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The DumbBrexit / #Wexit thread


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2 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

Just curious about the plan for what comes after Alberta cedes from Canada....specifically the pipeline:


Do you continue shipping your oil through a foreign owned pipeline, or do you make us an offer we can't refuse? I could see the Canadian government using it a leverage in any "negotiations", in regards to the mechanism by which Wexit is carried out. Might be tough to wring any concessions out of JT with that hanging over your head.....


BTW: The FT St. John area might be interested in joining your new country, but the rest of us aren't. Even those of us who don't live in the LM.

Actually What I would do is try to make a trade agreement with the states cause it would give Canada the middle finger and if Alberta can ship to Oakhoma where they have a pipeline that ships to the coast already......Since a lot of the oil industry is owned by people from the states.....I think it would be a easier sell and for sure. 

Also grain companies already pay to ship their grain and cattle so that doesn't really change anything. 

That's why I say from a business stand point Alberta could pull this off but I want Manitoba and s.k to join lol power house baby lol

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13 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

nah the Harpers are going to be the Royal Family of Albertastan. 


11 minutes ago, RowdyCanuck said:

Hey works for me lol 

i don't remember seeing the queen at any hockey games or rodeos lmfao


edit* funny thing is my grandma's family name is Harper lmfao no relation though to Peter the great though lol

Hell NO!!

Harper changed the equalization formula to further screw Alberta. Harper did nothing for Alberta at all his focus was Ontario, specifically the golden horseshoe. 

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2 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:


Hell NO!!

Harper changed the equalization formula to further screw Alberta. Harper did nothing for Alberta at all his focus was Ontario, specifically the golden horseshoe. 

Oil seen it's best times under Harper ..... I saw as schools got new computers and smart boards for every class...also oil companies donated/built a lot of stuff for towns during harpers time......that was Manitoba though. 

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6 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

I have never once said I hate Canada. 


hahahaha ok you just want to hold it hostage to your demands and if you don't get your way you want to break up. Pure love, no hate. 


Honey I love you but if you don't clean up after me, make me dinner, rub my feet and clean my clothes I'm breaking up with you.


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1 minute ago, inane said:

hahahaha ok you just want to hold it hostage to your demands and if you don't get your way you want to break up. Pure love, no hate. 


Honey I love you but if you don't clean up after me, make me dinner, rub my feet and clean my clothes I'm breaking up with you.


That sounds like an 80's house wife or a riggers wife lol to fair the wife only has to do it for a week out of the month lol

but the wives never minds cause they know the money the guys bring in and how hard it is....

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2 minutes ago, RowdyCanuck said:

Oil seen it's best times under Harper ..... I saw as schools got new computers and smart boards for every class...also oil companies donated/built a lot of stuff for towns during harpers time......that was Manitoba though. 

This also isn't true. As a percentage of gdp oil was more to the Canadian economy under Chretien than it was Harper. No doubt oil companies give back I have posted those things repeatedly over the years. Also Harper used Alberta to further ensure prosperity for Ontario and Quebec. 

1 minute ago, inane said:

hahahaha ok you just want to hold it hostage to your demands and if you don't get your way you want to break up. Pure love, no hate. 


Honey I love you but if you don't clean up after me, make me dinner, rub my feet and clean my clothes I'm breaking up with you.


Lol alright..that's what Alberta does for Canada. 

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4 minutes ago, inane said:

hahahaha ok you just want to hold it hostage to your demands and if you don't get your way you want to break up. Pure love, no hate. 


Honey I love you but if you don't clean up after me, make me dinner, rub my feet and clean my clothes I'm breaking up with you.


Here I'll say it for yea I rowdycanuck hates Canada at times....its to accepting and Canada makes me feel like I'm worth less cause I'm a Canadian white straight male......

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20 minutes ago, RowdyCanuck said:

Actually What I would do is try to make a trade agreement with the states cause it would give Canada the middle finger and if Alberta can ship to Oakhoma where they have a pipeline that ships to the coast already......Since a lot of the oil industry is owned by people from the states.....I think it would be a easier sell and for sure. 

Also grain companies already pay to ship their grain and cattle so that doesn't really change anything. 

That's why I say from a business stand point Alberta could pull this off but I want Manitoba and s.k to join lol power house baby lol

Better learn the American anthem then

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10 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Better learn the American anthem then

Already know it so doesn't change anything for me lol 

what's wrong with being an American hippie?


edit* Alberta like I stated before is a cheap knock off of Texas lol

Edited by RowdyCanuck
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26 minutes ago, RowdyCanuck said:

That sounds like an 80's house wife or a riggers wife lol to fair the wife only has to do it for a week out of the month lol

but the wives never minds cause they know the money the guys bring in and how hard it is....

That's probably the real reason....B)

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1 hour ago, Jimmy McGill said:

but that cool war room, thats well worth it :picard:

Oh wait.  It gets better


A report by the Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) revealed earlier this week that oil and gas companies are withholding $173 million in property taxes. That number is up 114% from last year’s $81 million in unpaid taxes.

The rural communities charged with collecting these taxes do not have the capacity to enforce these non-payments. They had hoped that the provincial government would step in to help them.

Instead, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney jumped to the defense of the oil and gas corporations. Kenney noted that the energy sector was going through a downturn, suggesting that municipalities can’t expect to “wring money from a stone.”

This comes after Kenney introduced a massive $4.5 billion tax break for corporations and cutting the municipal taxes paid by shallow gas producers by 35%.

Former MLA David Swann and the Alberta Liabilities Disclosure Project (ALDP) called on the Kenney government to take action against oil and gas tax avoidance. Swann also announced his intention to stop paying provinicial taxes in protest of this double standard.

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31 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Swann also announced his intention to stop paying provinicial taxes in protest of this double standard.

This guy is going to lose his house, the government will seize it and sell it for back taxes.

But nobody is going to sell off the oil wells that haven't paid tax. 

Always easier to mess with the average guy than a multi national company.

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3 hours ago, bishopshodan said:

So... not making a new flag?  thought they would,


Even if AB separates it will be generations before they get sorted out. By that time Oil will be long passed it's 'sunset'




I was picturing an all black background with  a border of flames and a pair of Truck Nuts in the center....

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1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

Oh wait.  It gets better


A report by the Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) revealed earlier this week that oil and gas companies are withholding $173 million in property taxes. That number is up 114% from last year’s $81 million in unpaid taxes.

The rural communities charged with collecting these taxes do not have the capacity to enforce these non-payments. They had hoped that the provincial government would step in to help them.

Instead, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney jumped to the defense of the oil and gas corporations. Kenney noted that the energy sector was going through a downturn, suggesting that municipalities can’t expect to “wring money from a stone.”

This comes after Kenney introduced a massive $4.5 billion tax break for corporations and cutting the municipal taxes paid by shallow gas producers by 35%.

Former MLA David Swann and the Alberta Liabilities Disclosure Project (ALDP) called on the Kenney government to take action against oil and gas tax avoidance. Swann also announced his intention to stop paying provinicial taxes in protest of this double standard.

all the angst about individual people playing the system to live that cool welfare life... and Kenney lets this go? wow. 

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1 hour ago, Jimmy McGill said:

all the angst about individual people playing the system to live that cool welfare life... and Kenney lets this go? wow. 

It'll be fine.  He'll steer Alberta out of Canada.  Or they'll accuse him of being a red Tory and vote even further to the right this ensuring a Wexit party status in the next 8 years.


The peasants can pay

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