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12 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

I know i guy that too  a city job in penticton... water skiis on his lunch break... LOL>>

It's a beautiful place But I swear they have the lowest wages in Canada. It's sad what's happening...sunshine tax I guess. Meanwhile they now have a tent city there.

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11 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

It's a beautiful place But I swear they have the lowest wages in Canada. It's sad what's happening...sunshine tax I guess. Meanwhile they now have a tent city there.

Welcome to broken BC.    Pretty much every city now in BC  is full of employers paying  starvation wages with little to no benefits.......

So many people in BC are anti union...  anti labour.... anti government workers...  

Basically against anyone else getting a raise or a livable wage....


Yet politicians and executives just keep giving themselves 20% raises every year while BC  workers can't even keep up with inflation.


NDP is just as bad as the BC Liberal Party.    


Edited by kingofsurrey
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33 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Well last time I checked we made the most money. The economy is struggling due to certainly people trying up projects that cause us to lose billions annually. 


ugh. tell me about it. i mean you make the most money, have the highest paid teachers and the hardest working people and the best economy and no tax and the best jobs and everything is the greatest AND the federal government with horrible worst PM ever yogadouche justin bought the pipeline and it's gonna get built BUT OMG EVERYONE IS TRYING TO SCREW YOU

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20 minutes ago, inane said:

ugh. tell me about it. i mean you make the most money, have the highest paid teachers and the hardest working people and the best economy and no tax and the best jobs and everything is the greatest AND the federal government with horrible worst PM ever yogadouche justin bought the pipeline and it's gonna get built BUT OMG EVERYONE IS TRYING TO SCREW YOU

We don't have the best economy. That's 900,000 barrels of oil a day do you realize what Alberta produces? We need energy east to supply the refineries in the east coast and a pipeline to northern BC or one to northern Manitoba at the very least. Also we can't have these things take a decade to get done. Trudope didn't do jack except lose private investors. 

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7 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

We don't have the best economy. That's 900,000 barrels of oil a day do you realize what Alberta produces? We need energy east to supply the refineries in the east coast and a pipeline to northern BC or one to northern Manitoba at the very least. Also we can't have these things take a decade to get done. Trudope didn't do jack except lose private investors. 

I’m in Van right now and the pump price is $1.419. Apparently BCers are happy to pay 40% more than AB for gas in support for something that most don’t know what? They are being played and don’t even realize it. 

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1 hour ago, Boudrias said:

I’m in Van right now and the pump price is $1.419. Apparently BCers are happy to pay 40% more than AB for gas in support for something that most don’t know what? They are being played and don’t even realize it. 

thats your conclusion? people know they're getting screwed but there's nothing the average person can do about it. Horgan made a scary report that dropped prices for about a week. Its also a reason why so many people hate the oil industry, we get screwed with high prices and the pipeline won't help us one iota. 

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8 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

We don't have the best economy. That's 900,000 barrels of oil a day do you realize what Alberta produces? We need energy east to supply the refineries in the east coast and a pipeline to northern BC or one to northern Manitoba at the very least. Also we can't have these things take a decade to get done. Trudope didn't do jack except lose private investors. 

those investors were going elsewhere anyway and you know it. Trudeau doesn't control global prices. 

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Alberta economic woes easily solved with a Provincial Sales Tax.


AB will easily have a balanced budget.  And once the pipeline is up and running will be flush with money.  Hopefully this time, they do better with the heritage fund.

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32 minutes ago, BPA said:

Alberta economic woes easily solved with a Provincial Sales Tax.


AB will easily have a balanced budget.  And once the pipeline is up and running will be flush with money.  Hopefully this time, they do better with the heritage fund.

We aren't introducing taxes.you can keep those  in BC.

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12 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

Honestly there is no point of you and I discussing anything you just don't understand much. It is Alberta paying for it not Ottawa on top of what we are paying for all those best things and no taxes we are also giving more than 20 billion dollars away a year to Ottawa. So what you are saying doesn't make any sense whatsoever you do not understand the difference between Federal and provincial and furthermore why don't you call your MLA and ask if British Columbia can do more for the rest of Canada pretty rich of you the one another Province to pay for all of its own stuff and pay for the rest of Canada get over yourself you don't do it in British Columbia Ontario doesn't Quebec doesn't in fact nobody else does so why should we? Do you even realize how ridiculous you sound when you say things that make no sense?

I'm not sure you understand how transfer payments etc actually work.........like most Albertans.  You certainly understand the victim card though.

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11 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

I find Penticton pretty left leaning haha. I'm there less and less I don't have a feel for what people are saying or thinking there. See stuff on fb but that like 100 people out of like 37,000

Penticton demographic is overwhelmingly over the age of 45.  That demographic is not left leaning.  if you think that this is a left leaning city for your tastes that's sad and not entirely shocking

11 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

It's a beautiful place But I swear they have the lowest wages in Canada. It's sad what's happening...sunshine tax I guess. Meanwhile they now have a tent city there.

Not the lowest wages in canada but a depressed economy due to a large service industry.  you should know this.  As for a tent city.  no we don't.  We had a tent grouping for like a week to protest the lack of mental health initiatives, supportive housing and the like.


Give your teets a tug if you honestly think you have a clue what's going on here based on these statements.

10 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

We don't have the best economy. That's 900,000 barrels of oil a day do you realize what Alberta produces? We need energy east to supply the refineries in the east coast and a pipeline to northern BC or one to northern Manitoba at the very least. Also we can't have these things take a decade to get done. Trudope didn't do jack except lose private investors. 

So you NEED refineries and pipelines?  Shame nobody in federal leadership ever tried to get hat accomplished for you.


You can't take a decade to get things done?  Man that's a real shame seeing as how for a decade the right got jack done in regards to pipeline and refinery growth in canada.  But somehow in not even 5 years the issue is all Trudeau's fault.  Of course it's someone's fault but never anyone but the left/Trudeau/BC/Environmentalists and in no way shape or form could it ever be the fault of Alberta, former Conservative governance OR simply business based decisions based on the current market.

Edited by Warhippy
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20 minutes ago, stawns said:

I'm not sure you understand how transfer payments etc actually work.........like most Albertans.  You certainly understand the victim card though.

It gets explained regularly.  Then it gets ignored.  Then accepted then ignored and then the exact same statements of woe is me it's every other persons fault in canada but our own crops back up.


honestly, it's a circular love in based on hand power 

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2 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

Actually they gave up on TMX because the never ending nonsense took to long.

which the fed's have now corrected. It was a two-step muck-up. Harper 1st, then Trudeau, then Trudeau's second attempt worked. 


You can't simplify the lack of investment just to government inaction, you know thats just one factor. 

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49 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

which the fed's have now corrected. It was a two-step muck-up. Harper 1st, then Trudeau, then Trudeau's second attempt worked. 


You can't simplify the lack of investment just to government inaction, you know thats just one factor. 

Or...can he?

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

Or...can he?

Trudeau will never, ever get any credit for TMX in Alberta. When its completed all they'll say is it should have happened earlier, blah blah. 


I really hope that it gets purchased by a first nations group, that would be a great outcome imo and really anyone left po'd about it in AB can go pound sand. They are lucky that the NDP didn't gain more power and tank the project. 

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1 hour ago, Jimmy McGill said:

Trudeau will never, ever get any credit for TMX in Alberta. When its completed all they'll say is it should have happened earlier, blah blah. 


I really hope that it gets purchased by a first nations group, that would be a great outcome imo and really anyone left po'd about it in AB can go pound sand. They are lucky that the NDP didn't gain more power and tank the project. 

TMX will be forgotten the moment Don Lindsay decides that the TECKS frontier project just is not financially viable in this market.  Then it will be Trudeau and everyone else's fault again.

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FILDEBRANDT: If Trudeau kills the Teck oilsands, it’s war

The time has come for Alberta’s government to draw a line in the sand. They need to tell Ottawa in no uncertain terms, “This, and no farther.”

The federal Liberal government appears to be close to doing the unimaginable: killing the $20 billion Teck oilsands investment. With the stroke of a pen, they are on the edge of killing one of the biggest investments in Canadian history, 7,000 good-paying jobs, and a key component of Alberta’s sluggish economy recovery. Killing Teck will be a hammer in the coffin.


It will not have been market conditions. It will not even have been a hostile rouge province playing robber-baron with its borders. It will have been the federal government, elected to represent the interests of all Canadians.

Until this week, it was unimaginable that the Liberals would have the gumption to kill the Teck oilsands investment. However much the Liberals may ideologically oppose the continued existence or expansion of the oil and gas industry, they are politically astute enough to know that doing so would create a political Prairie fire that would burn out of their control. With his reconciliatory language after the federal election, even Trudeau appeared to recognize that the West didn’t just give up on him, but was dangerously close to giving up on federalism itself.


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3 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

FILDEBRANDT: If Trudeau kills the Teck oilsands, it’s war

The time has come for Alberta’s government to draw a line in the sand. They need to tell Ottawa in no uncertain terms, “This, and no farther.”

The federal Liberal government appears to be close to doing the unimaginable: killing the $20 billion Teck oilsands investment. With the stroke of a pen, they are on the edge of killing one of the biggest investments in Canadian history, 7,000 good-paying jobs, and a key component of Alberta’s sluggish economy recovery. Killing Teck will be a hammer in the coffin.


It will not have been market conditions. It will not even have been a hostile rouge province playing robber-baron with its borders. It will have been the federal government, elected to represent the interests of all Canadians.

Until this week, it was unimaginable that the Liberals would have the gumption to kill the Teck oilsands investment. However much the Liberals may ideologically oppose the continued existence or expansion of the oil and gas industry, they are politically astute enough to know that doing so would create a political Prairie fire that would burn out of their control. With his reconciliatory language after the federal election, even Trudeau appeared to recognize that the West didn’t just give up on him, but was dangerously close to giving up on federalism itself.


Teck Oilsands are already dead. Not profitable.  


Tar sludge is a loser.   

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39 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

FILDEBRANDT: If Trudeau kills the Teck oilsands, it’s war

The time has come for Alberta’s government to draw a line in the sand. They need to tell Ottawa in no uncertain terms, “This, and no farther.”

The federal Liberal government appears to be close to doing the unimaginable: killing the $20 billion Teck oilsands investment. With the stroke of a pen, they are on the edge of killing one of the biggest investments in Canadian history, 7,000 good-paying jobs, and a key component of Alberta’s sluggish economy recovery. Killing Teck will be a hammer in the coffin.


It will not have been market conditions. It will not even have been a hostile rouge province playing robber-baron with its borders. It will have been the federal government, elected to represent the interests of all Canadians.

Until this week, it was unimaginable that the Liberals would have the gumption to kill the Teck oilsands investment. However much the Liberals may ideologically oppose the continued existence or expansion of the oil and gas industry, they are politically astute enough to know that doing so would create a political Prairie fire that would burn out of their control. With his reconciliatory language after the federal election, even Trudeau appeared to recognize that the West didn’t just give up on him, but was dangerously close to giving up on federalism itself.


Your hatred of JT is showing.  Posting the ramblings of a Freedom Conservative Party of Alberta member. 

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