoned my son, and my first wife died shortly after as a result.  That very same doctor came into her hospital room, with a nurse holding a clipboard trying to exempt himself from liability with his witness at his side (NURSE & CLIPBOARD) at my late wifes deathbed only to receive the wrath of a dying mother protecting her child as he was swiftly removed from the room with FACTS that she reminded him of, and several F-BOMBS.    No tinfoil hat needed here.


When it says: MAY CAUSE SEIZURES, that means: can stop oxygen going to the brain, which can result in permanent brain damage and/or death.

AND unfortunately this I know.

thats horrible, I'm very sorry to hear that.

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2 hours ago, chilliwiggins said:

My wife had an adverse reaction to a vaccine as a child and was very close to death and actually suffered permanent damage as a result, at which even at the time they exempted the Vaccine from any blame even know it was almost a immediate reaction.   You will never get an honest answer from BIG PHARMA on these incedences unless your willing to take them to court and then even at that time they settle out of court with cash for silence deals.   I could go on with this as I have a child as well that suffered from something else at birth which the medical system forced into him giving him a permanent disability, in which 3 medical lawyers in the HOWE STREET strip are drooling over to have it before a judge, in which I have to decide that before he turns 19.   They poisoned my son, and my first wife died shortly after as a result.  That very same doctor came into her hospital room, with a nurse holding a clipboard trying to exempt himself from liability with his witness at his side (NURSE & CLIPBOARD) at my late wifes deathbed only to receive the wrath of a dying mother protecting her child as he was swiftly removed from the room with FACTS that she reminded him of, and several F-BOMBS.    No tinfoil hat needed here.


When it says: MAY CAUSE SEIZURES, that means: can stop oxygen going to the brain, which can result in permanent brain damage and/or death.

AND unfortunately this I know.

That's horrible.  Anecdotal stories like yours would be scary for even the most level headed person.  However, they do not represent the norm.  Serious adverse reactions (like your wife had as a child) to many vaccines represent like 1 in a million at worst.  Even Tylenol has side effects.  The stuff that happened to your child at birth sound more like medical malpractice, rather than anything to do with vaccines, which is what is being discussed here.  Horrible none the less.


They do keep track of reaction rates to vaccines, and not cover it up as you suggest.  Here are the WHO info sheets



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11 minutes ago, chilliwiggins said:

Correct for the most part, and I for the most part agree with you, however, it's your choice what you choose to believe.

I upon being a single parent upon my first wifes death became absorbed and fixated on digging into THE TRUTH, so to speak, which consumed my life for a few years, until it became to much and incedently pointless.  But I have held on to some of which I found out, and will retain that for life.

There is a lot of BS out there that is based purely on money.


I watched 2 doctors fighting outside my wifes room before her death over what TRUTH TO TELL HER, and that's no lie.    One of which has saying to the other doctor no matter what, you have to defend the BC Medical System, while the other doctor was saying these are family friends and I am going to tell the what I think is the best thing for them to do, which contradicted the BC Med system.   Fireable Offence to say the least, but very admirable in our family's eyes.


Look up Dr. Bryzinsky in texas.   and his cancer cure, then the FDA trying to dismantle his operation because CHEMO is a billion dollar industry.

I have a few very good finds through my journey, but again it's up to everyone to research and find there own truth's.


Nothing is as it seems, is in general terms is what I have found.


Funny how things end up as my wifes 2 best friends are Doctors and she is in the medical field, and here I sit for dinners with them a couple times a year.


All I'm saying is that the percentages of people affected by reactions from Vaccines on your WHO site are pretty much guaranteed to be inaccurate, as they are seldomly connected to vaccine injections as that goes against the COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, unless proven in court basically.


Last thing I want to do is argue with you about what happened to you and your family, so please don't take my comments in that way thats not where I'm going with this.


I've been involved in the health care industry wearing various hats for 20 years now. I've seen some great things, and some very bad things. Nothing about the healthcare system is without risk and harm, and sadly people like you have paid that price. But many more were lucky and things went fine.


The questions that often get asked internally is was that harm avoidable? was it intentional? and how can we avoid it in the future? is there a better way forward? The problem with things like the anti-vax movement is it doesn't really address those questions in a meaningful way, it just goes full on avoidance and puts many people at real harm. My own father is back in the hospital right now due to complications from a botched hernia product, and at 88 he's not looking at a good outcome, but a few years before that an aortic implant saved his life. You just don't know what percentage you'll come out on, medical science just isn't that accurate yet. But we do know that the majority of us will be better off, but thats small comfort for those that were not fortunate. 


Nothing about how our system (not just ours, globally) gives a guarantee. But a rational, scientific approach at least gives us the chance to continually improve things. 

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45 minutes ago, chilliwiggins said:


Look up Dr. Bryzinsky in texas.   and his cancer cure, then the FDA trying to dismantle his operation because CHEMO is a billion dollar industry.

Or, because its straight up illegal to test a new cancer cure procedure on live subjects ?? Any sane agency will ban new cure randomly appearing in healthcare outside of the strictly regulated mechanisms. People's lives are at stake and having a family member who is trained pharmacologist makes this abundantly clear as to why this should be the case. 

45 minutes ago, chilliwiggins said:

I have a few very good finds through my journey, but again it's up to everyone to research and find there own truth's.

If you mean research vaccines, i hope you mean sinking 4-5 years getting a degree in Chemistry/Organic chemistry/molecular biology etc. first. Otherwise your 'research' is as valid as the one on how to actually build a space shuttle without taking advanced material engineering. 

45 minutes ago, chilliwiggins said:


Even the MEDICAL LAWYERS initial consult is about who you are up against, and how much they will fight against you, regardless of THE TRUTH.


It's about the money.

Well yes, thats the basis of the legal system, because money at their disposal is what makes a legal team send 50 notices of injunction reference vs 5. In the legal field, the little guy CANNOT fight the behemoth, because the little guy will straight up get buried in legal fees and man hours of precedence findings. You cannot compete with a firm that has 20 people reading 12 hrs a day to find each and every precedence example, when you got only 1. Courts won't wait 5 years for you to catch up, you all have the standard 4-5 business days to respond. This is why small legal firms turn away winning clients, reluctantly. 

45 minutes ago, chilliwiggins said:


I will say this though.  You can never give up your RIGHTS TO CHOOSE.  Once you have done that they can administer anything into you.

The right to choose is what has caused thousands of ignoramuses to criminally endanger their children. Sorry, endangering children should never, ever be a right just because the parent is under-educated on the topic or undergoing data bias because they know the '1 in 10,000 case' of adverse reaction. 

45 minutes ago, chilliwiggins said:


I have learned to never feel lesser than any one person whether he or she is a DR. , LAWYER, PM or whatever as their is STUPID people at every single level in our systems


Sure, stupid people exist at all levels, but you are lesser than a doctor or a lawyer in their field of expertese, because they have spent far more time being taught by professionals at the topic. To think otherwise, is to have the superman complex, really. 

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1 minute ago, chilliwiggins said:


You don't have to have a degree to find out information, especially if you have honest medical people helping you along.

The boded part is true, however, the bolded part, surely you realize, is a 1 in a million unique scenario applicable to you and not 99.9999999% of people who self-research into complicated topics ?

Without your honest medical professional help, you do need a degree to understand the material you are researching. 

1 minute ago, chilliwiggins said:


If you trust their DATA then your all in.   As I said find your own truths, obviously mine differ from yours, but are my children vaccinated yes, all 6 of them.

One in 10000, times how many people?   That's a lot of Mom's and Dad's with sick children or dead.

yep. The needs of the many outweigh the risks to the few. Moms and dads know this risk when they undertake any medical treatment. 

This whole 'big pharma conspiracy' is as nonsensical as it gets, because it relies on a total ignorance of global pharma industries and how the landscape is. If you knew that angle ( which i do, as a consequence of being an international person who's lived in various different parts of the world), you'd know 'evil big pharma conspiracy' is straight from the flat earth camp. 


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1 minute ago, chilliwiggins said:

Ya that's your truth, not mine.

My wife is in medical and I trust her over anyone typing opinions.

On stuff regarding medicine, you should. But unless she knows the business of pharmacuticals globally, you'd be stupid to blindly follow that uninformed opinion. A smart person knows what opinions are informed, what isn't regardless of the qualifications of the person. 

1 minute ago, chilliwiggins said:

Your percentages are changing lol which number is the right one?

Different percentages for different things. First one i said is about vaccine related injuries, the second one is how many self-researchers, unqualified in the topic has a professional hand-holding them. But you knew that. 

1 minute ago, chilliwiggins said:


Anyways I have to get my a$$ in gear as it OAK BAY for a SPA weekend with my wife.

So does travelling to OAK BAY get me maybe a lesser scoop on BIG PHARMA?   I know its not international but its travel none the less.

Its not a matter of travel, its a matter of knowing the business landscape. I found out due to travel, but people who follow big pharma business are equally capable of understanding why big pharma conspiracy is a load of baloney. 

1 minute ago, chilliwiggins said:

Have a good weekend



Et tu. 

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Here is another angle:


There are many medical researchers who are not funded by Big Pharma, who routinely research long-term effects of medications.  There was a major study regarding the MMR vaccine and autism posted here earlier (https://annals.org/aim/fullarticle/2727726/measles-mumps-rubella-vaccination-autism-nationwide-cohort-study).  There are numerous law firms globally who are set up for major class action lawsuits.  These two groups would go to town on any Big Pharma conspiracy.  They would go to town on any medication that was harming people while that harm was being covered up.


So yes, Big Pharma conspiracy = FAKE NEWS.

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3 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

Here is another angle:


There are many medical researchers who are not funded by Big Pharma, who routinely research long-term effects of medications.  There was a major study regarding the MMR vaccine and autism posted here earlier (https://annals.org/aim/fullarticle/2727726/measles-mumps-rubella-vaccination-autism-nationwide-cohort-study).  There are numerous law firms globally who are set up for major class action lawsuits.  These two groups would go to town on any Big Pharma conspiracy.  They would go to town on any medication that was harming people while that harm was being covered up.


So yes, Big Pharma conspiracy = FAKE NEWS.

yes its a large industry, with good player and some creepy players. Like every other industry. It doesn't mean the scientific method should be thrown out the window. 

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Just now, thedestroyerofworlds said:

Here is another angle:


There are many medical researchers who are not funded by Big Pharma, who routinely research long-term effects of medications.  There was a major study regarding the MMR vaccine and autism posted here earlier (https://annals.org/aim/fullarticle/2727726/measles-mumps-rubella-vaccination-autism-nationwide-cohort-study).  There are numerous law firms globally who are set up for major class action lawsuits.  These two groups would go to town on any Big Pharma conspiracy.  They would go to town on any medication that was harming people while that harm was being covered up.


So yes, Big Pharma conspiracy = FAKE NEWS.

Its not just that angle, which is a very valid angle. 

The major thing most people outside of business ( or who have international experience) ignore, is that Big Pharma is not Big Oil. There is no OPEC for Big Pharma to congregate over and drink coffee. The Big Pharma landscape is that of mortal enemies. 
P&G and Johnson & Johnson are competitors but also allies. 

Who are they allied against ?

Cipla, Ajanta, Chugai, Daiichi Sankyo, CNPG, Microgen, etc etc.

These in turn, have alliances with each other.


So how does this work ? This works by 'allied competitors' competing in their domestic market against each other, but pooling resources ( read: lobby group money) to prevent the outsiders from making major breakthroughs in their markets. 

The global pharma industry is a warzone of competing medical regulatory standards, different patent law implementation, etc. Generally speaking, there are 'mature markets' like North America, Europe, Russia, China, India and Japan-Korea and then there are immature markets, namely, Africa and South America. 
Mature markets are those who have a well developed home grown (and protected) pharma industry, immature markets are the ones who don't and are are ' war zones' for the pharmas for market share. South America for eg, is virtually owned by the American pharma industry while Africa is virtually owned by Indian pharma industry. 

Anyways, long story short,  once one starts following this, what becomes abundantly clear, is the global pharma industry is one giant mexican standoff. One twitch and the guy looking at you will blow your head off. One fail from J&J and Cipla or Daiichi will flood the media with intricate details of how J&J screwed up, endangered lives, killed people and therefore you should buy crosine from Daiichi and ditch paracetamol of J&J. One fail from Cipla and P&G are ready to pounce. 


All this makes the 'pharma conspiracy' scenario laughably naive and stupid. 

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It appears as thought the anti-vaxxer movement isn't just a passive group, who just want to be left alone to practice their own beliefs. They're actively promoting their agenda, and it appears as though no method is beneath them:







Not long ago, a 4-year-old boy died of the flu. His mother, under doctor's orders, watched his two little brothers like a hawk, terrified they might get sick and die, too.

Grieving and frightened, just days after her son's death she checked her Facebook page hoping to read messages of comfort from family and friends.
Instead, she found dozens of hateful comments: You're a terrible mother. You killed your child. You deserved what happened to your son. This is all fake - your child doesn't exist.
Bewildered and rattled, she closed her Facebook app.
A few days later she received a text message from someone named Ron. Expect more like this, Ron warned. Expect more.
The attacks were from those who oppose vaccination, and this mother, who lives in the Midwest, doesn't want her name used for fear the attention would only encourage more messages.
Interviews with mothers who've lost children and with those who spy on anti-vaccination groups, reveal a tactic employed by anti-vaxers: When a child dies, members of the group sometimes encourage each other to go on that parent's Facebook page. The anti-vaxers then post messages telling the parents they're lying and their child never existed, or that the parent murdered them, or that vaccines killed the child, or some combination of all of those.
Nothing is considered too cruel. Just days after their children died, mothers say anti-vaxers on social media called them whores, the c-word and baby killers.
The mother in the Midwest, who wants to remain anonymous, isn't alone.
Jill Promoli, who lives outside Toronto, lost her son to flu. She believes the anti-vaxers are trying to silence the very people who can make the strongest argument for vaccinations: those whose children died of vaccine-preventable illnesses.
Flu took the life of Promoli's 2-year-old son, Jude McGee, three years ago. She's since started a campaign in his name for flu prevention, including vaccination.
"I know that these people are really trying to hurt me, and I understand that the reason they're doing it is because they want me to stop," she said.
Larry Cook, the founder of Stop Mandatory Vaccination, doesn't deny that such attacks on mothers of dead children exist.
In an email to CNN, he wrote that members of his group make more than half a million comments on the group's Facebook page each month.
"Any discussions about parents who lose their children after those children are vaccinated would be minor in number, and even smaller would be the number of members reaching out to parents in private message to share their concerns that vaccines may have played a role in a death," Cook wrote.


More in the link.


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46 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

It appears as thought the anti-vaxxer movement isn't just a passive group, who just want to be left alone to practice their own beliefs. They're actively promoting their agenda, and it appears as though no method is beneath them:





More in the link.



Absolutely despicable behavior towards parents who lost children. This reminds me of the pro-life vs pro-choice debate.


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Italian Politician Who Opposed Mandatory Chickenpox Vaccine Sickened With Chickenpox

Massimiliano Fedriga, a senior member of the far-right League party, once lambasted a compulsory vaccination law as being "Stalinist."



An Italian politician who vocally opposed a new law making some childhood vaccinations mandatory was recently hospitalized after contracting chickenpox.

Massimiliano Fedriga, a senior member of the far-right League party, was placed under observation for four days earlier this month after contracting the vaccine-preventable disease, local news outlets reported

Observers were quick to point out the irony of the situation. Fedriga, president of the northeastern region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, had vehemently opposed the introduction of the so-called Lorenzin law; that measure made it compulsory for school-aged children to be immunized against several diseases, including chickenpox, measles and polio, The Independent reported.

Under the law, which was fiercely debated in Italy before its enforcement this month, parents can be fined up to $560 for sending their unvaccinated children to school. Kindergartens and nursery schools can also turn away children under the age of six who aren’t properly immunized.

Fedriga, who’d previously slammed the Lorenzin law as “Stalinist,” said on Friday that he’d seen a “series of celebratory comments on Twitter because I’ve been hospitalized.”

Lambasting his critics, the politician insisted that he was not a so-called “anti-vaxxer” and had, in fact, vaccinated his children.

“I have always said that I am in favor of vaccines, but to achieve the result it is necessary to have an alliance with families, not imposition,” he said in a Facebook post. 


Roberto Burioni, a prominent Italian microbiologist, said on social media last week that he hoped Fedriga’s hospitalization will be a wake-up call to adults who are unwilling to be vaccinated.

Chickenpox is a ”contagious” and “dangerous” disease, Burioni wrote on Facebook.

Fedriga, “like many adults, did not get vaccinated [against chickenpox]… if he had been vaccinated as an adult he would be in perfect health,” the doctor said.

“If he had infected a pregnant woman we would be facing a malformed child or an abortion,” Burioni continued. “The only way we have to avoid such tragedies is to inoculate everyone to prevent the circulation of this dangerous virus, which could have hit a more vulnerable person.”





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15 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

Italian Politician Who Opposed Mandatory Chickenpox Vaccine Sickened With Chickenpox

Massimiliano Fedriga, a senior member of the far-right League party, once lambasted a compulsory vaccination law as being "Stalinist."



An Italian politician who vocally opposed a new law making some childhood vaccinations mandatory was recently hospitalized after contracting chickenpox.

Massimiliano Fedriga, a senior member of the far-right League party, was placed under observation for four days earlier this month after contracting the vaccine-preventable disease, local news outlets reported

Observers were quick to point out the irony of the situation. Fedriga, president of the northeastern region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, had vehemently opposed the introduction of the so-called Lorenzin law; that measure made it compulsory for school-aged children to be immunized against several diseases, including chickenpox, measles and polio, The Independent reported.

Under the law, which was fiercely debated in Italy before its enforcement this month, parents can be fined up to $560 for sending their unvaccinated children to school. Kindergartens and nursery schools can also turn away children under the age of six who aren’t properly immunized.

Fedriga, who’d previously slammed the Lorenzin law as “Stalinist,” said on Friday that he’d seen a “series of celebratory comments on Twitter because I’ve been hospitalized.”

Lambasting his critics, the politician insisted that he was not a so-called “anti-vaxxer” and had, in fact, vaccinated his children.

“I have always said that I am in favor of vaccines, but to achieve the result it is necessary to have an alliance with families, not imposition,” he said in a Facebook post. 


Roberto Burioni, a prominent Italian microbiologist, said on social media last week that he hoped Fedriga’s hospitalization will be a wake-up call to adults who are unwilling to be vaccinated.

Chickenpox is a ”contagious” and “dangerous” disease, Burioni wrote on Facebook.

Fedriga, “like many adults, did not get vaccinated [against chickenpox]… if he had been vaccinated as an adult he would be in perfect health,” the doctor said.

“If he had infected a pregnant woman we would be facing a malformed child or an abortion,” Burioni continued. “The only way we have to avoid such tragedies is to inoculate everyone to prevent the circulation of this dangerous virus, which could have hit a more vulnerable person.”





Have fun with shingles afterwards as well... Sucka!

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This is the kind of mentality that we're up against:




Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin said he made sure all his nine children were exposed to chickenpox and caught the disease instead of giving them a vaccine.

"They had it as children. They were miserable for a few days, and they all turned out fine," Bevin said in an interview with WKCT, a Bowling Green radio station.

Bevin and his wife, Glenna, have nine children between the ages of 5 and 16, according to his campaign website.

The governor says he supports parents who choose to get their children vaccinated and also those who decline to do so. But he said the decision shouldn't be up to the government.
"This is America," he said. "The federal government should not be forcing this upon people. They just shouldn't."
CNN has reached out to Bevin for comment.
Chickenpox is a very contagious disease that causes a blister-like rash, itching, tiredness and fever, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It can spread by touching or breathing in virus particles. It can be especially serious for babies, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems.


Yet another dangerous agenda being promoted in the name of "freedom".:rolleyes:
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  • 4 weeks later...

For those who think that not having their children vaccinated is a personal choice and doesn't have an effect on anyone else, here's an example of the consequences:






Fainy Sukenik believes in vaccines, and her four children are up to date on all their shots.

That's why she's furious that her baby got measles. Too young to be vaccinated, 8-month-old Shira Goldschmidt developed complications from the virus and had to be hospitalized.
Infectious disease experts say the cause is clear: anti-vaxers.

Both in the United States and in Israel, where Sukenik lives, the ongoing measles outbreaks started with pockets of people who refuse to vaccinate their children. Those anti-vaxers can then spread measles to babies outside their communities because even if parents want to vaccinate their children, babies don't get their first measles shot until their first birthday.

"I'm so angry and so frustrated," Sukenik said. "On Facebook, I wrote to the anti-vaxers, 'you are hurting our kids because of your choice.' "

Infectious disease experts say this same scenario is bound to happen in the United States too and may have happened already: Anti-vaxers who've chosen not to vaccinate will spread measles to babies under age 1 whose parents want to vaccinate them but can't because they're too young.

"It's absolutely inevitable," said Dr. Peter Hotez, a vaccine scientist at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

The virus is so contagious that a baby under the age of 1 could get it by entering a room where someone with measles had been two hours before, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"Our babies are no different than Israeli babies," said Dr. William Schaffner, an adviser on vaccines to the CDC. "And the measles virus in Israel is the same virus as here in the US."


Shira got sick in December with a runny nose and a 104-degree fever. Her parents took her to the doctor, who said that it was just a regular virus and that she would soon recover.
When the red spots appeared a few days later, her parents knew it was measles.
"It wasn't just dots on one part of her body. They were everywhere: inside her mouth, between her fingers, in between her toes," her mother said. "I'm an experienced mother, and never ever have I seen something like this. I was really scared."
By this time, Shira couldn't eat and could barely drink, her breathing was shallow, and she was so weak she couldn't even hold her head up.
Sukenik and her husband took Shira to the hospital, where she was put in isolation and received intravenous fluids.


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