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[PGT] Colorado Avalanche at Vancouver Canucks | Jan. 20, 2023

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3 hours ago, CanucksJay said:

Unpopular opinion but I agree with @stawns. Im pretty sure he was a Green defender when guys like me were super pissed at the ineptitude of the team. I was comparing the team to Lamorghinis and Green had them driving like Hyundai when guys like Petey looked completely useless in a poor elementary level system. 

Now we've gone so far the other way. Guys are putting up great offensive numbers but at the expense of defense. 

BB is on the hot seat because he is the head coach and oversees everything.  Some of the areas where we are terrible may not entirely be BB's responsibility but 

PK is still one of the leagues worst which is inexcusable for the personnel we have. 

OEL and Myers may not be top pairing dmen anymore but they are not or should not be this bad. 

Goaltending has been terrible as well. 

It really sucks because the people that should be on the hot seat along with BB is the defense coach and the pk coach. 

Who runs the PK? Who runs the defense? 


We sadly need a guy like Shaw (defense) and Walker (pk) back as BB is not good enough at doing everything. 


Yeo (not sure what he does) seems to be a pretty useless hiring. What is he in charge of? Digging BB's grave? 





Well maybe the players just didn't come in game shape.   Seems to be an ongoing theme.    Green well I did say it at the time and got burned for it.   It's not coaching.    Get Green lost the room and also made his own bed looking for the best 12th man (got it right - at the cost of Gadjs ... in Chiasson), that said look at the team 5 x 5 last season and compare it to this year (just Green).   We lost a lot of one goal games BUT aside from our PK, did a decent job of things 5 x 5.   And like usual, Green eventually started to turn the boat around (won 2/3 before he was canned).     Never thought he'd last that long lol, and for sure he also needed an upgrade.   Bruce well he knew it when he was hired and unleashed the Green stuff.    That eventually it would be "Bruce there he Goes".    Now we are here at this juncture.     Tochett.   Well if the players thought Green was a meany lol...guess they will find out soon enough.     And suspect we get a bump too. 

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9 hours ago, Dazzle said:

Management's big brains decided it would be a good hire, kinda like Rachel Doerrie and her social media mess.

Doerrie could have done a better job than JR.

At least the team would not be the laughing stock of the whole sports world.


(Order up the plane Boss.)

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10 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:

I was never on the Miller train. I liked his offence and contract but hockey is so much more than that. I've always questioned his defence, floating, teamwork, effort, and shitty attitude. Last season was horrible only gullible people kept thinking we were making the playoffs and jumped on his jock and his 99 points. Capspace is key and they blew it on Miller and created a Country Club in Vancouver again.


We're not making the playoffs with him on the roster. We need his cap space for players that do the hard work necessary to do that. So get ready for another 8 years of this.

Don't be such a pessimist.  If only 7.5 years! 

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1 hour ago, Goal:thecup said:

The team looks devastated; with a no-mind at the helm and a bunch of first mates who are afraid to do or say anything.

Our best players are despondent and looking for ways out.

JR has treated the fans to the most disrespectful and egotistical claptrap ever witnessed.

The only improvement needed right away is to kick JR to the curb, cancel the new coaching contracts, and get Bruce back.

Don't give JR any more time; have him fired before this morning's practise.

A little more time?  Are you blind?

Hang on a sec. You’re asking me if I’m blind to what’s been going on when you’re seeing first hand this team is accomplishing nothing. Yet you want more time for Bruce who in all his greatness can’t get this team going either. 

so fire the GM because the players have proven over multiple seasons and through multiple roster reinforcements that they aren’t a team? 

it’s really easy to shred mgmt, but why in hell are you not ripping the players a new one? They are who is getting Bruce fired. 

like it or not, this roster has been catered to with kid gloves for seasons now. Times up. People really need to look at how much has been done to try and address the roster makeup. A lot of moves, still no result.


the players have run out of chances and are taking the coach with them. Sad but true 


Edited by RWJC
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33 minutes ago, RWJC said:

Maybe so.
Or maybe I see the issues with this club differently and have for some time. 

maybe I’m just tired of hearing the same lame excuses for years from the players. 

maybe when Bruce recently said some of them are “stat chasing” that should open up some fans’ eyes as to who is responsible for Bruce’s firing. 

i could go on about discrepancies and character, but did you see a club really fighting for its coach the last while, claiming they’re still “playing hard for him night in and night out”

knowing he’s on the hot seat? I didn’t.

this team has not shown anything whereby they deserve to be held together anymore. 

maybe last year proved this team has the talent to kick some ass, but not the heart, drive or focus required to maintain it. 


I love this club, but this iteration is hot garbage and has reeked of dysfunction internally all the way through for some time. How many players have low key talked shit about this team once they’ve left? It’s been a poor working environment prior to JR, but alas it’s all coming out of the woodwork now. I just feel it shouldn’t all be placed at the feet of who’s now running the show. The wounds are just being drained out in the open.



None of this disputes the gross handling by JR of the coaching of Bruce Boudreau.

Whine all you want about you being the only one to see this, but your posts do not deal with the elephant in the room.

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Love Bruce, but JR was right I guess. The last bunch of games down the stretch last season were somewhat of a mirage. Other teams played down to them and the Canucks won a bunch of games near the end, which gave hope that Bruce was going to lead the Canucks to the Promisedland this year.  It's unacceptable how bad they've been this year. 

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36 minutes ago, combover said:

Miller had a career.  year where’s his 100 points this year?

miller wins faceoffs lolololol then he should start winning some he’s only taken 220  total this season and hes at 50% that’s like 4th line stuff. 


as far as faceoff wins is concerned he ranked 113th That sucks. 
miller only been effective this season when he got ep or horvat in the middle and even then He’s been a defensive turd. 

miller only started being around a point per game after he came here about the same age as horvat is now  … huh

millers career is .72 ppg horvat .67ppg  horvat it a way more complete player than miller will ever be. 
Let’s add horvats team mates like him not so much with miller.


they picked  the lesser player in miller they were wrong. 



The ultimate factor is Bo is two years younger and both naturally have questions about their age. Bo is also a team player who has many team intangibles. Miller is an offensive player who is allergic to defence, good for an established contender. Bo's timeline fits so much better for a growing team that wants to be successful soon but may very well take a year, two, or three longer. We have statistical data that is very strong for aging. He is also a Center and one of the best face-off guys in the league. For that reason Bo is the logical choice.


I'm so tired of the Canucks making choices like kids in a candy store. Just make the f#8king obvious moves right in front of your face for once in your gosh darn fricking history instead of the stupid impatient brain dead losing choices seen every flippin year. So hard to be a fan of these idiots.

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3 minutes ago, IBatch said:

Well maybe the players just didn't come into game shape.   Seems to be an ongoing theme.    Green well I did say it at the time and got burned for it.   It's not coaching.    Get Green lost the room and also made his own bed looking for the best 12th man (got it right - at the cost of Gadjs ... in Chiasson), that said look at the team 5 x 5 last season and compare it to this year (just Green).   We lost a lot of one goal games BUT aside from our PK, did a decent job of things 5 x 5.   And like usual, Green eventually started to turn the boat around (won 2/3 before he was canned).     Never thought he'd last that long lol, and for sure he also needed an upgrade.   Bruce well he knew it when he was hired and unleashed the Green stuff.    That eventually it would be "Bruce there he Goes".    Now we are here at this juncture.     Tochett.   Well if the players thought Green was a meany lol...guess they will find out soon enough.     And suspect we get a bump too. 


Green eventually started to turn things around??? 

He had Petey playing like a 2nd line centre playing in the German league. 

It took Bruce like 15 games to get Petey to start playing with confidence again. 

I do admit, not sure how much of that was on Petey with the holdout and being ready to play vs Green.'s poor coaching


Main thing with Green was that Greens system was stale and predictable... 

I knew pretty much everytime where the puck will go on every breakout because they were 1 trick ponies. 


He lost the room for a reason. His strategy was horrible. 



At this point  I would like to know what every member of the staff are responsible for. 

I believe King is PP

What about Cull and Yeo? 


What do they do? 

Baumer was in charge of the defense and got canned.. We saw an improvement when Shaw took over. 

Who is it now? Because it's worse than Baumer. 


Who's in charge of PK? It was horrible last year. Got better under Walker and then terrible again


I don't want. Tocchet. 

We need someone like. Trotz

He knows his stuff


If they can't perform under trotz, nothing will help... Except Bedard 



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I'll add:

Our power play is NOT fine.

Just like last season it is either terrible, or really good.

No in between.


The PK on the other hand has been brutal for years.

Almost like we don't have  all the players to do that job properly, again.

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1 hour ago, stawns said:

Of course players are part of the problem, but if you can watch this team play and tell me what kind of defensive system he's got going on, I'd be surprised


I'm not watching anymore and have subscribed to ahltv to watch Abby for the rest of the season.  Watch them play abd you'll see the difference between a team, like Abby, who plays a strong systems game and BB, who does not.  It's night and day.


There's no lack on talent on Van and if you have a talented team playing like this, it's most likely because there's no structure to their game.

It's called Chaotic Rampage. Everyone follow Myers and Miller as your guides, it's not something you can learn by practicing. You can also buy it as a scent on Amazon for $89.99 per 3.4fl oz. Proceeds go to pay for Miller's contract and a nice little cabana he's building out at the lake. Give generously J.T. needs your help. ;)

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8 minutes ago, Goal:thecup said:

None of this disputes the gross handling by JR of the coaching of Bruce Boudreau.

Whine all you want about you being the only one to see this, but your posts do not deal with the elephant in the room.

What is the elephant in the room to you?

I’m not whining. just stating a counter pov which apparently has riled some folks up who are already emotional.
Interesting you’re using that terminology though considering you’re someone whose posts I generally 100% support and vice versa. 

here’s the thing…there’s been a divorce going on behind the scenes for some time. Most of the fans on CDC like to ignore it and simply focus on the positive side, shunning most of the focus on the negative or perhaps reality. I can appreciate welcoming and being a proponent of positivity, we def need it with this club, but again, it’s been a private and difficult divorce that has now gone public. Unfortunately for some in the fan base, having their head in the sand so long, only for it to be lifted out by reality, is quite shocking for them. 

It’s not like the warning signs haven’t been present for some time now.

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11 minutes ago, Goal:thecup said:

Oh I get it now, you're just being a wise guy.

Nice one, sucked me right in.

Just block me, it’ll be easier for you.

I don’t need your insults. 
you’re better than that.
if you’re that sensitive to someone else perspective, especially when it’s not even focused on you, then step away from the forum for a bit, yeah?


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