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[PGT] St. Louis Blues at Vancouver Canucks | Aug. 17, 2020 | Series tied 2-2

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10 minutes ago, N4ZZY said:

I agree with you sadly about Virtanen. He's most likely gone after this playoff run. Benning and Co will try to find a good return for him. He needs a change of scenery as well. Way too comfortable at home. Was hoping a BC boy could become a star player for the Canucks, but alas, not meant to be. Not sure what needs to happen for Jake to break out, and if he does, it's unfortunately not going to be here in Vancouver. That saddens me. 


Another area which I agree with you is Stetcher. He's a warrior, but he's being overwhelmed by the Blues. He's a good depth piece, and if we can sign him for cheap, then great. But if he's wanting more money than he's worth, we need to cut ties with him. He might even be better served to play out east where it's not as physical. Might thrive there in the Eastern Conference compared to the West. 


This team is going to be different heading into next season. Virtanen likely gone. Stetcher likely gone (depending on what he's going to ask for in terms of $$), Toffoli possibly gone. Tanev might be gone as well (depending on $$), Ferland probably gone because of concussion issues (LTIR). The only person I see coming back is Markström. He's been soooo good, that management would be foolish not to resign him (at a good cost, mind you). Because of the flat cap in the league, I don't think he'll be getting the moon unfortunately, which will work out best for us. 5.5 - 6 mil per year would be great contract over 3-4 years. 


Tanev and Stecher gone? And who will replace Tanev? No way Tanev is gone, He is the 2nd most important D after Hughes and that includes Edler. In fact I would trade Edler before I walk away from Tanev. Just the Minny and STL series to see how Tanev is our most reliable minute muncher.

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9 minutes ago, N4ZZY said:

I agree with you sadly about Virtanen. He's most likely gone after this playoff run. Benning and Co will try to find a good return for him. He needs a change of scenery as well. Way too comfortable at home. Was hoping a BC boy could become a star player for the Canucks, but alas, not meant to be. Not sure what needs to happen for Jake to break out, and if he does, it's unfortunately not going to be here in Vancouver. That saddens me. 


Another area which I agree with you is Stetcher. He's a warrior, but he's being overwhelmed by the Blues. He's a good depth piece, and if we can sign him for cheap, then great. But if he's wanting more money than he's worth, we need to cut ties with him. He might even be better served to play out east where it's not as physical. Might thrive there in the Eastern Conference compared to the West. 


This team is going to be different heading into next season. Virtanen likely gone. Stetcher likely gone (depending on what he's going to ask for in terms of $$), Toffoli possibly gone. Tanev might be gone as well (depending on $$), Ferland probably gone because of concussion issues (LTIR). The only person I see coming back is Markström. He's been soooo good, that management would be foolish not to resign him (at a good cost, mind you). Because of the flat cap in the league, I don't think he'll be getting the moon unfortunately, which will work out best for us. 5.5 - 6 mil per year would be great contract over 3-4 years. 


Yup, I think this playoff run exposed Stetcher. Even in some stretches against the Wild, but very obvious against the Blues, he's not built for the playoffs and he doesn't have a certain quality thats great to keep him in the roster. He's nice to have in the season, but he's gotta offer something other than just carrying the puck once in a while. Absolutely dreadful game for him and Edler. I dunno if Green is willing to promote the Benn, Fanta duo but they need to be on the ice more. When Edler Stetcher are on, they are just all over the place.

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2 minutes ago, dougieL said:

I can't tell if the Blues are slew footing the Canuck players or not but there have been a few plays, some that look dangerous, where Canuck players look like they have their feet taken out from under them as they go into the boards. 

The Blows tactics is to charge any players when you dump the puck into their zone.

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1 minute ago, DefCon1 said:

Tanev and Stecher gone? And who will replace Tanev? No way Tanev is gone, He is the 2nd most important D after Hughes and that includes Edler. In fact I would trade Edler before I walk away from Tanev. Just the Minny and STL series to see how Tanev is our most reliable minute muncher.

Yup I'd kick Edler to the curb. Hmmmm... I wonder if a certain Schenn brother would still be available for a deep discount. Now THAT guy wouldve looked good in a series like this one

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10 minutes ago, nuk76 said:

Jakes playing like he wants off this team and i don't blame him. I like how jake, one  of he lowest paid players, gets flack. How about the overpaid beagle, roussel, erickson, and sutter??? Where's the coach calling them out like he constantly does Jake. Jake gets on the first line and scores, bang he's off the first line, He's on the power play ,he scores, he\s off the first power play. Who the hell would ant to play for this team when your constantly under the gun. Criticized for not putting out playing with a bunch of pugs. Did 6 million dollar man do anything on the 4th line? How's that first line doing now against a heavy team eh? Right now were play St. Louis with a lineup that only half the players in our lineup are good enough. But i know it's all Jakes fault.

Beagle's been an absolute beast for us and has performed his role perfectly.  He's here to PK, win faceoffs, and provide leadership.  I think he's done his job pretty damn well.  Rooster dropped the mitts with Blais after he'd been driving the team nuts all series with a really dirty hit on Sutter.  Not sure what you want the coach to call either of those guys out for.  Virtanen was given a bit more time with our offensive players tonight and he did very little with it.  He's not hitting enough and overall isn't doing what he needs to do to help the team.  I'm a fan of his skillset but the only person to blame for Virtanen's lack of performance has been Virtanen.

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4 minutes ago, nuk76 said:

Jake one of the lowest paid players. The coaches whipping boy, and he's the problem. Yeah he's the problem.

He is not the problem, he is just a major disappointment so far. More accurate to say he is not part of the solution.


Main reason why many don't see him on this team next season is that he is still a tradable asset and frankly needs a new start. We are trapped with our other bottom 6 and we could really use the spot to give other prospects a chance.

Edited by 24K PureCool
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4 minutes ago, DefCon1 said:

Tanev and Stecher gone? And who will replace Tanev? No way Tanev is gone, He is the 2nd most important D after Hughes and that includes Edler. In fact I would trade Edler before I walk away from Tanev. Just the Minny and STL series to see how Tanev is our most reliable minute muncher.

But that depends on how much he's asking for, right? Could the Canucks afford to keep Markström, Tanev, Toffoli?

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6 minutes ago, filthycanuck said:

Yup, I think this playoff run exposed Stetcher. Even in some stretches against the Wild, but very obvious against the Blues, he's not built for the playoffs and he doesn't have a certain quality thats great to keep him in the roster. He's nice to have in the season, but he's gotta offer something other than just carrying the puck once in a while. Absolutely dreadful game for him and Edler. I dunno if Green is willing to promote the Benn, Fanta duo but they need to be on the ice more. When Edler Stetcher are on, they are just all over the place.

Yea. I think management sees this too. So they're not going to be offering him a huge amount of money, which probably means that he's gone. 


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2 minutes ago, nuk76 said:

Jake one of the lowest paid players. The coaches whipping boy, and he's the problem. Yeah he's the problem.

I like Jake, I stick up for him more then most people but let’s face it, the kid has an attitude problem.  He lacks discipline and should be contributing more positively to our team with the great amount of potential that he has.  However he is a good hitter and a good guy to create space for other players in the corners.

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1 minute ago, N4ZZY said:

But that depends on how much he's asking for, right? Could the Canucks afford to keep Markström, Tanev, Toffoli?

Toffoli is a luxury right now. This team needs Marky and Tanev, at least until one of the d prospect can take over in two or three years.

Only way I see we re-sign Toffoli is if we trade Boeser, who I am not going to put on the no touch list now seeing how he is playing scared/injured again. Toffoli may also become another overpaid vet soon if Pod and Hog comes over and blows it up.

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1 minute ago, MNaslund?? said:

I like Jake, I stick up for him more then most people but let’s face it, the kid has an attitude problem.  He lacks discipline and should be contributing more positively to our team with the great amount of potential that he has.  However he is a good hitter and a good guy to create space for other players in the corners.

Too bad he is not doing much of that right now.

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Just now, 24K PureCool said:

Toffoli is a luxury right now. This team needs Marky and Tanev, at least until one of the d prospect can take over in two or three years.

Only way I see we re-sign Toffoli is if we trade Boeser, who I am not going to put on the no touch list now seeing how he is playing scared/injured again. Toffoli may also become another overpaid vet soon if Pod and Hog comes over and blows it up.

I agree that Markström and Tanev are the priorities. 


Toffoli would help in a series like this one I think. But man, we gave up a ton for just a few games. 


Boeser is probably injured right now...there's no other explanation for his play. 



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So scoring once in a blue moon with beagle and rooster is worth their 3-4 million dollar contracts??? Trades, what do you think you will get for Jakes since you all think he's not plying well. How are you going to get anything for edler,beagle, rooster, sutter, or erickson or even Tanev since once again we waited to long to trade them when they still had value.

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