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Nova Scotia shooter dead after killing 22 people/CDN Govt "assault style" weapons ban.


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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:

I hear ya. I guess that convo goes down the road to the right of the average guy owning semi autos etc..


I remember once being at the range with a bunch of the bouncers I managed. Big tough dudes, you should have seen the arsenal some of them showed up with. Kinda a dic measuring contest i suppose.

Just pointing out what some gun owners look and act like and who the anti -gun crowd may perceives them as.

Oh, I've seen those guys. I know exactly what you're talking about. Figured most of them for "gang" members with gobs of money to spend.

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16 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

I own 2 Remington muzzle loaders.  Are you familiar with a muzzle loader? I have to set up every shot and I get just one.  But I consistently tag what I aim at.  There is no pew pew pew it's pew damn or pew got it.  1500 types of arms.  FIFTEEN HUNDRED, by estimates there are still over 1100 types of arms still totally legal for hunting and recreation. I am sorry but there are still over a thousand options?  That's plenty by my standards and griping about the loss of different shades of grey seems pointless.


Just my opinion


That being said; to my knowledge, this will have to be approved by the privy council.  Then the Governor General.  Then face an ACT motion, in which it will need 3 separate readings through the house and senate before booming a true law or enshrined in to legislative law.  There is zero chance that this bill makes it that far without massive and major changes.  By the time this hits the second reading it will be so whittled down as to be completely worthless due to changes, amendments etc,


Parliament came back a week or two ago after some ugliness regarding virtual sittings.  

My opinion is that with 1500 types of firearms you could get some that might not belong in that group. I don't think it would be a major issue to take them off if they did. We might differ on whether or not people can just get a different gun. Where I stand is that the people that feel if they're certain gun, whether it be a hunting/pest type of rifle is on the list and they don't agree with it then it's fine to make that sort of argument as long as they have the evidence to support why their preferred gun doesn't belong on the ban list. I think that's perfectly fine and wouldn't be surprised if some got taken off as long if evidence is proven.


Are you saying that has already passed those three steps? I understand that the HoC was in agreement that it needed to be shortened when they do come back. If MPs, outlets and people are stating that they weren't able to debate this in the HoC that it is possible that steps weren't taking in the process of passing this bill given the circumstances with Covid?


I can't help but have skepticism with this entire process, given the circumstances of Covid, and personally I care more about that a lot but perhaps I can find something the more I read to clarify. 

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31 minutes ago, Junkyard Dog said:

I thought parliament was shut down a while ago which the rare come together for like the wage subsidy bill back in early April. Also that it was always a shortened council. The argument is that no one was able to debate this in the HoC which is what MPs are saying. It seems pretty valid the more I read up on it.


Would you be in agreement that if there are some guns on the ban list, I mean 1500 are a lot, that shouldn't be on it to take them off? Personally I feel, in time, some probably will be taken off. It wouldn't be major in the grand scheme. 

The government banned a javelin missile launcher...like wtf when were we allowed to own those? I wish I had of known I would have loved to fire some missiles. Let's be real they really had no clue what they're doing. I believe they even outlawed a couple websites thinking they were guns.:picard:

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3 minutes ago, Lionized27 said:

Oh, I've seen those guys. I know exactly what you're talking about. Figured most of them for "gang" members with gobs of money to spend.

I know. 

But they were a collection of good guys with guns that obsess with their own security.  While working in jobs that secure others.


As i have said earlier in this thread though. What is with the high number of firearms owned by the average gun owner? from my personal experience, this is the case. Once you get a gun or two...you seem to want many (I was like that with tattoos ). Anyway, not a good look as perceived by the anti gun crowd. Many in this thread have mentioned the stash they have that they wont give up willingly. 

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1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

The government banned a javelin missile launcher...like wtf when were we allowed to own those? I wish I had of known I would have loved to fire some missiles. Let's be real they really had no clue what they're doing. I believe they even outlawed a couple websites thinking they were guns.:picard:

They compiled a list of (pretty much) all .223/5.56 caliber restricted rifles registered in Canada and submitted it.

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3 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

I know. 

But they were a collection of good guys with guns that obsess with their own security.  While working in jobs that secure others.


As i have said earlier in this thread though. What is with the high number of firearms owned by the average gun owner? from my personal experience, this is the case. Once you get a gun or two...you seem to want many (I was like that with tattoos ). Anyway, not a good look as perceived by the anti gun crowd. Many in this thread have mentioned the stash they have that they wont give up willingly. 

I'd be more concerned with the criminals stockpiling firearms...but that's just me.


If someone wants to legally purchase and collect firearms, who are you and I to say he can't? Criminal acquisition however, should be curbed at all costs. 

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10 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

The government banned a javelin missile launcher...like wtf when were we allowed to own those? I wish I had of known I would have loved to fire some missiles. Let's be real they really had no clue what they're doing. I believe they even outlawed a couple websites thinking they were guns.:picard:

Personally I feel it was more of a react than a read and react.


If he came out and stated that they're beginning a task force with the purpose of strengthening our borders and cracking down on illegal goods coming out of the US, handing out harsher penalties and running a joint op with the US we'd all be in agreement. That's where I would have started.


It's probably gonna happen though anyway but he could've prevented the uproar. I don't think Liberals care about that though.


Either way FPSRussia ain't coming here anytime soon.

Edited by Junkyard Dog
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7 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

I know. 

But they were a collection of good guys with guns that obsess with their own security.  While working in jobs that secure others.


As i have said earlier in this thread though. What is with the high number of firearms owned by the average gun owner? from my personal experience, this is the case. Once you get a gun or two...you seem to want many (I was like that with tattoos ). Anyway, not a good look as perceived by the anti gun crowd. Many in this thread have mentioned the stash they have that they wont give up willingly. 

It really depends on what is considered as a "high number".

1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100+?


If money wasn't an issue, I would probably have a few.

A Mosin-Nagant, bolt-action.... from Russia/USSR, I think it's probably the same rifle as in the movie "Enemy at the Gate".

vz58..... a simple, fun semi-auto that shoots cheap surplus ammo.

A shotgun (not sure which one).... I really want to take up skeet shooting someday.

One small little .22lr rifle for when someday I want my sons to learn how to shoot.

Maybe a few different handguns and revolvers... some are just very exquisite.  Very fine craftsmanship, not unlike a beautiful piece of artwork.



So right off the bat, it's already more than half a dozen firearms.  

Yet almost all are completely different from each other, different ammo, different purpose, etc.  

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6 minutes ago, Lancaster said:

It really depends on what is considered as a "high number".

1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100+?


If money wasn't an issue, I would probably have a few.

A Mosin-Nagant, bolt-action.... from Russia/USSR, I think it's probably the same rifle as in the movie "Enemy at the Gate".

vz58..... a simple, fun semi-auto that shoots cheap surplus ammo.

A shotgun (not sure which one).... I really want to take up skeet shooting someday.

One small little .22lr rifle for when someday I want my sons to learn how to shoot.

Maybe a few different handguns and revolvers... some are just very exquisite.  Very fine craftsmanship, not unlike a beautiful piece of artwork.



So right off the bat, it's already more than half a dozen firearms.  

Yet almost all are completely different from each other, different ammo, different purpose, etc.  

I dunno. But because I like to give answers, I'd think over 5 is getting into hunter, collector category. 


That gun is beautiful. I can understand the collector point of view. I'm thinking more about the average person and my personal experiences. Many seem to own multiple but don't hit the range much and hardly ever hunt. 

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24 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

I dunno. But because I like to give answers, I'd think over 5 is getting into hunter, collector category. 


That gun is beautiful. I can understand the collector point of view. I'm thinking more about the average person and my personal experiences. Many seem to own multiple but don't hit the range much and hardly ever hunt. 

Depending on where you live, going to the range could easily take an hour or two to get there.  So you can easily just waste up to 2-4 hours (assuming there's no heavy traffic or accidents) just on driving alone.  Gas, plus ammo.... it's not the cheapest of hobbies either, depending on how much you want to fire.  Then there's maintenance, making sure you're not forgetting any documents, etc.  Sometimes it's just much easier to be a collector first, then as a (legal modder), and then as someone who goes to the range a couple of times per year.


Most people who can really engage in firearms as a hobby are probably older in life.  It's not like someone who is 17 with their first car, willing to spend as much time and money on it as they have minimal responsibility.  


For myself.... telling my wife that I'm going to spend the whole day at the range, probably spend $100+ on gas and ammo.... while she's at home taking care of a 2 year old plus a 5 month old baby... and asking her to walk the dog and prep dinner?  Lets just say when I get home, there will be a can of "whoop-butt" waiting for me 


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20 minutes ago, naslund.is.king said:

Courtesy of Ctv news 

firearm related homicides

57.5% Handguns

22% Rifle or Shotgun

0.8% Fully Automatic Firearms

What percentage of these homicides were committed by licensed firearms owners?

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9 hours ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

There are plenty of us who are not anti gun, yet we want this.   Even in the US, the majority of NRA members are for increased gun control measures like universal background checks.   Do no assume that people who support this ban are anti gun.  I have shot and possessed plenty of guns. 


I have no problems with traditional platforms like bolt, lever, pump, single and double shot.  Where the line should be is in the semi-auto area and hand guns.  As far as I'm concerned, ban all of those.  But then you will have a percentage of gun owners who turn into temper tantrum toddlers cause their toys got taken away.   Boo hoo.


And again, criminals gonna criminal is not an argument against bans/regulations/legislation.   Period. 


Honestly I'd be fine with people being able to own some semi-auto's as long as the magazines are minimized (as they are). 


If we are allowing people to own powerful rifles as it is, then what difference does it make? Is it really less dangerous? Maybe the 2nd or third person has an extra second to try & run? My bolt action will still blow your head off Kennedy style. (nevermind the contribution - or lack thereof - these legal rifles make in crimes)


Its a big expense for what's likely a very minimal (at best) result. Not just the buy back also the money the gov't losses on the tax from legal gun owners buying bullets/parts/exc. I'm not trying to put a price on lives but I've yet to see proof this ban will even do anything to curb criminal shootings. So whats the point?


Handguns on the other hand would be a better target for a ban. Those are the guns we should be most concerned with. Maybe a compromise could be made there. Allow some (now previously legal) rifles & instead target/takeaway handguns.


6 hours ago, bishopshodan said:

No kidding. 


How hard can it be? We have thumb and/or face recognition for cell phones. What a crazy idea it would be to implement that for products designed to kill. 


Seems simple. Grab the grip, it recognises your thumb print, if you're the owner ..you're go to go. 


5 hours ago, bishopshodan said:

The tech has been around for about 2 decades.


It could be as simple as having a watch with a chip in it. The gun would only fire if it was within 10 inches of the watch.


Seems simple to me what should be being implemented. 



The smart gun, which ensures only its gun owner can pull the trigger, was invented nearly two decades ago. But it’s still a long way off from hitting the market. 


I like this idea. Playing into my point above^. Leave some of these rifles alone, and spend the money targetting handguns. You could centralize them at government gun ranges for people to shoot, allowing people to still shoot them & the government could make a buck off it. (The range in Langley for example allows you to shoot handguns & other more restricted weapons they have in house). Then maybe when this technology comes around the law around handgun ownership could be re-visited. 

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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1 hour ago, HerrDrFunk said:

And when the cops get him, they can also charge him with weapons crimes in addition to whatever he did :gocan:

They aren't doing a very good job.


45 minutes ago, naslund.is.king said:

Courtesy of Ctv news 

firearm related homicides

57.5% Handguns

22% Rifle or Shotgun

0.8% Fully Automatic Firearms

@Jimmy McGill and a few others..what now?

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