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3 minutes ago, JM_ said:

yeah but they'll get you anyway. How else will Rockefeller make his money off you? keep up dude. 


Nano tech.



That's how I believe wars will be fought and how guberments or whoever will control us.

They wont need a vaccine as a delivery method either, could do it airborne


I enjoyed the book 'Physics of the Future' by Kaku where he talks about it.


Sorry, just wanted to add to conspiracy talk and tell the anti-vaxxers....get the jab. It's not the way 'they' are gonna get you anyway. :)



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9 minutes ago, JM_ said:

its not passive or aggressive, I'm just poking fun. I mean come on, after that post you know you'd get something. 


Hey, you do you. Fill your boots. All I hope is that you didn't spread the virus to someone else. 

How could someone if they’re not vaccinated. They’re not allowed to participate in super spreader events: Hockey games, flights, concerts, university, etc?

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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:


Nano tech.



That's how I believe wars will be fought and how guberments or whoever will control us.

They wont need a vaccine as a delivery method either, could do it airborne


I enjoyed the book 'Physics of the Future' by Kaku where he talks about it.


Sorry, just wanted to add to conspiracy talk and tell the anti-vaxxers....get the jab. It's not the way 'they' are gonna get you anyway. :)



oh man, you still think there's governments :picard:

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8 minutes ago, KKnight said:

Nah. I would never think to deny someone their basic human rights. You on the other hand? Not so sure. 

You do realize we all have (enjoy) these basic human rights to which you refer because of the sacrifices others made to ensure we have them, right?  It’s not really much of a sacrifice (considering what others have done to ensure we have these rights) for the antivaxxer to get vaccinated.  

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1 minute ago, Bure_of_94 said:

How could someone if they’re not vaccinated. They’re not allowed to participate in super spreader events: Hockey games, flights, concerts, university, etc?

gee, dunno. Go to Christmas dinner. Go sit on a bus. Go anywhere where they don't ask for vaccination proof. 

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21 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Just stay away from our hospitals if you get sick with Covid.  Same for all adult antivaxxers.  And if these people had the courage of their convictions (and stayed away from our hospitals when they get sick with Covid) we wouldn’t have to cancel surgeries for others who do understand social responsibility.  

You stand strong Social Servant. You are the ultimate example. 

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1 minute ago, JM_ said:

gee, dunno. Go to Christmas dinner. Go sit on a bus. Go anywhere where they don't ask for vaccination proof. 

I dunno like big portions of the working class outside of major metropolitan areas getting time off Christmas wasn't an option. And as for a bus, I don’t know what the rules are, the nearest city to me that has them is 400km away.  But I would guess a bus load of people is a lot less contagious than a sporting event or concert with 18,000+. 

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2 minutes ago, Bure_of_94 said:

I dunno like big portions of the working class outside of major metropolitan areas getting time off Christmas wasn't an option. And as for a bus, I don’t know what the rules are, the nearest city to me that has them is 400km away.  But I would guess a bus load of people is a lot less contagious than a sporting event or concert with 18,000+. 

so you want to apply the rules of your clearly extremely rural life to the city? 


also, how is a safe and effective vaccine a problem for you to take? unless you have crystal balls, you don't know wha the future has in store for you, maybe you need emergency medical treatment and are flown into a major centre. Or do they not have roads either where you are?

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1 minute ago, JM_ said:

so you want to apply the rules of your clearly extremely rural life to the city? 


also, how is a safe and effective vaccine a problem for you to take? unless you have crystal balls, you don't know wha the future has in store for you, maybe you need emergency medical treatment and are flown into a major centre. Or do they not have roads either where you are?

where we're going, we don't need roads

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43 minutes ago, KKnight said:

You can't wholeheartedly say Justin Trudeau and every Canadian main stream network he's payed off, the World Health Organization, FDA, Bilderberg group, Rockefeller Foundation, CNN, have your best interest in mind. The corruption is front and center. If you want to believe what they say, by all means. I am personally unvaxxed, but I am not your enemy, it's not me placing these stipulations upon you. It's these beuracrats convincing you that you and I are a walking biohazard. Now when you inevitably get sick, they will blame me, saying I was the cause of your sickness. NO, the mutation of the spike protein was the cause. I mean we can argue all day, but I have no ill wishes for any of you. We literally haven't been able to go to any sporting event and half the league is having covid. Soccer players are suffering heart attacks and going in to cardiac arrest at alarming rates. This isn't questionable to you? At all? Call me stupid or an anti-vaxxer, but all I ask is to pay attention. 

I think we have an Alex Jones fan.   


Ask for sources, will probably get ignored or a jagoff droning on and on 8n a video.


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5 minutes ago, JM_ said:

so you want to apply the rules of your clearly extremely rural life to the city? 


also, how is a safe and effective vaccine a problem for you to take? unless you have crystal balls, you don't know wha the future has in store for you, maybe you need emergency medical treatment and are flown into a major centre. Or do they not have roads either where you are?


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7 minutes ago, JM_ said:

so you want to apply the rules of your clearly extremely rural life to the city? 


also, how is a safe and effective vaccine a problem for you to take? unless you have crystal balls, you don't know wha the future has in store for you, maybe you need emergency medical treatment and are flown into a major centre. Or do they not have roads either where you are?


1 minute ago, Alflives said:


Crystal balls?


Mrs Gaudette approves.

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