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1 hour ago, stawns said:

What is worse?  Little Johnny being covid infected and not knowing it and taking it home, then to Grandma and Grandpa's for Sunday dinner and infecting them, who then might go on to infect several of their elderly friends etc etc etc


You lost credibility at "the flu"

You lost credibility when you were not able to answer the first question.

Difference between positive pcr test, infected and sick? Tell me..


As long as little Johnny doesn't have any symptoms it is not very likely

he will infect someone. Further I was not saying he should hug his

grandparents for hours. I said they should be allowed to go to school

at least. Then the grandparents and parents decide for themselves if they

want to "risk" meeting with the children. Also makes a huge difference what

grandparents means? A 60 year old (my mothers age) ? I am not worried about

her at all. Or a 85 year old who is in a nursing home due to illness and age?

And in this case I would be worried regardless of covid or flu or whatever..


What is definetly the worst is to tell our children that they might kill their

grandparents if they hug them.. I see huge psychological problems upcoming..

In children.. that for me is actually way worse..


41 minutes ago, stawns said:

We've kept our kids sheltered for 6 months, we don't really know how they transmit it.  I can tell you, from first hand experience, that kids pass every other virus around like wild fire, why would this one be any different?

"sheltered".. nice word for what means nothing else than prison from the perspective of a child

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35 minutes ago, samurai said:



Not with Covid read evidence.   Cases clearly show in the house it is primarily parent to child.   Think what you think though. 




I fail to see how you're somehow the expert in infectious diseases but your high and mighty holier than OldNews in the off topic section statements seem to make you one.


Please do let me know at what point in time in history a virus has looked at children in enclosed environments and thought "nah, i'll wait to get the parent instead" 


Modelling has very little to no actual basis of transmission in youth as we essentially made sure the youth were never put in harms way by shutting down education centres.  Now that they're open I guess we'll see what happens.



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19 minutes ago, MystifyNCrucify said:

The whole world should have shut down, borders closed, for three months, to contain it. 


And now we are here because of stupid, is, and stupid, does.

Shut down how? Like NO ONE leaves the house? Then we die from not having food.

And as soon as someone leaves the house it will spread.

Case closed

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9 minutes ago, Nathancanuck said:

You lost credibility when you were not able to answer the first question.

Difference between positive pcr test, infected and sick? Tell me..


As long as little Johnny doesn't have any symptoms it is not very likely

he will infect someone. Further I was not saying he should hug his

grandparents for hours. I said they should be allowed to go to school

at least. Then the grandparents and parents decide for themselves if they

want to "risk" meeting with the children. Also makes a huge difference what

grandparents means? A 60 year old (my mothers age) ? I am not worried about

her at all. Or a 85 year old who is in a nursing home due to illness and age?

And in this case I would be worried regardless of covid or flu or whatever..


What is definetly the worst is to tell our children that they might kill their

grandparents if they hug them.. I see huge psychological problems upcoming..

In children.. that for me is actually way worse..


"sheltered".. nice word for what means nothing else than prison from the perspective of a child

There's just way too much overthinking of this in my opinion. In fact, let's look at this the opposite way...


Instead of telling the kid they might "kill" their grandparents, how about merely saying you are keeping them safe. Encouraging them to do their part and teach responsibility. It's important stuff. It doesn't mean they'll be scared for life from this. Instead, it could be mean they're more responsible for the rest of their life.


Germs between kids will spread if they do not wash their hands, etc. That's also part of the responsibility. Even breathing germs out (doesn't have to be through a cough) is also a thing. Let's not forget that. Spit particles come out when you so as merely talk.

Edited by The Lock
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7 minutes ago, Nathancanuck said:

Shut down how? Like NO ONE leaves the house? Then we die from not having food.

And as soon as someone leaves the house it will spread.

Case closed

Again, overthink much? A 3 month shutdown would not mean the end of the world.

Edited by The Lock
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Also where are the people who live in Sweden who are on this forum too?? Can you not try to tell some folks

here how you guys in Sweden handeled it and how happy you all are about it? And how normal your

lives are? And that your media just tells you whats going on and not saying every day that millions will die

and then it never happens?

My girlfriend is swedish and she is in Sweden right now.. she talked to all her friends and family there and no

one even cares or wants to talk about it.. like it almost doesn't exist.. and that they feel sorry for us..

Would be nice if some Swedes on here could confirm this..


Offtopic: My hope is that Louie Eriksson openly speaks against Covid restrictions and then we can terminate

his contract :D

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12 minutes ago, Nathancanuck said:

You lost credibility when you were not able to answer the first question.

Difference between positive pcr test, infected and sick? Tell me..


As long as little Johnny doesn't have any symptoms it is not very likely

he will infect someone. Further I was not saying he should hug his

grandparents for hours. I said they should be allowed to go to school

at least. Then the grandparents and parents decide for themselves if they

want to "risk" meeting with the children. Also makes a huge difference what

grandparents means? A 60 year old (my mothers age) ? I am not worried about

her at all. Or a 85 year old who is in a nursing home due to illness and age?

And in this case I would be worried regardless of covid or flu or whatever..


What is definetly the worst is to tell our children that they might kill their

grandparents if they hug them.. I see huge psychological problems upcoming..

In children.. that for me is actually way worse..


"sheltered".. nice word for what means nothing else than prison from the perspective of a child

So you don't believe in asymptomatic carriers?

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1 minute ago, The Lock said:

Again, overthink much? A 3 month shutdown would not mean the end of the world.

Coronavirus does not mean the end of the world at all either. I don't think you can

imagine what happens if the whole world shuts down 3 months.. not even sure you serious..

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Just now, Nathancanuck said:

Coronavirus does not mean the end of the world at all either. I don't think you can

imagine what happens if the whole world shuts down 3 months.. not even sure you serious..

A shut down does not mean food goes away if that's what you're thinking. You'd still need the logistics of things to happen.

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1 minute ago, Nathancanuck said:

Coronavirus does not mean the end of the world at all either. I don't think you can

imagine what happens if the whole world shuts down 3 months.. not even sure you serious..

When did the whole world ever shut down?  I hear this bs over and over.  We barely shut anything down completely.

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Just now, Nathancanuck said:

I do but less often/less heavy due to lower virus amount.. also if you would finally answer the first question would also help to discuss this..

Finally answer what question?  I wasn't even apart of that discussion

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5 minutes ago, Nathancanuck said:

I do but less often/less heavy due to lower virus amount.. also if you would finally answer the first question would also help to discuss this..

If you're asking about the difference between a testing, an infection, and a sick person, I'm pretty sure everyone in this thread grasps that concept. What does that have to do with your stance? I'm curious on where you're going with this.


In fact, instead of asking, why not state the difference and say how it supports your stance? It's kind of how debates work. lol

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35 minutes ago, The Lock said:

You might want to provide that evidence in this case rather than getting others to go look for it if you want people to take you seriously. It's some pretty bold claims you are making to be honest.

There is so much literature (e.g.studies) around the world that conclude my basic point.  That is why schools are open.   Here is just one of those countless papers.





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1 minute ago, The Lock said:

A shut down does not mean food goes away if that's what you're thinking. You'd still need the logistics of things to happen.

Where does food come from? And what means go away? No it cannot go away but it does not produce and distribute itself as you say.. logistics

Have you ever worked on a farm where people grow food? I did and I tell you conditions (living conditions on farm) are not very nice or hygenic.

So to think we can still produce food and distribute it but also erase a virus completely is just not realistic. We could talk about a scenario like that

if theres a virus that kills 80% of the people..

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6 minutes ago, stawns said:

When did the whole world ever shut down?  I hear this bs over and over.  We barely shut anything down completely.

No one said the world shut down.. he said the world shoudl have shut down completely


6 minutes ago, stawns said:

Finally answer what question?  I wasn't even apart of that discussion

Makes me doubt you actually read the posts you reply to..

If you know the difference between a positive pcr test, an infected person and a sick person?

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3 minutes ago, Nathancanuck said:

Where does food come from? And what means go away? No it cannot go away but it does not produce and distribute itself as you say.. logistics

Have you ever worked on a farm where people grow food? I did and I tell you conditions (living conditions on farm) are not very nice or hygenic.

So to think we can still produce food and distribute it but also erase a virus completely is just not realistic. We could talk about a scenario like that

if theres a virus that kills 80% of the people..

I said logistics would still be up, meaning people would still be transporting good, farming, etc.


I don't care about your experience on the farm. It has nothing to do with this discussion.

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8 minutes ago, samurai said:

There is so much literature (e.g.studies) around the world that conclude my basic point.  That is why schools are open.   Here is just one of those countless papers.



Thanks for providing evidence.


(Although I still don't think it merits creating cesspools in schools but I'm too tired to debate at this point. That percentage of children transmitting the disease is about to go up from the school openings though)

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5 minutes ago, Nathancanuck said:

No one said the world shut down.. he said the world shoudl have shut down completely


Makes me doubt you actually read the posts you reply to..

If you know the difference between a positive pcr test, an infected person and a sick person

I get you're going for some big "gotcha" moment, but i really don't care what the difference is as I wasn't the one you directed the question at.  You get a C+ for effort though

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