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[Report] Canucks fire Jim Benning, name Stan Smyl as interim GM

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7 hours ago, Shayster007 said:

As someone who entirely supported Benning through the vast majority of his time here this is very bitter sweet. I really and truely beileved in what Benning was doing here. He obviously made some glaring mistakes throughout his tenure, but I always like the direction. It is really difficult to see this team struggle this badly. I look forward to the next chapter of Canucks hockey.

Well said Shayster :canucks:

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2 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Yes Tryamkin would have been the perfect 3rd pairing LHD that we are missing.  Would have helped Podzilla as well in the transition.  That was a big mistake as well by Benning.  However, we don't know the whole story.  It may have been that Tryamkin's wife just didn't want to come to Canada no matter what contract he was offered.

Our covid outbreak scared them. 

And Benning had to wait and see where our season was at, turned out to be 53 games. Tryamkin couldn't wait and took on a 2 year contract. Hopefully Diamond left an out clause attached for next year. We'll see. 

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5 minutes ago, Hairy Kneel said:

Our covid outbreak scared them. 

And Benning had to wait and see where our season was at, turned out to be 53 games. Tryamkin couldn't wait and took on a 2 year contract. Hopefully Diamond left an out clause attached for next year. We'll see. 

don't tease me.. I hate willy d to this day over that.. 

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17 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:

Fans need to be smarter?  We're an ''educated'' hockey market.  


People lauded jetting Player Name, Beagle, Roussel. Adding OEL, Garland.  I liked most moves this summer. Heavily criticized that one? Questioned where it was going!  


OEL at his best is a high flying, skating, PMD to run a PP and offense.  We already had Hughes.  And it was a bad contract.  Acquiring him to be our 2LHD? Was never going to be a good move? Unless we became a high tempo team. But we hired Shaw a defensive coach to backup Green. Improve fundamentals, back check, clog lanes?  On its own could have been good. We also added small, feisty speedy forward Garland, had Hoglander, Motte. We should be an attacking pressing defensive team. High tempo offensive & counter attack team. Not a shot blocking, lane clogging one. 


Our personnel suggested our coaching decisions did not match.

High tempo tough teams with depth win cups... and the so-called education about hockey these days are from the media and most of it is laughable... not ALL but most.. but for arguements sake, then why did all the so-called fans jump all over the JT Miller trade then? Getting another top 6 forward is what we needed now and for time left on his contract, everyone just should have been happy to have him but nooooo... how was that educated to think getting a guy who would lead the team in scoring and match toe to toe with OV himself all season for half the cost..  seriously, show me some education in that.. 

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7 hours ago, chilliwiggins said:

8 long years of knowing this guy was in over his head.    

he is leaving us in the same boat Gillis did, bound to contracts and empty cupboards and sold draft picks.   

time to rebuild the rebuild or retool on the fly whatever Aquilini’ s group call it

Except the team has lots of young talent... something Gilles didn't leave...

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Creating cap for next year, lose these:


800  Hunt            
750  Chiasson    
750   Lammikko 
2.65  Dickenson      
750   High             
3M    Luo          

1.1M Sutter       


4 goals between this lot, 3 of those goals gifted pp time to Chiasson. 


That makes 9.7M for upgrades

Add DiGuseppe and Lockwood would make 11 forwards. (To our top forwards.) If we're stuck put either Burroughs/Booker/Schenn on the 4th line,for 12th forward.

Brock about the same 5.875 at 6M x3. 


Maybe keep Sutter? 

Maybe trade Ferland to someone who could use cap relief.Is that a thing? 

With 9.7 add a 3rd line centre and a RHD. 







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8 minutes ago, spook007 said:

Except the team has lots of young talent... something Gilles didn't leave...

No he had to sell it to get the 2012 roster... then the cap... it was all over, no money to sign a guy who could take on Buffy on the Hawks and win, and not leave luongo out in the breeze... and that was that... ala Andrew Alberts try..  still not enough, we had everyone locked up long term and then crash.. enter JB.. my gawd that man has balls walking into that for leftovers to build something out of with a salary cap, not happening... not with hands tied like that.

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12 minutes ago, Hairy Kneel said:

Creating cap for next year, lose these:


800  Hunt            
750  Chiasson    
750   Lammikko 
2.65  Dickenson      
750   High             
3M    Luo          

1.1M Sutter       


That makes 9.7M for upgrades

Add DiGuseppe and Lockwood would make 11 forwards. (To our top forwards.) If we're stuck put either Burroughs/Booker/Schenn on the 4th line,for 12th forward.

Brock about the same 5.875 at 6M x3. 


Maybe keep Sutter? 

Maybe trade Ferland to someone who could use cap relief.Is that a thing? 

With 9.7 add a 3rd line centre and a RHD. 







Why stress, let the players gel and trade those who don’t. Focus on season 23/24 so Ferland isn’t an issue.

Bennings mistake was that he stressed. 


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2 minutes ago, Timråfan said:

Why stress, let the players gel and trade those who don’t. Focus on season 23/24 so Ferland isn’t an issue.

Bennings mistake was that he stressed. 


Dickinson has gelled enough for my liking. Plus these are expendable contracts for next season. Anchor contracts mostly. 

I am looking to next year because I believe we're done for this year's playoff chances. 





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8 hours ago, Shayster007 said:

As someone who entirely supported Benning through the vast majority of his time here this is very bitter sweet. I really and truely beileved in what Benning was doing here. He obviously made some glaring mistakes throughout his tenure, but I always like the direction. It is really difficult to see this team struggle this badly. I look forward to the next chapter of Canucks hockey.

What exactly was Benning doing here?  What was the direction?  To build one of the most expensive, inefficient defenses in Canuck history?  To rely on Thatcher Demko, a young goalie in his second year as a starter to shoulder the load and play like at a Vezina calibre level every game?  To bring in depth forwards that provided little to no secondary scoring (Dickinson, Dowling, Chiasson, Highmore, and Lammiko combined for 3 ES goals, 10 ES points in 85 games)?


I'm still baffled by what people are saying here.  8 years of failure and it's still "oh I like the direction he was going in".

The direction didn't yield any results.  Imagine if you hired a financial advisor who consistently lost YOUR money year over year for 8 years. Would anyone be saying "Oh I liked the direction though!"?  This is a results based business.  Benning never even had a clear direction or plan anyway.  This JB nut hugging is borderline cult like.

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7 minutes ago, Hairy Kneel said:

Creating cap for next year, lose these:


800  Hunt            
750  Chiasson    
750   Lammikko 
2.65  Dickenson      
750   High             
3M    Luo          

1.1M Sutter       


That makes 9.7M for upgrades

Add DiGuseppe and Lockwood would make 11 forwards. (To our top forwards.) If we're stuck put either Burroughs/Booker/Schenn on the 4th line,for 12th forward.

Brock about the same 5.875 at 6M x3. 


Maybe keep Sutter? 

Maybe trade Ferland to someone who could use cap relief.Is that a thing? 

With 9.7 add a 3rd line centre and a RHD. 







pretty sure most of that was JB's plan and a lot of hope rested on Rathbone and Podz, and take it from there as in who was) is available after seeing how the team progresses but with everything that went sideways this season and injuries to Motte and Sutter out, on top of that Hamonic. 

 We were just doomed from the start of this season, and not even counting Petey and Hughes out as well.. Then Petey messed, Boeser with hitting everything metal as in goal posts, Bo just.. well at a loss how to handle it all or something started off ok but fizzled except for odd flashes here and there... sad but whatever.  JT hit it off when he said no one knows what's going on, sure... TG is my only big slam on JB other than Tryamkin.. JB should have not listened when the fan base screamed for TG as head coach or signed LE for the same reason when all the high profile FA's were gone to better destinations than a Canadian team unless it paid LARGE... 

 Anyway.. I digress, I just don't know what people expected to happen especially with covid and the missing 10 mil in projected salary cap to have players like chaisson and hunt not on the roster but it is was it is... 

 That hurt too..  


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4 hours ago, StanleyCupOneDay said:

If you only cheer for the team when they win I don’t think you can call yourself a true fan, that’s what a bandwagon fan is called: jumping on as the going gets good. I’m always cheering for a victory through the bad and the good for my team.


Also for all those enjoying being “vindicated” after complaining for 8 years non stop on every single move or non-move Benning did or didn’t do you guys sure seem to use a lot of hyperbole: “Reign of terror”, “left us with nothing”, “worst prospect cupboard then Gillis”, “worst GM in Canucks history”, “darkest days ever now ending” and so many countless other examples in this thread make it hard for anyone to believe that any of you can be objective about anything.


Benning made good moves and he made bad moves, just like any other GM and if you can’t acknowledge that then you aren’t able to see reality through your own bias.

This is a pretty naive take to be honest.


Benning's made a SMALL handful of good moves in the span of 8 years.

The bad moves literally write itself.... could be a novel of bad moves if you had to piece it all together.  Terrible transactions (could literally go on forever), terrible coaching hires (Willie D and Travis G), terrible communication with the fanbase and the media (live day-to-day, ran out of time, getting fined for tampering), terrible management personnel (letting go of Judd Brackett, Laurence Gillman and many others but keeping Weisbrod who does what again?).


So it's not just that simple... maybe in your head but as you say, if you want to be "objective" about it, Benning has directly caused a lot of harm to this franchise for the past 8 years and will continue damaging the franchise with the short-sighted moves he's made (trading first round picks, getting OEL).

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17 minutes ago, JohnTavares said:

This is a pretty naive take to be honest.


Benning's made a SMALL handful of good moves in the span of 8 years.

The bad moves literally write itself.... could be a novel of bad moves if you had to piece it all together.  Terrible transactions (could literally go on forever), terrible coaching hires (Willie D and Travis G), terrible communication with the fanbase and the media (live day-to-day, ran out of time, getting fined for tampering), terrible management personnel (letting go of Judd Brackett, Laurence Gillman and many others but keeping Weisbrod who does what again?).


So it's not just that simple... maybe in your head but as you say, if you want to be "objective" about it, Benning has directly caused a lot of harm to this franchise for the past 8 years and will continue damaging the franchise with the short-sighted moves he's made (trading first round picks, getting OEL).

Toronto fanboy trolls should go back to their forums.

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41 minutes ago, FaninMex said:

Toronto fanboy trolls should go back to their forums.

I mean he's no Dubas...


Getting JT on a nice contract

Trading a 1st round pick for Nick Foligno 

Kadri for kerfoot lol

Marner contract


Basically writes itself.

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