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[Rumour] J.T. Miller Trade/Contract Talks


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6 minutes ago, HKSR said:

Like I've said a million times to a million people on here, he doesn't need to say he loves Vancouver, nor does he need to say his family loves Vancouver.  If he didn't wanna be here, he could simply his teammates are great and he enjoys playing for the Canucks and leave it at that.  Heck, he could even say he loves it here, but could leave his family out of it completely.   


The fact he deliberately and exclusively mentioned how his family loves it here is likely because that's the truth!

It's also the most basic soundbite he can provide to a ruthless media just looking for anything to contort into a story/soundbite/likes/follows, etc, like the parasites they are.

He's a professional. Straight up.

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Just now, RWJC said:

It's also the most basic soundbite he can provide to a ruthless media just looking for anything to contort into a story/soundbite/likes/follows, etc, like the parasites they are.

He's a professional. Straight up.

Like it's hilarious. What else is he going to say? Nevermind that he probably does like Vancouver. Why not? It's a beautiful (if expensive) city, particularly if you're making 7 figures.


That doesn't mean he wouldn't also like to win a cup in the next couple years, more. Or pay less taxes. Or be back in the USA. Like it's laughable that he's positioning this as an either/or scenario. Miller can like Vancouver AND still want to go play in the USA, for less taxes, on a contender. One statement doesn't make the other false.

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6 minutes ago, aGENT said:

A lot of those defensemen bought more UFA years. That upped their contract value. Hughes deal bought less UFA years and he had less leverage as a 10.2c RFA. Hence the lower deal. It's really not that complicated. 


Based on that, be actually did sign for what his comparables showed his values to be. You just have to understand what those are, how UFA years affect that etc. It's not voodoo, rocket dentistry.



Oh u mean Makar signing for 6 years vs Hughes signing for 6 years?  Uhhh... oops.

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3 minutes ago, HKSR said:

Oh u mean Makar signing for 6 years vs Hughes signing for 6 years?  Uhhh... oops.

Makar has had more success (and IMO they overpaid him slightly). He also wasn't a 10.2c RFA IIRC. He's also not his only comparable.

Edited by aGENT
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10 minutes ago, RWJC said:

Sure, and I loved living in Fiji.

Maybe thats all he's referring to, or choosing to.

I hope he loves playing here...his play on the ice would dictate that he does. This franchise, and his own motivations, have enabled him to become a top 10 scorer in the league this season. He's respectful and wearing his heart on his sleeve.

That's all he owes. I don't know why there needs to be speculation whether he wants to stay or not.

In the past and the now, he's proven himself.

The future is not entirely up to him, he is a tremendous asset in the moment. He knows it, management knows it, and they cast the die on his future.



I can live with that.  What I can't stand is people concluding that he's as good as gone.  That there is no way in hell that he will stay.  

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5 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

The problem with folks expecting some sort of hometown discount is that he hasn't even been here three full seasons, he doesn't have roots here, and we're his third team. He really doesn't owe us a damn thing, and it's unlikely we wouldn't have to pay full price.


People go on about "oh, he loves Vancouver!" and it doesn't really mean anything. You see players sign significant deals with teams they like or love every year. Hockey is a business and dollars make things run.



You know, with Miller, despite being on 3 teams, each time he was moved for a very good reason.  He came to Vancouver because Tampa was cap strapped.  He went to Tampa as a secondary piece to a bigger deal involving McDonagh and Miller to Tampa for players and picks.  So he's not a guy who has been passed around.  He's a great asset for any team.


There are plenty of reasons why non-market contracts are signed but I have no reason to expect Miller to take one.  Particularly because players his age usually want to cash in

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Just now, aGENT said:

Makar has had more success (and IMO they overpaid him slightly). He also wasn't a 10.2c RFA IIRC.

Yes, but we are talking about $9m vs $7.85.  If you saw that big of a difference coming in terms of Hughes new cap hit, that is pretty impressive. 

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3 minutes ago, aGENT said:

Makar has had more success (and IMO they overpaid him slightly). He also wasn't a 10.2c RFA IIRC. He's also not his only comparable.

In fairness look who he's playing under and beside vs Hughes.


If huggy had that line up he'd probably have 10-15 more points a season

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Just now, HKSR said:

Yes, but we are talking about $9m vs $7.85.  If you saw that big of a difference coming in terms of Hughes new cap hit, that is pretty impressive. 

It's barely over $1m. Not really that big of a difference.


When you factor in that Makar is probably overpaid about $500k, has had more success, and wasn't a 10.2c RFA... It's really not surprising.

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2 minutes ago, aGENT said:

It's barely over $1m. Not really that big of a difference.


When you factor in that Makar is probably overpaid about $500k, has had more success, and wasn't a 10.2c RFA... It's really not surprising.

That's the difference between Miller making $8.5m or $9.6m... of course that's huge.  It's a 16% difference!


$1m is a player like Lamikko in a 4th line role.

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11 minutes ago, Crabcakes said:

You know, with Miller, despite being on 3 teams, each time he was moved for a very good reason.  He came to Vancouver because Tampa was cap strapped.  He went to Tampa as a secondary piece to a bigger deal involving McDonagh and Miller to Tampa for players and picks.  So he's not a guy who has been passed around.  He's a great asset for any team.


There are plenty of reasons why non-market contracts are signed but I have no reason to expect Miller to take one.  Particularly because players his age usually want to cash in

Oh absolutely, and I'm not trying to diminish why he was moved, but the reasons don't change the fact he was still moved. But really, if any team in the league is going to get a discount it'll be the team he spent parts of six seasons with, the Rangers. 


He is a great asset. We know it, he knows it, management knows it, other managers know it, and his agent knows it. That's exactly why he won't come cheap via trade or via extension. It's also in his agent's best self-interest to get Miller as much as he can. 


And you're right, you do get the odd sweetheart deal, or player betting on themself, but I don't see Miller signing one of those either. This is his last chance to cash in big, he won't get what he could get now after a five year deal. He'll be getting 7 years via free agency and possibly 8 from us or whoever trades for him. He will not come cheap, and it's extremely unlikely we get him on any sort of bargain contract.


I see folks go on about how we should sign him for 4-5 years and I laugh. 

Edited by Coconuts
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Just now, Warhippy said:

In fairness look who he's playing under and beside vs Hughes.


If huggy had that line up he'd probably have 10-15 more points a season

Oh, absolutely! But the numbers are what they are, and Makar also scores more goals. Goals = $$$.


And as I just pointed out to our myopic friend, they're really not THAT far apart on cap hits. 


It's barely over $1m difference. When you factor in the extra production, the goals vs assists, the not being a 10.2c RFA... It shows Makar is probably "overpaid" $300-$500k vs Hughes :bored:

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1 minute ago, HKSR said:

I can live with that.  What I can't stand is people concluding that he's as good as gone.  That there is no way in hell that he will stay.  

That's totally fair too. He hasn't previously had as much success as he has had here, so maybe this franchise is his ideal place to be, right?

That said, they will have to pay up in next contract for what he has contributed so far.

That's the way it works across the board.

Look at Savard in MTL. Signed a heavy deal because he was just a small piece of a cup winning team.

MTL paid up huge for that "experience", not because they expect him to be the missing piece in MTL, and Savard's market value was raised/inflated based on the past example, not future expectation.


NHL is only a known quantity in that some team will always overpay for past achievements or projected future expectations.

So hard to gauge what any team will dole out to one specific player, but there is always one every season that takes a major risk financially to secure someone they deem worth it.

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2 minutes ago, HKSR said:

That's the difference between Miller making $8.5m or $9.6m... of course that's huge.  It's a 16% difference!


$1m is a player like Lamikko in a 4th line role.

No... Some of that $1.15m is because Makar has more production, scores more goals vs assists and wasn't a 10.2c RFA.


You're going off on what amounts to an approximately $300-$500k difference when you account for those things, and acting like you've made a point.

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