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2 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

Wife and I have isolated for 6 days.

She is 100%.

I have what now feels like a pretty strong head cold. Sore eyes, nose and throat and stuffy. Still some fatigue too, I could stay in bed all day.


Guess I have to still isolate until I dont have symptoms? I'm not very happy about it but I suppose it could be worse. I have wondered in the last week what it would have been like if i wasn't vaxxed. 


Take care brother. Sorry to hear you got hit pretty hard. You're probably still twice as healthy as I am. ;) Hope you are up and running soon.

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3 hours ago, D.B Cooper said:

Yeah I get that, but this un named person, and most with the same message, come off as such dummies that even undeveloped children would see this and right away think ‘I think there is something wrong with the dude’.  


There has been studies done that tracked how people absorbed information. Most people will make a decision quickly based off the information readily available. A snap judgment happens, then as more information comes in a person can develop their thoughts and they solidify or change. But for not all people is this the case. People of lower intelligence tend to have a higher chance of keeping the same opinion they started off with.


In one particular study people were shown a video of a person shoplifting an item from the store. The shoplifter picked up the item, walked around for a bit in their hand, then left. People were then asked do you think this person shop lifted this item. Everyone said they did. Then, the test subjects were shown further video of that person returning to the store, talking to employees and paying for said item. People were then asked again, did this person shop lift. Many people would say no, it was a mistake. People of below average IQ would more often say yes, they still thought the person shoplifted. They were less likely to stray from their initial conclusion, even as evidence was presented that disputed it.


This is one of the main reasons why I think it's so important that we don't allow miss information to go unchecked. If someone is still on the fence and trying to make up their mind, I would rather then read that one bad take followed by 4 different people explaining why it's wrong, then just a bad take that everyone ignores and hopes people can see is rediculous.

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49 minutes ago, Shayster007 said:

There has been studies done that tracked how people absorbed information. Most people will make a decision quickly based off the information readily available. A snap judgment happens, then as more information comes in a person can develop their thoughts and they solidify or change. But for not all people is this the case. People of lower intelligence tend to have a higher chance of keeping the same opinion they started off with.


In one particular study people were shown a video of a person shoplifting an item from the store. The shoplifter picked up the item, walked around for a bit in their hand, then left. People were then asked do you think this person shop lifted this item. Everyone said they did. Then, the test subjects were shown further video of that person returning to the store, talking to employees and paying for said item. People were then asked again, did this person shop lift. Many people would say no, it was a mistake. People of below average IQ would more often say yes, they still thought the person shoplifted. They were less likely to stray from their initial conclusion, even as evidence was presented that disputed it.


This is one of the main reasons why I think it's so important that we don't allow miss information to go unchecked. If someone is still on the fence and trying to make up their mind, I would rather then read that one bad take followed by 4 different people explaining why it's wrong, then just a bad take that everyone ignores and hopes people can see is rediculous.

Great post, and yeah, Fair enough.  
Im someone who starts with science, then brings in common sense, then form

my opinion.   I try to stay open minded and have changed my mind a million times, even if it makes me look like a donkey.  

When I see people like the un named poster, or my brother (who is a total freaking dumbass) going off on rants, I usually just call them potatoes and go on with my day.  
It seems so obvious to me that everyone should just giggle and ignore.  

Having said all that, I’m sure my opinions about all this wouldn’t be agreed with totally either.  
IMO, Bonny Henry is totally lost and has no idea what she is doing anymore.  
Im 100% for vaccines and vax passports. 
I’m not down with any more/new restrictions for those who have taken the steps asked of us.  
IMO there shouldnt be any restrictions to the vaccinated other than masks. 
We aren’t the ones filling the hospitals. 
We have done what was asked. We have enough protection to stay out of the hospital if or when we get covid.   

If you are major risk health wise, stay home and the gov should provide for those people. 
Anti vax can sit outside all the fun places feeling all discriminated against. Who cares. 
Vaxed can go back to regular life while being cautious. Ie, wear your mask, stay home if you are sick, etc…. 


The messages being fed from Henry and Horgan have been so wishy washy and biased, I just can’t take them seriously anymore.  


Before omicron, we had 18000 people in Rogers arena,    but the Rickshaw Theatre could only have restricted capacity, seating only for shows.  And they had full mask and vax requirements.      

18000 people fine.    
1000 people standing up, nope. 

Metal shop with 100 employees with no vax requirements who make equipment for mills in America.
For some reason ‘essential’ and fine. 


Gyms with 20-30 people and vax requirements staying healthy.  nope. 

All while they go up and down with the schools, causing development issues with children.  

And now seeing the case numbers go through the roof, but hospitalization pretty much stay the same.  

I just can’t listen anymore. 

Edited by D.B Cooper
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3 minutes ago, D.B Cooper said:

Great post, and yeah, Fair enough.  
Im someone who starts with science, then brings in common sense, then form

my opinion.   I try to stay open minded and have changed my mind a million times, even if it makes me look like a donkey.  

When I see people like the un named poster, or my brother (who is a total freaking dumbass) going off on rants, I usually just call them potatoes and go on with my day.  
It seems so obvious to me that everyone should just giggle and ignore.  

Having said all that, I’m sure my opinions about all this wouldn’t be agreed with totally either.  
IMO, Bonny Henry is totally lost and has no idea what she is doing anymore.  
Im 100% for vaccines and vax passports. 
I’m not down with any more/new restrictions for those who have taken the steps asked of us.  
IMO there shouldnt be any restrictions to the vaccinated other than masks. 
We aren’t the ones filling the hospitals. 
We have done what was asked. We have enough protection to stay out of the hospital if or when we get covid.   

If you are major risk health wise, stay home and the gov should provide for those people. 
Anti vax can sit outside all the fun places feeling all discriminated against. Who cares. 
Vaxed can go back to regular life while being cautious. Ie, wear your mask, stay home if you are sick, etc…. 


The messages being fed from Henry and Horgan have been so wishy washy and biased, I just can’t take them seriously anymore.  


Before omicron, we had 18000 people in Rogers arena,    but the Rickshaw Theatre could only have restricted capacity, seating only for shows.  And they had full mask and vax requirements.      

18000 people fine.    
1000 people standing up, nope. 
Metal shop with 100 employees who make equipment for mills in America.
Fine. For some reason ‘essential’

Gyms with 20-30 people staying healthy  nope. 

All while they go up and down with the schools, causing development issues with children.  

We sharing popcorn?

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5 hours ago, D.B Cooper said:

Yeah I get that, but this un named person, and most with the same message, come off as such dummies that even undeveloped children would see this and right away think ‘I think there is something wrong with the dude’.  


yeah fair points. I guess its easy to get sucked into engagement when they are that dumb. Its kind of like mini golf, its easy and everyone can do it. 

Edited by JM_
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24 minutes ago, D.B Cooper said:

Great post, and yeah, Fair enough.  
Im someone who starts with science, then brings in common sense, then form

my opinion.   I try to stay open minded and have changed my mind a million times, even if it makes me look like a donkey.  

When I see people like the un named poster, or my brother (who is a total freaking dumbass) going off on rants, I usually just call them potatoes and go on with my day.  
It seems so obvious to me that everyone should just giggle and ignore.  

Having said all that, I’m sure my opinions about all this wouldn’t be agreed with totally either.  
IMO, Bonny Henry is totally lost and has no idea what she is doing anymore.  
Im 100% for vaccines and vax passports. 
I’m not down with any more/new restrictions for those who have taken the steps asked of us.  
IMO there shouldnt be any restrictions to the vaccinated other than masks. 
We aren’t the ones filling the hospitals. 
We have done what was asked. We have enough protection to stay out of the hospital if or when we get covid.   

If you are major risk health wise, stay home and the gov should provide for those people. 
Anti vax can sit outside all the fun places feeling all discriminated against. Who cares. 
Vaxed can go back to regular life while being cautious. Ie, wear your mask, stay home if you are sick, etc…. 


The messages being fed from Henry and Horgan have been so wishy washy and biased, I just can’t take them seriously anymore.  


Before omicron, we had 18000 people in Rogers arena,    but the Rickshaw Theatre could only have restricted capacity, seating only for shows.  And they had full mask and vax requirements.      

18000 people fine.    
1000 people standing up, nope. 

Metal shop with 100 employees with no vax requirements who make equipment for mills in America.
For some reason ‘essential’ and fine. 


Gyms with 20-30 people and vax requirements staying healthy.  nope. 

All while they go up and down with the schools, causing development issues with children.  

And now seeing the case numbers go through the roof, but hospitalization pretty much stay the same.  

I just can’t listen anymore. 

part of the confusion I think around where Henry chose to close things down is she went by where the outbreaks occurred most. So some gyms were bad, and that effected all gyms. Other things like many workplaces had just as many people and no or few outbreaks so they were off the closed list. 



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31 minutes ago, D.B Cooper said:

Great post, and yeah, Fair enough.  
Im someone who starts with science, then brings in common sense, then form

my opinion.   I try to stay open minded and have changed my mind a million times, even if it makes me look like a donkey.  

When I see people like the un named poster, or my brother (who is a total freaking dumbass) going off on rants, I usually just call them potatoes and go on with my day.  
It seems so obvious to me that everyone should just giggle and ignore.  

Having said all that, I’m sure my opinions about all this wouldn’t be agreed with totally either.  
IMO, Bonny Henry is totally lost and has no idea what she is doing anymore.  
Im 100% for vaccines and vax passports. 
I’m not down with any more/new restrictions for those who have taken the steps asked of us.  
IMO there shouldnt be any restrictions to the vaccinated other than masks. 
We aren’t the ones filling the hospitals. 
We have done what was asked. We have enough protection to stay out of the hospital if or when we get covid.   

If you are major risk health wise, stay home and the gov should provide for those people. 
Anti vax can sit outside all the fun places feeling all discriminated against. Who cares. 
Vaxed can go back to regular life while being cautious. Ie, wear your mask, stay home if you are sick, etc…. 


The messages being fed from Henry and Horgan have been so wishy washy and biased, I just can’t take them seriously anymore.  


Before omicron, we had 18000 people in Rogers arena,    but the Rickshaw Theatre could only have restricted capacity, seating only for shows.  And they had full mask and vax requirements.      

18000 people fine.    
1000 people standing up, nope. 

Metal shop with 100 employees with no vax requirements who make equipment for mills in America.
For some reason ‘essential’ and fine. 


Gyms with 20-30 people and vax requirements staying healthy.  nope. 

All while they go up and down with the schools, causing development issues with children.  

And now seeing the case numbers go through the roof, but hospitalization pretty much stay the same.  

I just can’t listen anymore. 

You made a lot of good points, but there is one thing I don't really agree with. You said people who compromised immune systems should just stay home so everyone who has done what they needed to can live their life. I find that hard to agree with personally.


I have a compromised immune system, and work in healthcare. I already have had my 3rd booster, and got it months ago because when I had my first 2 shots I was in the middle a chemotherapy cycle and they weren't really sure how the vaccine would effect those in a cycle. I was very proud to be part of the case studies to see how it would effect me. The vaccine didn't have it's full effectiveness, so I got a booster earlier and will likely continue to be getting boosters depending on how this one effected my system.


If I was just staying home, I wouldn't be able to do my job and try to care for people through this pandemic. I still have to work, and I still want to live my life and be able to go to a grocery store, or even out for dinner and know restrictions are looking after our community as much as possible.


While I'm not here saying what you said is wrong. Most of it is correct, the government has been wishy washy and should have been more transparent from day 1. But I'm also sure they are doing their very best to try to protect as many people as possible. As should we all.

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2 minutes ago, Shayster007 said:

You made a lot of good points, but there is one thing I don't really agree with. You said people who compromised immune systems should just stay home so everyone who has done what they needed to can live their life. I find that hard to agree with personally.


I have a compromised immune system, and work in healthcare. I already have had my 3rd booster, and got it months ago because when I had my first 2 shots I was in the middle a chemotherapy cycle and they weren't really sure how the vaccine would effect those in a cycle. I was very proud to be part of the case studies to see how it would effect me. The vaccine didn't have it's full effectiveness, so I got a booster earlier and will likely continue to be getting boosters depending on how this one effected my system.


If I was just staying home, I wouldn't be able to do my job and try to care for people through this pandemic. I still have to work, and I still want to live my life and be able to go to a grocery store, or even out for dinner and know restrictions are looking after our community as much as possible.


While I'm not here saying what you said is wrong. Most of it is correct, the government has been wishy washy and should have been more transparent from day 1. But I'm also sure they are doing their very best to try to protect as many people as possible. As should we all.

I’m not saying have people standing at your door keeping you in.   
People should be able to make their own decisions when it comes to their own personal health.  
You know the risks, have taken what you feel are adequate steps to protect yourself, and make the decision to do your own thing. 
Perfect.  That’s rad.   Continue your life! 

Some people, like my mom who has lung issues, don’t feel comfortable leaving the house to go do anything other than required shopping and what not.  
They should be supported. 

We can’t keep ruining so many lives for this thing.   Covid will do it’s damage, but we shouldn’t be adding to it.  
No more closing businesses or restricting numbers or garbage like that. 
So many families, jobs, houses, businesses have been lost or ruined and it has been proven a couple times over now, it’s been for nothing.  
Covid has its ups and downs regardless of how many people went to a Canucks game or went to see Propagandhi at the Rickshaw.  

If we spent time, money and efforts on building and upgrading hospitals and education in the last couple years and kept everyone working, we’d be in the exact same situation, but with better healthcare, and everyone’s livelihood would still be fine.  

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9 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

You're also making all kinds of excuses for the antivaxxers.

Excuses or have I, along with many others, be sold a bill of goods by our government told if we did X, Y and Z we would be able to do A, B and C while unvaccinated couldn't and also that they were the reason covid was spreading only to find out that was utter nonsense and the unvaccinated were not the problem and all those things were told were false, as here we are. 


It's fine. There is a small group of you on a hockey forum who are hanging on for dear life to the narrative that the vaccines are the one and only way and get all the boosters they tell you to and wear all the masks but as the hippy guy pointed out from his travels. Unless those were all unvaccinated not wearing masks, not social distancing etc in the mall and so on people are done listening and watching them say one thing and doing another. 


Most people are sick and tired of the lies. Coached to hate the unvaccinated.  You guys are the last of the old racists, you hate them because of something you thought was true. I was there. Now I don't care. Get vaccinated, don't get vaccinated, it makes no difference. Friends parents that were boosted, both now have covid. 


One is sicker than the other, but even they are convinced it isn't working. The mantra of "how sick you could have been if you weren't boosted" given that nearly every person under 65 survived previously. 


Hospitals have been over booked for years, part of the joy of socialized medicine. Diet, exercise, supplements and getting healthy. 


They are finally getting close to admitting it. Just a matter of time now. 



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3 minutes ago, D.B Cooper said:

I’m not saying have people standing at your door keeping you in.   
People should be able to make their own decisions when it comes to their own personal health.  
You know the risks, have taken what you feel are adequate steps to protect yourself, and make the decision to do your own thing. 
Perfect.  That’s rad.   Continue your life! 

Some people, like my mom who has lung issues, don’t feel comfortable leaving the house to go do anything other than required shopping and what not.  
They should be supported. 

We can’t keep ruining so many lives for this thing.   Covid will do it’s damage, but we shouldn’t be adding to it.  
No more closing businesses or restricting numbers or garbage like that. 
So many families, jobs, houses, businesses have been lost or ruined and it has been proven a couple times over now, it’s been for nothing.  
Covid has its ups and downs regardless of how many people went to a Canucks game or went to see Propagandhi at the Rickshaw.  

If we spent time, money and efforts on building and upgrading hospitals and education in the last couple years and kept everyone working, we’d be in the exact same situation, but with better healthcare, and everyone’s livelihood would still be fine.  

Oh man, the pitch forks are coming.

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13 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:



Dr. Martha Fulford

Infectious Diseases Specialist at McMaster Children's Hospital and Associate Professor of Medicine at McMaster University


CTV reporter:


"I wanted to get your reactions on the incredibly sharp rise in cases we've seen over the past weeks":


Dr. Fulford:


"I think we have different narratives in terms about whether we need to worry about this or not.  Alot of the people who are testing positive of course are not sick, and this is an incredibly important message to get through.  What we have right now is a very high number of positive PCR tests, but the hospitalization rate is fairly flat as is our ICU rate, and again that's what the expectations are and so I think for the Province one of the things we need to start reporting really accurately is whether or not people are being admitted because of COVID or just with a positive test because of course everybody gets screened and anybody with screened positive is reported as an admission.  And we also have to be realistic, it's never going to be zero, it's respiratory tract season, and so for me it's always been that balanced approach.  It's time to pivot from testing every asymptomatic person in the community to focusing on how many patients are being hospitalized because they are sick with COVID because that is a very different number and a very lot less alarming number."


"Omicron is less severe than the other strains.  We've seen in countries with high vaccination rates and low vaccination rates that Omicron is simply not as severe.  Well you've seen in the headlines, how do know if you have a cold or if you have Omicron, the fact that you are even asking that question tells you that it is pretty mild.  Vaccines don't make a virus go away, they stop severe disease and that is the message and balance that we have to achieve in our communication."


"The group who will benefit the most from boosters are those who are vulnerable already, our seniors, people in congregate care settings, people with alot of comorbidities, that group for sure is going to benefit, and the additional benefit from a booster for low risk people , that's probably an individual decision on how risk adverse a person is, we certainly made them available for anyone who would like to have a booster."


Nowhere in the world including Canada, this is one of the good news stories around COVID, is that children themselves are very unlikely to have severe disease, and interestingly they are actually less likely to transmit it and there is alot of hypothesis for that, not that it will never happen, and so honestly the advice is the advice that we are giving all along, is that if a person is unwell, they have symptoms, that person should stay home and that person should stay away from small children.  If a person is a high risk adult that person maybe wants to take more precautions with where they go out and about, but again it's that balance about how do we ameliorate that risk of COVID to our high risk population with actually everything else that we need to get on with and do as a society because it's not COVID versus nothing, it's COVID versus health and well being and every other aspect of our physical health, our mental health, our social health, and that's the balance we're all trying to struggle to find at the moment."


"For kids, we can't keep isolating children, that's just profoundly harmful to our kids and it's a balance we do have to find".



14 minutes ago, AbbyNux said:

Oh man, the pitch forks are coming.

honest question, How does this end?  Pretty difficult to stay positive...

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