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2 minutes ago, Gatzkek said:

Why should a physically fit 30 year old be forced to take a vaccine that won't benefit them?   That's bat$&!# crazy.  Vaccinated and non vaccinated are spreaders so that isn't a reason.


Now if you're an obese 30 year-old, you just might end up in the hospital. Should these people be mandated to the jab to spare the health care workers?


Now over 50 years old have a decent chance of having trouble with covid so that's a different story, that's why I am vaccinated and happy with my choice to this point. I hope there are no long-term effects, but even short term, this study shows people under 60 are more likely to die after being vaccinated than those who are unvaccinated. The vaccine may reduce covid death but may make you susceptible to other fatal conditions. https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/vaccinated-english-adults-under-60?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzQ5MDY1MCwicG9zdF9pZCI6NDQzMzc2NTQsIl8iOiIxQUpGRiIsImlhdCI6MTYzNzQyMDg2OSwiZXhwIjoxNjM3NDI0NDY5LCJpc3MiOiJwdWItMzYzMDgwIiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.9VUDRE1Y_ulQb4wd_dboCAGd9-rSnGy5XFczpoM1wbI


So my question is, how could you question people objecting to being forced to take a useless (for them) vaccine three times a year?

A 31 year father of an 8 year old girl in my school caught it from her and was dead in 2-3 weeks.  No health issues, but hard core anti vaxxer/masker.  Now she has no dad and a boat load of guilt to deal with.  If you can't see it's a choice for our communities and not individuals then you are the problem

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

Shouldn't you be screaming at veterans at a cenotaph or parents and kids at a vaxx clinic?


Get over yourself.  Your argument is tragic and completely backwards and I hope you didn't throw a shoulder trying to pay yourself on the back.


Infections happen.  Hospitalizations have ALWAYS been the marker that mattered and it's 27.2 to 1.3 in terms of vaxxed to unvaxxed hospitalizations in BC which just shows how utterly you missed the mark.


Merry Christmas champ

As I said you guys will skew the information to fit your narrative. 


Vaccinated folks are spreading covid around, bringing new variants into the country but its everyones fault but yours.




P.s. I'm vaxxed.  I'm just not a ****ing idiot and wont be taking any more.  The data is in your face that it doesnt work. You guys just choose to ignore it.


How about the long term health effects from taking 4, 5, 6 and more vaccinations one after another.  Enjoy your future champ.

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3 minutes ago, stawns said:

A 31 year father of an 8 year old girl in my school caught it from her and was dead in 2-3 weeks.  No health issues, but hard core anti vaxxer/masker.  Now she has no dad and a boat load of guilt to deal with.  If you can't see it's a choice for our communities and not individuals then you are the problem

Not many young fit people die from the vaccine but some suffer very debilitating side effects. You didn't mention if he was overweight.

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50 minutes ago, Kurgom said:

Japan is kicking COVIDs ass currently to the point where they're confused how they're doing so well.

Yeah! I forgot about them. I googled it to find out what they were doing and didn't come up with much. Genetics was being talked about.

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3 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

Obesity is often genetic and as far as I can tell not contagious. If you have information otherwise feel free to pass it along.


I am quite a lifelong proponent of personal responsibility. So this is just a personal wish of mine but I wish people who willingly chose not to get vaccinated would be completely committed to their cause. That means accepting the consequences of their choice. I mean really, how committed is someone who will run to the ICU at the first sign of difficulty looking for Dix and Henry to bail them out? I didn't know martyrdom came with an insurance policy.

Yes. Covid is contagious.


And the vaccinated are spreading it more than the unvaccinated.


Also lol at obesity being often genetic.  Have you ever looked at a photograph from the 1920-1960s of a crowd of people.  Pretty difficult to find any obese folks.


Have a Merry Christmas, I wont be commenting anymore. It's pointless. You guys just want to start a war.  Make sure you dont write a cheque your ass cant cash though.

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48 minutes ago, stawns said:

A 31 year father of an 8 year old girl in my school caught it from her and was dead in 2-3 weeks.  No health issues, but hard core anti vaxxer/masker.  Now she has no dad and a boat load of guilt to deal with.  If you can't see it's a choice for our communities and not individuals then you are the problem

The study I provided showed people under 60 years of age are more likely to die if they were vaccinated than if they were unvaccinated.

Edited by Gatzkek
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1 hour ago, Gatzkek said:

Why should a physically fit 30 year old be forced to take a vaccine that won't benefit them?   That's bat$&!# crazy.  Vaccinated and non vaccinated are spreaders so that isn't a reason.


Now if you're an obese 30 year-old, you just might end up in the hospital. Should these people be mandated to the jab to spare the health care workers?


Now over 50 years old have a decent chance of having trouble with covid so that's a different story, that's why I am vaccinated and happy with my choice to this point. I hope there are no long-term effects, but even short term, this study shows people under 60 are more likely to die after being vaccinated than those who are unvaccinated. The vaccine may reduce covid death but may make you susceptible to other fatal conditions. https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/vaccinated-english-adults-under-60?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzQ5MDY1MCwicG9zdF9pZCI6NDQzMzc2NTQsIl8iOiIxQUpGRiIsImlhdCI6MTYzNzQyMDg2OSwiZXhwIjoxNjM3NDI0NDY5LCJpc3MiOiJwdWItMzYzMDgwIiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.9VUDRE1Y_ulQb4wd_dboCAGd9-rSnGy5XFczpoM1wbI


So my question is, how could you question people objecting to being forced to take a useless (for them) vaccine three times a year?

“Unreported Truths: Independent citizen-funded journalism”


An obviously unbiased source with hard hitting objective articles such as:


”Twitter vs Berenson”


”The bluechecks really are THIS scared”


”Covid is over”


”Cannabis causes psychosis. Psychosis causes violence.”


”Long Covid doesn’t exist, volume one zillion”


“The god that failed: How to open the eyes of anyone who still thinks Covid vaccines are working as promised.”


So my question is, how anyone could believe what this one guy says over thousands of infectious disease experts with decades of experience?

Edited by StanleyCupOneDay
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18 minutes ago, Hamhuis Hip Check said:

Not like they do over there. I see more people wearing their mask below their nose then i see people wearing them properly. 

Asian countries have always been very proactive with mask wearing because of the devastation wrought there by the previous worldwide pandemic of Spanish flu. Of the estimated 50 million deaths caused by the disease over half (26-36 million) came from Asia. They wear masks even when they aren’t sick, it’s deeply ingrained in their culture. It’s very likely that this trait is why Japan has low numbers of cases despite people being jam packed in crowded cities.

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17 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:


I personally don't give a rip if you get vaccinated or not. If you do get it (Covid) how about you stay home and deal with it yourself and not overwhelm the system when it could have been easily preventable?


Edited by Bure_of_94
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7 hours ago, CanuckGAME said:

Yes. Covid is contagious.


And the vaccinated are spreading it more than the unvaccinated.


Also lol at obesity being often genetic.  Have you ever looked at a photograph from the 1920-1960s of a crowd of people.  Pretty difficult to find any obese folks.


Have a Merry Christmas, I wont be commenting anymore. It's pointless. You guys just want to start a war.  Make sure you dont write a cheque your ass cant cash though.

The vaccinated are spreading the Mich milder omicron.  The unvaxxed are spreading the much more lethal delta.

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7 hours ago, Hamhuis Hip Check said:

Not like they do over there. I see more people wearing their mask below their nose then i see people wearing them properly. 


6 hours ago, StanleyCupOneDay said:

Asian countries have always been very proactive with mask wearing because of the devastation wrought there by the previous worldwide pandemic of Spanish flu. Of the estimated 50 million deaths caused by the disease over half (26-36 million) came from Asia. They wear masks even when they aren’t sick, it’s deeply ingrained in their culture. It’s very likely that this trait is why Japan has low numbers of cases despite people being jam packed in crowded cities.

Wasn't masking happening when air pollution got bad? This is a pic from 2017. I googled japanese subway images.




What Morning Rush Hour Looks Like In One Of Japan's Busiest Subway Stations  - YouTube

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8 hours ago, StanleyCupOneDay said:

“Unreported Truths: Independent citizen-funded journalism”


An obviously unbiased source with hard hitting objective articles such as:


”Twitter vs Berenson”


”The bluechecks really are THIS scared”


”Covid is over”


”Cannabis causes psychosis. Psychosis causes violence.”


”Long Covid doesn’t exist, volume one zillion”


“The god that failed: How to open the eyes of anyone who still thinks Covid vaccines are working as promised.”


So my question is, how anyone could believe what this one guy says over thousands of infectious disease experts with decades of experience?

Of course, the source is the Office of National Statistics (UK). There is a good discussion of the data below this graph in the link I provided.



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2 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Do you have a link to this graph? 

I'm going to look for it. I'd like to keep track of it if possible. I didn't see the opposition in the comments questioning it so it's likely legit. Navigating these government websites can be tough.

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