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The UCP Alberta Government - Threatens to Turn off Oil Taps


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from CBC:




Opposition Leader Jason Kenney and NDP Leader Rachel Notley hammered home different visions for Alberta on Tuesday, after the latter announced the province will go to the polls on April 16.

The start of the campaign came one day after the governing NDP delivered its throne speech in the legislature and amid a near-constant stream of controversies in recent days involving Kenney's United Conservative Party.


Notley set the stage early for a battle between different visions for the province outlined by the NDP and the UCP, while Kenney painted a different picture in response later in the day. 

The NDP leader focused her attention on the controversies swirling around the UCP when she called the election before a cheering crowd at the National Music Centre in Calgary, saying she hopes to earn the support of disaffected conservatives.


"A growing number of conservatives here in Calgary and across Alberta are coming to have serious doubts about Jason Kenney as premier," she said. 

She used those controversies to draw a hard line between her party and the UCP.


"The politics of love and hope and optimism always trump the politics of anger, division and fear, and that's why I'm running to be premier," she said. 

Kenney has been weathering controversy over allegations that his campaign collaborated with that of fellow candidate Jeff Callaway in the party's leadership race.

CBC News broke the story last weekend after obtaining documents that show top Kenney campaign staff were in frequent contact with the Callaway campaign, providing Kenney's purported rival with resources including strategic political direction, media and debate talking points, speeches, videos, and attack advertisements — all aimed at undermining Kenney's main political rival, Brian Jean.



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Kenney vs Notley and people will actually vote for the poor mans Randy bo Bandy


Honestly...said it once today but here goes


Alberta:  Trudeau is corrupt, immoral, has defrauded tax payers, has ethics violations and is unfit to be a leader


Also Alberta:  We're votin Kenney

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36 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Kenney vs Notley and people will actually vote for the poor mans Randy bo Bandy


Honestly...said it once today but here goes


Alberta:  Trudeau is corrupt, immoral, has defrauded tax payers, has ethics violations and is unfit to be a leader


Also Alberta:  We're votin Kenney

Love it or leave it, hip.

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3 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Love it or leave it, hip.

I cannot fathom for one moment why people would vote for Kenney man.  Let alone some of the people now being exposed in the UCP scandal.  Used to be Albertans respected a person character more than their political affiliation and voted so.  Though they also had strong leaders; something Kenney isn't


I'm being quite serious here Strome my man, I think Kenney is literally the worst possible thing Alberta can do to itself and I have yet to hear a viable reason why he deserves to be leader outside of "to make sure Notley isn't"

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9 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

I cannot fathom for one moment why people would vote for Kenney man.  Let alone some of the people now being exposed in the UCP scandal.  Used to be Albertans respected a person character more than their political affiliation and voted so.  Though they also had strong leaders; something Kenney isn't


I'm being quite serious here Strome my man, I think Kenney is literally the worst possible thing Alberta can do to itself and I have yet to hear a viable reason why he deserves to be leader outside of "to make sure Notley isn't"

I'm also not a fan of Kenney but I do support some of his ideas.


-Lowering the corporate tax rate to 8%

-Wage cuts to all mla's

-Scrapping the carbon tax and taking Jt to court on the dictatorial carbon tax

-At least having a plan to retun to a balanced buget.


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8 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

I'm also not a fan of Kenney but I do support some of his ideas.


-Lowering the corporate tax rate to 8%

-Wage cuts to all mla's

-Scrapping the carbon tax and taking Jt to court on the dictatorial carbon tax

-At least having a plan to retun to a balanced buget.


I don't believe him for one second.  His history shows he won't cut squat.  The lowering of the tax rate, Notley has it as low as the Klein days, essentially giving away more for less isn't a smar tbusiness plan.  JT is going to win on his carbon tax as it falls under the federal umbrella, a few notable legal experts have weighed in on this and say it will be a money losing case the provinces can't win.  Kenney sat as a yes man on a government that couldn't balance a pencil let alone a budget.


Sorry man, I just don't see it I think he's the worst possible option.  I'd rather support fildedouche over him

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4 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

I'm also not a fan of Kenney but I do support some of his ideas.


-Lowering the corporate tax rate to 8%

-Wage cuts to all mla's

-Scrapping the carbon tax and taking Jt to court on the dictatorial carbon tax

-At least having a plan to retun to a balanced buget.


Two words: voodoo economics. 


I love how conservatives say they will cut taxes and balance the books.  Pray tell how does that gets accomplished?  History tells us that massive cuts to social programs is the way they try to get it done, at least on the budget side.  History also tells us that the books and the economy don't bounce back as quickly as conservatives demand when the other party takes over.

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2 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

Two words: voodoo economics. 


I love how conservatives say they will cut taxes and balance the books.  Pray tell how does that gets accomplished?  History tells us that massive cuts to social programs is the way they try to get it done, at least on the budget side.  History also tells us that the books and the economy don't bounce back as quickly as conservatives demand when the other party takes over.

Like I said at least having a plan. Alberta badly needs to draw some investment.

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3 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

Two words: voodoo economics. 


I love how conservatives say they will cut taxes and balance the books.  Pray tell how does that gets accomplished?  History tells us that massive cuts to social programs is the way they try to get it done, at least on the budget side.  History also tells us that the books and the economy don't bounce back as quickly as conservatives demand when the other party takes over.

I won't weigh in on the rest but I believe you're right.  


Harper immediately cut the gst by .05% and lowered corporate tax rates and not once in his term did he actually recoup the billions lost.  Added that it was done to stimulate job growth but very few quality jobs were created by the numbers with that as his economic plan.


I've a veste interest in this now and while I don't agree with Notley I will not for one second pretend that she hasn't been a tireless fighter for Alberta or that Kenney would be a better leader than she would be.  I wish she'd actually move over the Conservative side.  She'd win in a landslide.  Polls show she's well ahead of her party while her party is down but Kenney is well behind his party while his party is up.


So it's not a question of leadership but a question of party.  

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14 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

I'm also not a fan of Kenney but I do support some of his ideas.


-Lowering the corporate tax rate to 8%

-Wage cuts to all mla's

-Scrapping the carbon tax and taking Jt to court on the dictatorial carbon tax

-At least having a plan to retun to a balanced buget.


Yep. How do some people not understand that your not voting for the person you think is the coolest.  You’re voting for the ideology they stand behind.  You don’t just all of the sudden change your beliefs from libertarian to communist (I know I’m using two extremes as an example) over not liking the person charge. 

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2 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Like I said at least having a plan. Alberta badly needs to draw some investment.

Gonna have to do it outside of oil over the next 3-5 years I think.  There's very little emphasis for development there right now with the US going full steam ahead and without pipelines to tidewater or more refining capacity there's no other recourse for Alberta.

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1 minute ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

Yep. How do some people not understand that your not voting for the person you think is the coolest.  You’re voting for the ideology they stand behind.  You don’t just all of the sudden change your beliefs from libertarian to communist (I know I’m using two extremes as an example) over not liking the person charge. 

And in reality I'm not even voting for Kenney as I don't live in his riding.

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13 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

Two words: voodoo economics. 


I love how conservatives say they will cut taxes and balance the books.  Pray tell how does that gets accomplished?  History tells us that massive cuts to social programs is the way they try to get it done, at least on the budget side.  History also tells us that the books and the economy don't bounce back as quickly as conservatives demand when the other party takes over.

Meanwhile notely raises Corp tax and lost 800 million in her first year in revenues not to mention her attempt at counter balancing that by giving big oil and extra 400 million in subsidies. Funny how that when companies make less/ descrease there investments in Alberta by almost 8 billion the profits shrink. 


Too bad the left wasted there time on art majors rather than taking economics 101. 

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5 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

Meanwhile notely raises Corp tax and lost 800 million in her first year in revenues not to mention her attempt at counter balancing that by giving big oil and extra 400 million in subsidies. Funny how that when companies make less/ descrease there investments in Alberta by almost 8 billion the profits shrink. 

Funny how the susbsidies have been there for decades but are only an issue now.  funny as well how Trudeau hates Alberta but coughed up over $6 billion in subsidies, help for oil workers and the purchase of a pipeline.


Subsidization has always been there.  Here is Pembinas 2013 report




Funny how when taxes shrink, the workforce doesn't increase.  Even mroe funny how when alternatives are finally achieved and the province leaves a recession without oil for the first time since pre lougheed that nobody gives the credit where it is due.

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8 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Funny how the susbsidies have been there for decades but are only an issue now.  funny as well how Trudeau hates Alberta but coughed up over $6 billion in subsidies, help for oil workers and the purchase of a pipeline.


Subsidization has always been there.  Here is Pembinas 2013 report




She’s INCREASED it by 400 million. Anyways strawman agreement as that had nothing to do with the point I was making. I’m not against s reasonable amount on subsidies, I was pointing out how ironic it was for someone who’s starting point was to get off oil flips the script. 


Also super funny you have to bring dimwit up. Borderline creepy how much you love him. To each there own but didn’t see you as a guy that swung that way. 


8 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Funny how when taxes shrink, the workforce doesn't increase.  Even mroe funny how when alternatives are finally achieved and the province leaves a recession without oil for the first time since pre lougheed that nobody gives the credit where it is due.

Actually that’s not quite true. While you are correct that Tax cuts dont always mean a company hires more employees but what it does provide is incentive for more external compaines to invest in that location which creates more jobs.

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