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[Trade] Canucks trade Jonathan Dahlen to Sharks for Linus Karlsson

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3 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

these kids need their phones taken away, they are not mature enough to handle these issues properly. I think Dahlen might regret a lot of what he's said. 

Just read he's quit social media because of Canucks fans



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41 minutes ago, qwijibo said:

Doesn’t surprise me.  I checked out Kotkaniemi’s IG after he got tangled up with Pettersson. There were some truly repugnant comments from Canucks fans. 

I wish people would stop saying that. Some anonymous tool on twitter can be anyone. 

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1 minute ago, Jimmy McGill said:

I wish people would stop saying that. Some anonymous tool on twitter can be anyone. 

Sorry man. But these comments clearly came from fans of the Canucks.  Im sure every fan base has the same sort of crackpots scatter among them. Either way. It’s not cool.

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8 minutes ago, qwijibo said:

Sorry man. But these comments clearly came from fans of the Canucks.  Im sure every fan base has the same sort of crackpots scatter among them. Either way. It’s not cool.

I don't think you can legitimately call them that. Anyone doing that is damaging the team, and if you're doing that you are most definitely not a fan. Same thing goes for people who were hurling racist comments at PK in Montreal, those people are creeps who don't represent the Habs fan base. 

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6 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

I don't think you can legitimately call them that. Anyone doing that is damaging the team, and if you're doing that you are most definitely not a fan. Same thing goes for people who were hurling racist comments at PK in Montreal, those people are creeps who don't represent the Habs fan base. 

Regardless of the definition of fan. These people are ,for better or worse (definitely worse), associated with the team in the eyes of the public.  They’re certainly a minority. But a vocal minority. And yes but hurts the team’s image. 

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It just sad that this can't be discussed without a lot of people getting their knickers in a twist.


Just because he's 21 doesn't mean he is wrong, or right. Time will tell if JB made a blunder. I really hope it wasn't an ego thing that clouded a decision.


They play a mans game, maybe they should be looked at as men.






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5 minutes ago, qwijibo said:

Regardless of the definition of fan. These people are ,for better or worse (definitely worse), associated with the team in the eyes of the public.  They’re certainly a minority. But a vocal minority. And yes but hurts the team’s image. 

And there's really nothing anyone can do about it. Social media sucks, and its made even worse when people equate them with those who bleed blue and green.


I think there needs to be a rule, unless you are willing to use a verified social media account, it shouldn't 1) make the news, or 2) be used to call anyone a fan. 

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11 minutes ago, qwijibo said:

Regardless of the definition of fan. These people are ,for better or worse (definitely worse), associated with the team in the eyes of the public.  They’re certainly a minority. But a vocal minority. And yes but hurts the team’s image. 

I can't stand that "oh, they're not real fans" line of deflection whenever Canucks fans make asses of themselves online. Yes, they're fans (why would they give two $&!#s otherwise?) and toxic behavior like that needs to be called out by other Canucks fans when seen. 

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2 hours ago, shad0w4life said:

Can you post the rest of the tweet that shows the entitlement, you only posted the one where he told his agent he felt like he wasn't properly developing into a two way hockey player.


He told his agent this, his agent approached Benning and they said maybe a trade would be good, nowhere does it say that Dhalen requested the trade, he voiced his concerns to his agent, and then his agent and Benning talked.  JFC it's people like you that are why a 21 year old kid quit social media due to harassment and threats. Talk about entitled, you add your own spin to a story and expect everyone to treat is as the damn gospel to worship.


Palmu felt the same

Lind isn't developing

Gadj isn't developing

Our entire prospect pool sucks under Cull, can't think of one player now we have there.


But hey lets blame the kid whos agent brought up concerns to Benning and they ended up trading.


Until you post something where Dhalen says "I asked my agent for a trade"  quit putting words in his mouth.


Dhwali also said Utica is doing a horrible job.

That is entitlement.  


Everyone points to Palmu going back to Finland as some sort of indication of a fire.  The guy was an OA 7th round pick.  Him making the AHL is alone a long shot atm.  That you have to include that to validate your arguement points to how weak it is.  



As for Lind and Gads.... it us entirely normal to struggle going from Jr to pro hockey.  Plus there was an injury with Lind.  Gads issue is mainly skating, something that wont be fixed overnight.  So that they haven't instantly blossomed into all stars isn't a validation either. 


So our prospect pool is bad cause a 1st round d man gets hurt, and 3 rookie second rounders haven't figured things out right away and a 7th rounder rookie went back to Europe for a year our two.  LMAO, your funny.


The only thing you can say is that Dahlen want happy and is blaming the coaching.  Okay.  Then his agent goes to JB and talks trade.  JB cuts bait.  So he should.  This team isn't doing well atm but I dont think there is one entitled player on  the roster.  These guys get their lunch pails and go to work. 


You may think that Dahlen is justified in not sticking it out after a brief stint as rookie and only just getting to NA, but I doubt your sincerity (or maturity) This club has shown since JB has gotten here that good play is rewarded with call ups.  If Dahlen wasnt getting a call up, then there was an issue.  Cull alone doesn't determine who goes to Vancouver.  


McEwan has earned a call up, same with Gaudette who is a a far better prospect atm than Dahlen.  Is Dahlen showing more than Goldy, Jake, Motte etc... no.  He only leads rookie scoring cause other better rookies, like Gaudette split time due to their better play.  


Far too much drama for a rookie in the AHL who requested a trade thru his agent.  No rookie who is getting playing time should be sending their agent to discuss a trade.  That's a red flag for me.  Dahlen does have things to work on.  He isnt nearly the player he needs to be and aparently that rankled him.  


BTW 'our entire prospect pool sucks under Cull' is proven where?  EP40 is still our leading scorer and top candidate for ROTY, Gaudette is playing in the NHL, OJ is injured but was putting up far more points as a d man that Dahlen was as a scoring winger. 


Demko, who has put his time and work in had his agent advocate for NHL duty, which is justified with his record and work.  He didnt ask for a trade, has a way better body of work etc...


Baer and Goldy have been given similar treatment and I didnt see them cry for a trade.


Dhaliwal is a good source, but is this speculative based on Palmu and Dahlen.... I will say this, if Cull isnt doing the job, then I expect him to get fired by JB, not JP Barry and Dahlen.  I would expect that the organization has a pretty good idea of the situation in Utica, Green was the coach there and knows alot of folks.  



JP didnt just talk to JB about concerns, but specifically about a trade.   That's a whole different level.  


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12 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

It just sad that this can't be discussed without a lot of people getting their knickers in a twist.


Just because he's 21 doesn't mean he is wrong, or right. Time will tell if JB made a blunder. I really hope it wasn't an ego thing that clouded a decision.


They play a mans game, maybe they should be looked at as men.






Who's ego, Dahlen's or JB's?  IMO Dahlen airing his grievances on social media is a stupid move.  Had he not had his agent talk to JB about a trade he would not have been dealt.  This was in the media long before the move, so who was yapping?  Then Dahlen and his agent could get their story straight. 


All easily prevented and still could be old news of Dahlen just stuck to playing hockey vs social media.  

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1 hour ago, qwijibo said:

Doesn’t surprise me.  I checked out Kotkaniemi’s IG after he got tangled up with Pettersson. There were some truly repugnant comments from Canucks fans. 

I doubt this is solely a Canucks 'fan' issue.  


There are trolls everywhere.  Canucks fans were urinated on at the fleet center ve Boston.... 


Dahlen's agent has not done him any favors with this.  After the move, he should have been advised to stay off social media and not to talk about the Canucks or Utica.  Focus on hockey.  


His comments opened him up to rebuke and controversy and he got both.  Completely preventable and he needs to have some ownership of his actions and that of his agent.  

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25 minutes ago, Phat Fingers said:

Who's ego, Dahlen's or JB's?  IMO Dahlen airing his grievances on social media is a stupid move.  Had he not had his agent talk to JB about a trade he would not have been dealt.  This was in the media long before the move, so who was yapping?  Then Dahlen and his agent could get their story straight. 


All easily prevented and still could be old news of Dahlen just stuck to playing hockey vs social media.  

Oh, I dunno. I was wondering about Cull maybe giving poor reviews or maybe not seeing eye to eye.


But I agree with you, I don't think Dahlen handled this very well from what I'm seeing.


By no means do I think I know better than those in the org.


I'm touchy about old boys clubs though and hope we asses players on their on ice performance. I would have liked to see him with EP for a couple games now that they don't matter. I understand that he wasn't lights out down in Utica but he has a bit of history with EP, would it have hurt to sit Granny or Loui for a look?



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35 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

 I understand that he wasn't lights out down in Utica but he has a bit of history with EP, would it have hurt to sit Granny or Loui for a look?



Considering that the issue is that Dahlen isn't ready to play a 200 ft game at the NHL level yet and you want to sit guys that are actually defensively responsible, then yes it may have hurt. We have been right up in the playoff hunt until maybe this past week and a but of a hot streak puts us right back in. If someone like Goldobin had been injured, then I can see maybe giving him a look in that sheltered offensive player role, but Goldy's been healthy (which is a rarity on our team).


Dane Fox had chemistry with McDavid in juniors and no one is even considering giving him a shot in Edmonton. History is history and it may not translate to the next level especially if one doesn't put in the same effort or willingness to grow along with his peer. Dahlen should've seen his buddy and asked for some advice from him rather than complain to his agent to the point where regardless of whatever he had said, it lead to what was believed to be a trade demand which was met. For him to continue to whine after the fact that the team didn't hold him back and met his (or his agent's) demand just continues to show his character.


I was rooting for him and hope he figures things out because it would be a shame for his talent to go to waste. If he doesn't, well it's on him. He may not like the way our development is, but sometimes you don't appreciate the lessons being taught until after you've made it (think of a teenager's mentality and listening to their parents).

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8 minutes ago, theo5789 said:

Considering that the issue is that Dahlen isn't ready to play a 200 ft game at the NHL level yet and you want to sit guys that are actually defensively responsible, then yes it may have hurt. We have been right up in the playoff hunt until maybe this past week and a but of a hot streak puts us right back in. If someone like Goldobin had been injured, then I can see maybe giving him a look in that sheltered offensive player role, but Goldy's been healthy (which is a rarity on our team).



56 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

I would have liked to see him with EP for a couple games now that they don't matter. I understand that he wasn't lights out down in Utica but he has a bit of history with EP, would it have hurt to sit Granny or Loui for a look?


I meant had they discussed, before the trade....'we will give you a look if we fall out of the playoff race'.



11 minutes ago, theo5789 said:

Dane Fox had chemistry with McDavid in juniors and no one is even considering giving him a shot in Edmonton. History is history and it may not translate to the next level especially if one doesn't put in the same effort or willingness to grow along with his peer. Dahlen should've seen his buddy and asked for some advice from him rather than complain to his agent to the point where regardless of whatever he had said, it lead to what was believed to be a trade demand which was met. For him to continue to whine after the fact that the team didn't hold him back and met his (or his agent's) demand just continues to show his character.


Not that i would look to EDM for any way of doing things. However, i totally agree with your point.


13 minutes ago, theo5789 said:

I was rooting for him and hope he figures things out because it would be a shame for his talent to go to waste. If he doesn't, well it's on him. He may not like the way our development is, but sometimes you don't appreciate the lessons being taught until after you've made it (think of a teenager's mentality and listening to their parents).

That is a big sentiment it seems on here. He's 21, not a teenager. Some people have big attitudes, for some it works out, for most it doesn't. That said, I would not have done things the way he seems to have.

Time will tell, if we develop a bunch of top players and he is forgotten...he was wrong. IF he goes on to be an amazing player, history might say our team messed up here.

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