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[GDT] Bruins @ Nucks - Feb 22 2020 - 7pm Pacific - HNIC EDITION

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I wonder what fans would appreciate more.


Losing , but not taking crap from the Bruins. This includes drawing a few retaliation penalties but standing up for your mates.

or Winning by scoring on the PP , and not retaliating to a cheap hit or 2


hmmm... should take a poll.

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Just now, nuck-lifer said:

I wonder what fans would appreciate more.


Losing , but not taking crap from the Bruins. This includes drawing a few retaliation penalties but standing up for your mates.

or Winning by scoring on the PP , and not retaliating to a cheap hit or 2


hmmm... should take a poll.

Losing for me. That's how we lost the cup. I dont want to go through that again.

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5 minutes ago, gurn said:





Haven't been to a bar in decades.

The original discussion had to do with who our 6th and 7th defenseman were. My argument was that there is not much difference in our bottom pairing 7th defenseman and our prospects. They could be interchangeable if need be. Fantenberg and Stech are OK, Benn has been struggling and we have prospects who are knocking on their door waiting for their opportunity. End of drama. ::D

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31 minutes ago, IBatch said:

Modesty is a virtue.   Stetcher is great  - but let's be honest he wouldn't be on half the teams rosters.  Our right side is far from perfect.  

If he ever went on waiver he would be picked up 


he is not a top 4 guy but could be top 6 on plenty on nhl teams 

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1 minute ago, nuck-lifer said:

I wonder what fans would appreciate more.


Losing , but not taking crap from the Bruins. This includes drawing a few retaliation penalties but standing up for your mates.

or Winning by scoring on the PP , and not retaliating to a cheap hit or 2


hmmm... should take a poll.

I would go with the first one, the second one we tried and failed at. 

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24 minutes ago, the grinder said:

is the coach on the ice playing the game ?     no   

So a coach has zero impact on the teams play  or style of play? Sure about that? 

in your world a coach is not required right?


you should actually play the game and perhaps then you would realize the function and impact of a coach 

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22 minutes ago, EdgarM said:

No that's not it, loved plyers such as Lidstrom, Forsberg and Sundin. Petey is one of my favorites now. I like those players who have much more assets then just pure skill. These players can be nullified, especially in the playoffs.

Miller and Hughes right now are under pressure and are still excelling, that is not bred into every hockey player. Some players its just a job to them. 


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8 hours ago, canuck2288 said:

If Green does not have the brains to dress McEwen over Loui he better get ready to get his a$$ in a cab as well 


Travis here are some free tips:

- read above

- put Tofu with Pearson and Bo

- move Jake to play with EP and JT

- Gaud, Motte and roussell 

- Sutter, Beagle, McEwen 

- stress the puck handler on the kill instead of a static 4 man box 

- dummy down the pp, shoot play for rebounds

- try to play with only 5 skaters even strength 

- use a timeout when your lack of systems is causing the roof to cave in, they don’t carry over to the next game 

-when A tire fire is occurring in the defensive zone, dummy it down and focus on one thing and one thing only..get the puck over the blue line..even it it means icing. STOP with the d zone retreat movement under pressure

- get deeper into the O zone before we attempt to circle at the high wall or attempt a pass back to the point, going 4 feet into the o zone and then stopping only results in a blue line turnover and hangs the d Man out to dry. Boston is bigger so we can not dump and chase. We can either chip and chase or make a quick pass with speed and get to the circle or low boards before we setup 


this is hockey 101 but it seems like Green can’t coach at this level 


you are welcome Travis, please print this and post it in The locker room 

Well said, agree with everything here.

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11 minutes ago, nuck-lifer said:

I wonder what fans would appreciate more.


Losing , but not taking crap from the Bruins. This includes drawing a few retaliation penalties but standing up for your mates.

or Winning by scoring on the PP , and not retaliating to a cheap hit or 2


hmmm... should take a poll.

I’ll take option 1, Alex. But I’d rather they beat them on the ice and on the scoreboard. 

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2 minutes ago, canuck2288 said:

So a coach has zero impact on the teams play  or style of play? Sure about that? 

in your world a coach is not required right?


you should actually play the game and perhaps then you would realize the function and impact of a coach 

is that what I said   ? no   did I say anything about systems ?  no. have you actually heard travis green  say " I don't want you guys fighting": no    have there been fights since green has coached yes ., I merely said that coach green isn't on the ice  to go and fight . I have actually have  played the game there , coach  and  so has travis green  so I would take it then  , green knows more coaching than you and I combined  because he has actually played in the nhl   coached ahl and nhl ,   so  according to you   since your not an nhl player, you know jack about it too then . 

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