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2023 Canucks end of season media availability

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-Vintage Canuck-

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2 hours ago, Vermette9 said:

Hoping oel has a strong off-season and comes in tip top shape . Him and hronek could be a deadly pairing. I knew something was off with him.  You don't just drop off a cliff being that talented of a hockey player. He's scored 20 goals in this league. I think  we see a way better oel next year

The thing that I don't understand is why he didn't take more time to rehab the foot if it was bothering him so much.  Did the Canucks pressure him to be 100% before training camp?  If he wasn't 100% healthy we could have put his $7.26 million cap hit on LTIR and we could have ran with someone else in his position.  We could have even gone after a UFA to replace him with the LTIR money.  Instead, he chose to come to camp not at 100% and didn't say anything about it until much later.  


If they don't buy him out then OEL better be committed to being 100% by next training camp so at least we can see if he is even capable of being a top 4 Dman again.  We can't afford to have a bad start next year and we need a really good player to play with Hronek if we want to challenge for a playoff spot...

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37 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

The thing that I don't understand is why he didn't take more time to rehab the foot if it was bothering him so much.  Did the Canucks pressure him to be 100% before training camp?  If he wasn't 100% healthy we could have put his $7.26 million cap hit on LTIR and we could have ran with someone else in his position.  We could have even gone after a UFA to replace him with the LTIR money.  Instead, he chose to come to camp not at 100% and didn't say anything about it until much later.  

He lost a summer of training, but was medically cleared to play.  He just wasn’t in top form and maybe that hurts a guy like him more-so.  I don’t know if that qualifies for LTIR tho.

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

The thing that I don't understand is why he didn't take more time to rehab the foot if it was bothering him so much.  Did the Canucks pressure him to be 100% before training camp?  If he wasn't 100% healthy we could have put his $7.26 million cap hit on LTIR and we could have ran with someone else in his position.  We could have even gone after a UFA to replace him with the LTIR money.  Instead, he chose to come to camp not at 100% and didn't say anything about it until much later.  


If they don't buy him out then OEL better be committed to being 100% by next training camp so at least we can see if he is even capable of being a top 4 Dman again.  We can't afford to have a bad start next year and we need a really good player to play with Hronek if we want to challenge for a playoff spot...


Who knows what the details are, but hockey players try and play through injuries all the time, it's part of hockey culture.  


OEL is not getting bought out, I have no idea who started that rumour first but it's not based on anything.  


He played through pain for the team, I wouldn't try and frame OEL as irresponsible for that.  No player will go on LTIR if they're able to skate/play.  


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37 minutes ago, SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME said:

That Ethan Bear interview on Canucks Central (he sat down with them after his group availability) was really revealing.


Bear talked about how jarring it was to join the Canucks, after what he’d been used to previously. Was very candid about just how little direction there was from the coaches and the resulting lack of accountability between players. Talked about the team playing like a bunch of individuals and there being a shocking lack of structure. And the fact that everything was so loose, guys were just out there trying to figure things out on the fly, there was no structure, and very little in the way of standards or expectations, which made it nearly impossible for the players to really hold each other accountable.


A couple quotes that stood out (just doing a rough transcription here):


“It’s hard to build trust when there’s not much direction being placed within your coaches and your system.”


“If a guy’s in the wrong spot… I can go ‘you’re supposed to be here’ and the coach never said that. They’ll go ‘But why? Why are you telling me that? You do your job.’ It’s like, no, the coach implements what we’re supposed to do, where we’re supposed to go. And that’s when we can hold each other accountable. That’s what we got at the end of the year (with Tocchet). Start of the year (with Bruce), nah, we didn’t really have that, so guys just kinda do whatever they wanted.”

Tough to hear, especially how it reflects on Bruce (who I really like), but very clear that the coaching change needed to happen.


Really unfortunate that the coaching change wasn’t done last off-season.


(Lots of the other players said similar things during their media availability. But Bear’s interview really laid it out in no uncertain terms.) 

What Bear’s comments made me think about was JT staying in his lane//being accountable etc. 

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4 hours ago, JamesB said:

The questions to Pearson seems to have created two camps. Some fans, like @Slegr (and me) see no problem with the questions. I think reporters are supposed to ask some tough questions, not just softballs like "how will you spend your summer" or "what is your favourite team jersey" ::D But some fans did not like the questions.


Some fans identify closely with players and even see themselves as defenders of players. I have a different perspective.  Pearson has a cap hit of 3.25 million and next year will get an actual payment of 4.25 million  and he has earned more than enough to support himself and his family in financial comfort for the rest of his life, even if his NHL career ends in his early 30s (as is common for NHL players). In return for making a lot of money to playing a game that is generally very enjoyable I think it is reasonable that players respond to questions of the type he was asked.  The questions were in no way disrespectful and I thought Pearson could have been more forthcoming. I realize that there are some things he might not want to say because of pending litigation but he certainly could have said more. He probably should have had a reasonably full prepared statement instead of making the media work to pry things out of him. 



You are approaching this situation as if Pearson broke his hand and that's that.  Pearson has been dealing with some scary complications with infections and those can really go sideways to the point where playing in the NHL is the least of your worries. 

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2 hours ago, Captain Canuck #12 said:

But were OEL's struggles due to a bad foot or bad decision-making?  I am hoping it was just the former, but I thought I was starting to see more of the latter.  I would be interested to hear what others thought.

Bad mobility, OEL was having guys go around him.  


As far as decision-making, that was more of Myers' issue IMO.  

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52 minutes ago, SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME said:

That Ethan Bear interview on Canucks Central (he sat down with them after his group availability) was really revealing.


Bear talked about how jarring it was to join the Canucks, after what he’d been used to previously. Was very candid about just how little direction there was from the coaches and the resulting lack of accountability between players. Talked about the team playing like a bunch of individuals and there being a shocking lack of structure. And the fact that everything was so loose, guys were just out there trying to figure things out on the fly, there was no structure, and very little in the way of standards or expectations, which made it nearly impossible for the players to really hold each other accountable.


A couple quotes that stood out (just doing a rough transcription here):


“It’s hard to build trust when there’s not much direction being placed within your coaches and your system.”


“If a guy’s in the wrong spot… I can go ‘you’re supposed to be here’ and the coach never said that. They’ll go ‘But why? Why are you telling me that? You do your job.’ It’s like, no, the coach implements what we’re supposed to do, where we’re supposed to go. And that’s when we can hold each other accountable. That’s what we got at the end of the year (with Tocchet). Start of the year (with Bruce), nah, we didn’t really have that, so guys just kinda do whatever they wanted.”

Tough to hear, especially how it reflects on Bruce (who I really like), but very clear that the coaching change needed to happen.


Really unfortunate that the coaching change wasn’t done last off-season.


(Lots of the other players said similar things during their media availability. But Bear’s interview really laid it out in no uncertain terms.) 

The players themselves coming out with statements like these, makes it easier to understand, why a coaching change was needed. 
Its so very true, that a coaching change last off season would have been better. 
Not sure we would have made the play offs regardless, with our goal tending until Demko came back from injury, but while pond hockey is fun to watch, it won't win you anything. 

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My takeaways from all this nonesense:


1) JT and Petey aren't really "friends" and probably don't have anything in common but good to see them have success on the ice lately. Two very different types of leaders, a lot like the Sedins and Kesler. It was a bit awkward when Miller was asked how their relationship was...


2) Miller is a veteran now and speaks so well with great insight into his own game, he's the most natural captain or outspoken leader for the team but that's a strange direction to go in for a younger team. Petey really didn't say much or anything too deep. Quinn piped up a lot, had some decent insight though.


3) Hughes really has a good pulse on the game and other players around the league, rattling off other player's +/- from years ago like common knowledge. You can tell he lives hockey, I'd take him over Petey as captain. He really has become a leader in the last couple of months. 2nd in the league in points only behind Karlsson who probably can't replicate that season, we're looking at a guy in his prime who should start getting Norris consideration.


4) The guys want to be and play here, JT and Brock really don't want to be traded, that's pretty obvious. Even guys like Garland and OEL sound like they want to stay here.


5) Sounds like they're all mentally exhausted and look forward to time off, and the coaching change really hit them hard as they all mentioned it. With so many distractions around the team (Pearson's injury, BB fired) no wonder they were in such a slump at the time, but as soon as things settle they start playing better.


6) A few guys said they expected last season's strong end to carry on and took it for granted a little bit, so hopefully we won't see this again next year.


7) A lot of guys said that the coaches are brilliant and have helped round out their defensive game which is nice to hear.



On the whole, nothing crazy but interesting to see how the leadership group is evolving. Everyone assumed Petey would be captain but I wonder if he'd prefer taking a back seat and just quietly produce for us. I'd consider giving it to Miller but don't think he needs a letter to dictate his leadership. Right now I wonder if Hughes is the best pick, or if they continue rolling with just A's next year. The players seem very similar to the 2011 leadership group (Hank = Hughes, Danny = Petey, Kesler = Miller, OEL = Edler).

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17 hours ago, -DLC- said:

Petey hates this stuff, and it shows.


I hate that he has to do this....he's not a spokesman, he's a superstar. And I'm quite happy to leave him as such and not force him to giving answers he's uncomfortable with.


JT's a natural in this role, and clearly equipped to handle it best.

Petie doesn't need that crap after games. The C comes with the post game microphone so let someone else do it. Especially after tough losses or whatever. 

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47 minutes ago, spook007 said:

The players themselves coming out with statements like these, makes it easier to understand, why a coaching change was needed. 
Its so very true, that a coaching change last off season would have been better. 
Not sure we would have made the play offs regardless, with our goal tending until Demko came back from injury, but while pond hockey is fun to watch, it won't win you anything. 

Amazing that we somehow tore it up at the end of last season then with such loose defensive structure, but it seemed to work - we attacked and got on the forecheck so well that we rarely had to defend, and when we did it was sloppy but Demko bailed us out. That 50-something game stretch was good enough to have us top 10 in the league in points.


I think Demko and Hughes really covered up a lot of Bruce's coaching gaps and sloppy play. Whether it was just BB or his assistants, they had to go, and the late season success maybe delayed it a bit too much.


Obviously the coaching change was handled terribly but the timing by management was atrocious - do it in the off-season or around the quarter season mark, not after half of the season is done and we're well out of the playoffs. Of course better late than never but come on, if they had done it 20 games earlier we could have given the guys a chance for a playoff run.


Watching BB's teams previously, this always happens - they play great offensively, but eventually Bruce gets canned because they get exposed defensively. In Minny he had some great defenders who again covered up his gaps. I was never a massive fan of Bruce's hiring because I think you need to focus on defence-first in this league (especially in the playoffs), but his personality and winning percentage at the start made him a refreshing change from Green. This team has needed to focus on it's defending for around 10 years now and finally we're putting some stock into it, with Gonchar, Foote and Rick, and Hronek.


That being said, they were great players but have very short, average coaching resumes so it's still a gamble...

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Just now, Hairy Kneel said:

Petie doesn't need that crap after games. The C comes with the post game microphone so let someone else do it. Especially after tough losses or whatever. 

Agreed, I think it'd only deter his game (think back to Luongo's captaincy), I think JT can take the heat but also Hughes looks like he can too now.


Only problem with giving Miller the "C" is that he'll only be around another what...4-5 years? At that point, Hughes and Petey will really be in their prime in their late 20s, do we swap captains once/if JT retires or gets traded when he's around 35-36? 

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3 minutes ago, DownUndaCanuck said:

Agreed, I think it'd only deter his game (think back to Luongo's captaincy), I think JT can take the heat but also Hughes looks like he can too now.


Only problem with giving Miller the "C" is that he'll only be around another what...4-5 years? At that point, Hughes and Petey will really be in their prime in their late 20s, do we swap captains once/if JT retires or gets traded when he's around 35-36? 

I could see the media cat fishing him to try and get THE STARE. For their purposes not ours. 


*By ours I mean the teams. 

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12 hours ago, CanucksForever2 said:

Hughes coming in dressed like a boss and showing his professionalism, leading by example. QH is stepping out of his comfort zone, I can tell he's trying hard and embracing the leadership role. Look at how much he has spoken and improved during the year.

Best part was how he discussed Bruce and how after being with Tochett, Foote and Gonchar, and how they help teach players ... was very telling.    Also loved how he keeps working on his craft, and has things he wants to work on this off season.  

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24 minutes ago, spook007 said:

I think most of us got blinded by the light after Green, but glad its over now...

If we are ever going to get anything out of our younger stars, they need guidance... No wonder Miller is back in star territory again. 

To be honest I have high hopes for next season...

As bad as it sounds but if Hronek is as good as expected, and OEL will be properly fit (and hopefully better because of it), Then we are a change out of Myers from a seriously good team. Guaranteed? Not the slightest, but it gives me far more hope for the future....again :)


QHs said he knew a coaching change was coming very early on.  And said a lot of positive things about the new coaching staff.   Tochett's "energy" is infectious and how the 3 of them help players with their craft.   They appear to be teaching staff and very detailed.   Tochett is refreshing too with the media. First off pretty sure he scares them into being careful about their stupid questions lol, but also is very candid win lose or draw about what was good about the game, and what wasn't.   Not a big fan with the media circus around the Canucks, but it comes with the territory.    Demko didn't look super happy sitting there.   None of that group really did.   QHs and Miller certainly can handle them though.    


OEL not having a summer to work out for sure affected his play, same with his foot not healing.     He was fine his first year 5 x 5.    Hronek is an unknown, but Detroit sure sunk in the standings without him.    That's probably the best metric we have (aside from four games he wasn't ready to play) in determining his value, aside from the stat sheets which also are a positive.    


IF OEL can play at least as well as he did his first year with us, and Hronek is a legit top four, our D is way way better then it was this season.    Scoring goals for sure wasn't a problem.     Our PK was a lot better ... for sure reasons for optimism.   Miller was very good too.   Brock was also  better away from the puck.     Mikheyev was also playing hurt, and despite that one of our best 5 x 5 guys. 


If nothing happens, and we squeeze the same team under the cap (using LTIR),  and Tochett keeps these guys focused on getting better in the off season (love that he says teams that don't make the playoffs need to work on their craft, not treat it like a 4 month holiday), they should be in a playoff spot in December.     

Edited by IBatch
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47 minutes ago, DownUndaCanuck said:

Agreed, I think it'd only deter his game (think back to Luongo's captaincy), I think JT can take the heat but also Hughes looks like he can too now.


Only problem with giving Miller the "C" is that he'll only be around another what...4-5 years? At that point, Hughes and Petey will really be in their prime in their late 20s, do we swap captains once/if JT retires or gets traded when he's around 35-36? 

If Miller gets the C, don't see it as a problem at all.    Believe he will take that very seriously, and even if he's on the third line by year 5, it won't matter.   Doubt he's traded.    Also think with this coaching staff,  they can keep JT relevant in the latter years of his deal.   Will only be 36.    Maybe he's like Pavelski and we don't have much to worry about.   We haven't had a player like Miller since Jovo was around.   


QHs is for sure another great option.    Personally, ok with either guy.   Don't think either will disappoint.   This has been Millers team now for a year and a half though.  

Edited by IBatch
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I think it's time to revamp the post game interviews. Toeing the line, making sure everything you say is pc, being careful of comments hurting egos. There's a fine art to public speaking and who reps the locker room. I think keeping the C guy in charge of the locker room only, and a media player (with an A) to handle the post game scrums. Basically a PR role for one player who can then parlay with the journalists. 

Bo had 3 styles of pat answers.

We don't want to waste our best player to the monkey jungle of the media scrums.

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2 hours ago, spook007 said:

I think most of us got blinded by the light after Green, but glad its over now...

If we are ever going to get anything out of our younger stars, they need guidance... No wonder Miller is back in star territory again. 

To be honest I have high hopes for next season...

As bad as it sounds but if Hronek is as good as expected, and OEL will be properly fit (and hopefully better because of it), Then we are a change out of Myers from a seriously good team. Guaranteed? Not the slightest, but it gives me far more hope for the future....again :)


Yeah I have faith that OEL will be alright, maybe not good enough for 2LD minutes but still good. One Myers trade and one top-4 D man in and I think we're a playoff team. Easier said than done though, and we also need to shed a pricey winger and get a 3C.


Busy offseason ahead.


Honestly if we go into next season with the same roster we miss out on the playoffs by a tiny bit.

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