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Canucks requiring covid vaccination for staff and fans

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2 hours ago, Dumb Nuck said:

Irregardless, what do you think would happen? 

Action: ban unvaxxed people from grocery stores.

Consequence: riots and/or looting.


Am I wrong in my assertion? 

Yeah you're wrong. If grocery stores implemented a vaccine policy we would not see riots and looting. It's honestly rediculous and slightly unsettling that your mind even goes to that first. It would be a policy keeping the general public safe, not losing in game 7.


We would likely see some protest, they have already shut down roads in Victoria a couple times. Definitely a ton of complaining on Facebook, and a handful of videos of anti-vax enthusiasts loosing their minds on Reddit.

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1 hour ago, Jaimito said:



it's a pro hockey game.  They can dictate the admission policy.  dress codes, behaviors. last call on beers, vaccine or covid test status.  Don't like it, then don't go. 

In this case, they won't be able to go!

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9 hours ago, morgo said:

Translation: I can't actually address any of the points you raised so I'm going to laugh at you and insult you personally :rolleyes:.  I'm glad I made your weekend because you and the other posters I highlighted above made mine.

You're welcome and the thanks are all mine!!!!    You should seriously consider sending in a tape of your humour to Fox News and see if you can get on the Gut-Feld show - at least as a guest.  You'd be an absolutely perfect fit on there and the folks down in the deep, deep, deep south (as in waaaaaaaay down south) would really appreciate a fellow like you and love your Albertan humour alot more than ALL these "Normal" people on here that are ALL at odds with your comments. That way you wouldn't feel so alone and isolated and not have to respond to 75-85 post at a time to defend your logic becasue all those FOX viewers have been trained to think just like you by Trump himself.   So you'll feel right at home almost as if you're back in Alberta with your family. ....and don't worry, we'll ALL be fine without you and opportunity awaits...... 

(Don't forget your banjo.......)

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7 hours ago, EOTM said:

I'm wondering if not being able to enter grocery stores has ever been brought up in an official capacity regarding passports?


6 hours ago, Dumb Nuck said:

Irregardless, what do you think would happen? 

Action: ban unvaxxed people from grocery stores.

Consequence: riots and/or looting.


Am I wrong in my assertion? 


6 hours ago, Viper007 said:

There is also curbside pickup.  Unvaxxed people can still get groceries.  They would just not be able to go into the grocery store.

No one should worry about Anti vax people being denied entry to stores because thankfully WALMART will come to the rescue.


They'll let anyone in.......especially "Special" people !!!



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On 8/13/2021 at 7:42 PM, morgo said:

image.png.4dff02192d44a7c5b9c0e208c688bcc0.pngimage.jpeg.a309b790af52506cb8bbd20cb94be768.jpegimage.jpeg.4a797b9366e171a6c132e30484411491.jpegimage.jpeg.725c11e0889cc66c08f3715065d2fd09.jpegimage.jpeg.12aa2e837d295c035012adcf6e359ea9.jpegimage.jpeg.6939de6bcd847f82b4c7bd0e63800049.jpegWe are 'natural allies' with Quebec: Alberta premier-designate Jason Kenney  | Montreal Gazetteimage.jpeg.612bbad399b905718c765f7d24293742.jpegNRA targets wine drinkers to raise money - The Drinks Businessimage.jpeg.3c435594bb0a582a9777258f58eef87c.jpegNew Season of Apocalypse & the End Times | Premieres March 6th only on GOD  TV


How come nobody could answer why the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System website exists?  :rolleyes:.  If your vaccines are really harmless, like all the "fact checkers" say, why the need for it?




We'll thats a wonderful question but before we provide details on which Government Departments we acquired our "Official" statistics from, could we be so bold and kindly ask if you actually/truly/really believe that the facts you obtained from any of your sources or institutions you are a member of - are really trustworthy?

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3 hours ago, CDeM85 said:

I'm assuming they are waiting until we move into Phase 4 of our reopening plan before finalizing this decision.

I was told that a  will be coming down this next week, which IMO is a bit of sharp practise. Wait until every one has paid their season tickets before making the their decission and making fans aware 

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1 hour ago, Fred65 said:

I was told that a  will be coming down this next week, which IMO is a bit of sharp practise. Wait until every one has paid their season tickets before making the their decission and making fans aware 

More tickets will sell with a vaccine passport in place.  85% of population is vaccinated or getting vaccinated.  Canucks are making a business decision, as well as a very good social responsibility choice.  

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18 hours ago, morgo said:

Translation: I have nothing.

Yeah, all the people who filed reports are automatically nutjobs because anyone suffering an adverse reaction conflicts with your 2-dimensional worldview :rolleyes:.  Weren't you telling me earlier in the thread to be more compassionate?  Well it's mighty compassionate of you to dismiss every single person who lost a family member to this vaccine as "nut job."  Why don't you say it to one of their faces?


Translation: I can't actually address any of the points you raised so I'm going to attack your personally and call you an idiot.  Good job.  You've really convinced me with your enlightening views.


I don't have to cite everything for you like I'm writing a University paper...  Are any of your arguments cited?  Look into for yourself if you're interested or want to debunk what I've wrote.  But that would require effort and it's much easier to resort to ridicule, name-calling and ad-hominen attacks :rolleyes:.

And yeah, this is a hockey forum but this a thread about a non-hockey related issue.  I'm sorry you can't handle people having an opinion that differs from your own.

What a stupid argument.  There are plenty of people who don't abuse their bodies with the things you mentioned above including me.  You insulting anyone's education level after asserting that any and all people concerned about this vaccine are coke sniffing, ecstasy using, fast-food gorging, coffee-holics is hilarious...  What else do you have in that brilliant mind of yours :rolleyes:.  Wait... the medical industry sells narcotics over the counter?  I thought not having blind faith in every product they rush to market made you a "science denier." :lol:

Translation: I can't actually address any of the points you raised so I'm going to laugh at you and insult you personally :rolleyes:.  I'm glad I made your weekend because you and the other posters I highlighted above made mine.

So essentially you're




You don't understand vaccines or viral transmission.


Keep regurgitating the same disproved talking points.


Indicate that your camp is in fact selfish


Don't have a credible argument outside of it might be bad for me, but don't ever take in to account the fact covid is literally thousands of times more lethal than any potential side effect of the vaccine by sheer volume of numbers


Good to know.


Carry on

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18 hours ago, morgo said:

I've made plenty of points...  None of you can address them so you resort to name-calling and flippant remarks as you've just illustrated here.

You've made no points that are not, have not, and can not be easily disproved with the most basic searches in this very thread.


But sure, you're the victim for being saddled with the burden of proof for your statements.

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17 hours ago, morgo said:

This is some twilight zone level stuff here.  I have presented plenty of alternative and verifiable viewpoints and did so without attacking anyone...  But because I defend myself when attacked personally for doing so, I have a victim complex...  Unreal.

You personally have not called me names but many others have and you want to give them a free pass while shaming me for defending myself.  Okay :rolleyes:.  I have tried to present my opinions like a grown up, it's the people responding to me who are acting like children by throwing tantrums that consist of nothing but name calling, insults and ridicule...  All because my opinions differ from the overall consensus.  I'm not looking for sympathy...  If that's how people want to act, they are more than welcome but I'm not being "condescending" by pointing it out.  I'm just calling a spade a spade.

Viewpoints and opinions are not credible arguments.  Anecdotal statements are not credible arguments.


You're not the victim for being called out for refusing to back up your statements.



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16 hours ago, Dumb Nuck said:

And you think the unvaxxed people will go, no problem, we’ll just use curbside pickup?


I asked a question and no one seems to want to answer, I’ll ask one more time and make it multiple choice so there’s no beating around the bush.


If it was announced that unvaxxed people were not allowed entry into any grocery stores what do you think would happen?


1) nothing, they’d all accept it and figure out how to get food.

2) peacefully protest.

3) riot and/or loot.

I'd say riot and loot in my opinion only.




Because it shows and verifies that the selfishness of the anti vaxx crowd that has been present this whole time.


That it was never so much about not wanting what they consider an untested shot so much as it was their unwillingness to be moderately inconvenienced.


Presenting credible viable alternatives to their worries about being unable to shop or consume that are as low impact as possible and they'll mutiny and throw tantrums because they didn't want the alternative options, they wanted what they wanted period and screw everyone else.

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On 8/14/2021 at 3:42 PM, Kootenay Gold said:

And going back to the original post.... 80% of eligible British Columbian's are vaccinated so having to be vaccinated is a non-issue for most fans wanting to attend Canucks games. What I would like to see clarity on is the status of those with children under 12 who are not yet able to be vaccinated and want to bring their kids to the games. As for the ~ 20% of adults who choose to not get vaccinated; that is their choice. Independent business's have every right to put conditions on those wanting to attend games. Not really any different than business's where you are not allowed to smoke inside the building. There was a no smoking policy at the place I worked that stretched back over 25 years or so. Smokers either quit or walked out to their cars and smoked inside them.

The canucks have allready got rid of about 95% of kids out of the building, due to sKy-high ticket prices, so the simple solution is raise the ticket  prices one more time by about 10-15% and that ought to get rid of the last of em..........

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21 hours ago, cripplereh said:

well this is the problem about posting online, people do not know you and come up with their opinion on what is said,why try and think bad about things , this is all I am going to say

.............thats a bad thing to say !

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