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Wet'suwet'en Protests and Blockades in BC


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13 minutes ago, gurn said:

Too funny, a guy arguing about the law, with a lawyer.

More difficult to expropriate first nations land.. but the courts will certainly try...

We will see how the first nations of Canada.... react though....  So far we are seeing pushback when governments don't negotiate properly...




The Supreme Court undermined its promise of more secure rights with a laundry list of activities that might justify an incursion on Aboriginal title. Copied from its 1997 decision in the Delgamuukw case, the list includes the development of agriculture, forestry, mining, and hydroelectric power, the building of infrastructure, and, to cover all bases, general economic development



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9 minutes ago, Squamfan said:

they are burning our flag, wonder how they would feel if we burned some totems poles

i am not anti native but a disgrace that there burning our flag 22701874.jpg?quality=70&strip=all&w=1040

LOL   yah right.....      150 years of genocide gets your flag burned....

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48 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

yah right... a lawyer that claims he isn't personally benefitting... 


I am visualizing  you sitting at a desk with your feet crossed as you typed it.....






I work in the medical device industry, but yeah sure awesome argument. 

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4 hours ago, Sbriggs said:

People like me, a small business owner who lives in Northern BC and see's these kinda disputes first hand constantly. I have first nations in my family and do not have a racist bone in my body. First nation people are getting lots of money and jobs as well as contracts for their businesses out of this deal, remember we have to earn the jobs or contracts they are not just givin to us because of our race. If there was no money in it for them they would all be protesting so don't give me that BS thats its not about the money. I am self educated about these issues I live it all the time. I know who holds up the issues right now and its because they want a bigger piece for themselves and there not happy with the deal there leaders made, well too bad I am rarely happy with the deals my leaders make and not even happy with who my leaders are but I'm not blockading container yards and railways am I? The only thing that is remotely shocking is you calling me ignorant when you have no idea who I am.

The title holders have agreed on payment.  They are not asking for more

The band members have effectively agreed on things.  They are not asking for more

The hereditary chiefs and outlying members have issue, protestors have issue.  it is not the title holders who are holding things up therefore no, it is not about money.


If it was about money, the title holder of the land the route is slated to go through would be on the horn making it about money, instead they're on record saying just get it built I'm ok with it.


Hereditary chiefs are currently the issue, protestors are the issue.  Period.

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4 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

I work in the medical device industry, but yeah sure awesome argument. 

Very interesting... my niece worked in oil and gas legal department..

Now works for a city's legal department in mid sized town in  alberta..


Can you get me a deal on a  sleep apnea device ?  How about a spinal decompression device.... ?

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:



Hereditary chiefs are currently the issue, protestors are the issue.  Period.

I thought the issue was the failue of the government to negotiate with the heritary chiefs ( who make decisions on uncededed territorial lands ) 

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3 hours ago, Squamfan said:

canlt believe Canada economy is held up because some natives are not making money. if the band supports it why are these idiots protesting, probably paid by Trudeau

For the absolute last time it's NOT ABOUT THE GD MONEY


The title holders of the land that this route is slated to go through have already signed off on and agreed upon it.  The bands have agreed upon it.  it isn't about the money for them as they've already signed off on everything.

it's statements like yours that keep perpetuating the ignorance and racism in this nation.  You think a few bucks and a bottle of firewater is what this is about but your head is so far up your messier hole you probably think that KoS sounds like a credible voice in this matter

Edited by Warhippy
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47 minutes ago, Squamfan said:

they are burning our flag, wonder how they would feel if we burned some totems poles

i am not anti native but a disgrace that there burning our flag 22701874.jpg?quality=70&strip=all&w=1040

There's large groups in Alberta and Sask that don't recognize that flag so meh

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3 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

I thought the issue was the failue of the government to negotiate with the heritary chiefs ( who make decisions on uncededed territorial lands ) 

Yet again, you're ignorant of how things work; it's murky but I explained it very clearly a few pages back.  Hereditary chiefs have no power over title holders or band councils and sit as more titular figureheads but STILL have the power to hold things up as their power is recognized in provincial and federal law, a large part of why hereditary titles are dying out and quickly

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

For the absolute last time it's NOT ABOUT THE GD MONEY


The title holders of the land that this route is slated to go through have already signed off on and agreed upon it.  The bands have agreed upon it.  it isn't about the money for them as they've already signed off on everything.

it's statements like yours that keep perpetuating the ignorance and racism in this nation.  You think a few bucks and a bottle of firewater is what this is about but your head is so far up your messier hole you think that KoS sounds credible

KOS is my favourite poster on this forum...


Settlers wiped out 60% of BC indigenous people in 1860 with introduced disease....   Stole their land.....   Forced them into residential schools...

Apprenhended their children into foster care with non first nation families.....  Watched their women disappear from our highways hitchhiking as bus options are so limited / expensive.... then  we locked up 25 % of mostly males first nations in prison.. ( even when they make up 5% of the population ).....    Then we watched then non grad from our school system and drop out due to so little first nation curriculum in our  textbooks / school courses...


Yah its first nations peoples fault....



  YET we are still blaming first nations people for everything that is wrong in our province.....

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