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Teams will not wear specialty jerseys in warmups next season

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33 minutes ago, Bob.Loblaw said:

Ah, the "love your neighbour" philosophy.  A bit to unpack here.


Firstly, it doesn't answer my question at all.  Would you condone your school if they held days of support or fundraising for various social causes?  Because under your initial comment, I feel like you would exclude your child from participating in a school Terry Fox run.  After all, "do what you wish on your own time and keep my kids out of it."  That's a blanket statement which basically forces you into the box of supporting nothing unless it affects you directly.


The second issue is that you just gave us the James Reimer message.  The biggest message of love he could've shown is to wear the jersey and express his "love" for them as human beings.  Being gay isn't a lifestyle - it's an identity.  So instead of Pride night being about celebrating a message of "everyone has the right to play hockey, including LGBTQ", Reimer made Pride night about himself.  And religion.  You want politics out of sport?  Keep religion out of my sport first.



"love your neighbor"  And what's wrong with that!?


And to answer your questions :


No, I would not get in the way of any fundraising for a good cause.


LGBT has been shoved in our face so much for the past 6-9 yrs, Some of us get it but we also have children that it is getting to the point where they are getting indoctrinated, I get it but let them make their own decisions when they at least hit puberty


I love Jesus but I don't feel the need to parade a shirt on..I've also been bullied but don't need a shirt on to show my worth..I'm sure most of the world gets it at this point and the sad thing is that it's really doing more damage than it's doing good.


Lastly, I will accept my boys decision, in the mean time let him be a kid.

Edited by Canuck You
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18 minutes ago, Canuck You said:



"love your neighbor"  And what's wrong with that!?


And to answer your questions :


No, I would not get in the way of any fundraising for a good cause.


LGBT has been shoved in our face so much for the fast 6-9 yrs, Some of us get it but we also have children that it is getting to the point where they are getting indoctrinated, I get it but let them make their own decisions when they at least hit puberty


I love Jesus but I don't feel the need to parade a shirt on..I've also been bullied but don't need a shirt on to show my worth..I'm sure most of the world gets it at this point and the sad thing is that it's really doing more damage than it's doing good.


Lastly, I will except my boys decision, in the mean time let him be a kid.

Right, but what you and I consider a "good cause" are radically different things, by the sounds of it. 


If you are concerned that LGBTQ stuff is indoctrinating kids, consider the ramifications of sending your kids to a Christian school.  They didn't choose - you did.  If they wear school uniforms, then they are indeed parading themselves as students from "John Doe Christian Academy".  Probably a nice big cross on the patch.


In any case, I don't want to get overly personal and dwell on your decision-making as a parent.  After all, you're not the one on trial here.  But I can assure you without a single doubt that your LGBTQ neighbour does not feel very loved when you do not support pride night.  In fact, they probably feel more hated by the hockey community than in the past 6-9 years.  That is why the Great Commandment doesn't hold up to scrutiny.

Edited by Bob.Loblaw
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29 minutes ago, Bob.Loblaw said:

Right, but what you and I consider a "good cause" are radically different things, by the sounds of it. 


If you are concerned that LGBTQ stuff is indoctrinating kids, consider the ramifications of sending your kids to a Christian school.  They didn't choose - you did.  If they wear school uniforms, then they are indeed showcasing they are from "John Doe Christian Academy".


In any case, I don't want to get overly personal and dwell on your decision-making as a parent.  After all, you're not the one on trial here.  But I can assure you without a single doubt that your LGBTQ neighbour does not feel very loved when you do not support pride night.  In fact, they probably feel more hated by the hockey community than in the past 6-9 years.  That is why the Great Commandment doesn't hold up to scrutiny.

My friend , I am 38 yrs old and have no hate in my heart whatsoever. It took me a long time to get my ish together.


I've been to VCS myself and loved it, Seen the love and the teachings esp bible studies... I went there for 3 yrs and it was divine to me. I learned a lot.


Sure, i am very protective of my kiddo..at the same time I'm not here to make enemies, We are all human.


Even if I had an LGBT neighbor, Them/They or whatever anyone identifies themselves as are more then welcome to come my BBQ.


I have zero hate in my heart my friend.


I believe in equality but like even Morgan Freeman said, :" Best way to end racism is to stop top talking about it."


It's funny how people automatically consider me a conservative when I don't even give a f about politics.


Lastly, Hate me for this but no way my sons going to have this..




Edited by Canuck You
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22 minutes ago, Canuck You said:

My friend , I am 38 yrs old and have no hate in my heart whatsoever. It took me a long time to get my ish together.


I've been to VCS myself and loved it, Seen the love and the teachings esp bible studies... I went there for 3 yrs and it was divine to me. I learned a lot.


Sure, i am very protective of my kiddo..at the same time I'm not here to make enemies, We are all human.


Even if I had an LGBT neighbor, Them/They or whatever anyone identifies themselves as are more then welcome to come my BBQ.


I have zero hate in my heart my friend.


I believe in equality but like even Morgan Freeman said, :" Best way to end racism is to stop top talking about it."


It's funny how people automatically consider me a conservative when I don't even give a f about politics.


Lastly, Hate me for this but no way my sons going to have this..


Thank you for enlightening us and removing any shred of doubt as to what kind of person you are.  Take that as a compliment if you wish.  I don't mean it that way.

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1 hour ago, Canuck You said:



"love your neighbor"  And what's wrong with that!?


It's similar to why not  "all lives matter?" argument. You blanket everyone into one group and therefore don't awknowledge or understand what specific groups of people go through and the support they need from the community. 


it's a mindset of Privilege where you can pretend everything is fine with one generic statement

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1 hour ago, Canuck You said:



"love your neighbor"  And what's wrong with that!?


And to answer your questions :


No, I would not get in the way of any fundraising for a good cause.


LGBT has been shoved in our face so much for the past 6-9 yrs, Some of us get it but we also have children that it is getting to the point where they are getting indoctrinated, I get it but let them make their own decisions when they at least hit puberty


I love Jesus but I don't feel the need to parade a shirt on..I've also been bullied but don't need a shirt on to show my worth..I'm sure most of the world gets it at this point and the sad thing is that it's really doing more damage than it's doing good.


Lastly, I will accept my boys decision, in the mean time let him be a kid.

The LGBTQ community has been basically ignored and died die to the AIDS epidemic w minimal or little support for more than a decade and no one bats an eye. But now LGBTQ+ community trying to make themselves public with events like Pride Month or special awareness days, so that's now a problem?   


Religious Christians usually don't have a shirt on saying they love Jesus but they sure have a lot of buildings and huge structures expressing their beliefs. To be honest I think this more narcissistic than wearing a shirt :P





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3 hours ago, Canuck You said:

LGBT has been shoved in our face so much for the past 6-9 yrs, Some of us get it but we also have children that it is getting to the point where they are getting indoctrinated, I get it but let them make their own decisions when they at least hit puberty

nd the sad thing is that it's really doing more damage than it's doing good.


Lastly, I will accept my boys decision, in the mean time let him be a kid.

Christianity has been shoved in our face so much for the past couple of millennia. Some of us get it but we also have children that it is getting to the point where they are getting indoctrinated, I get it but let them make their own decisions when they at least hit puberty.

And the sad thing is that it's really done more damage than it's doing good.


And which decision is your boy making? Whether or not someone from the LGBTQ community is an actual human being with the right to live without fear of persecution? Because that is what Pride Night really is.


What will you do if your son comes out as gay?

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Anyone with kids especially teens will see that there is a serious issue with the talking point that this is a conspiracy by adults "groomers" to make kids gay or Trans.  

This is a movement by the children.  It is coming from the teens and tweens.  They are openly challenging gender roles in a society that they are increasingly meaningless.

It is stupid, we kill people with blowing up pink or blue cakes to announce a babies sex, we dress girls in pink dressed and boys in blue pants when they are still in diapers.  As parents we often pair them off into sexually exclusive groups.  

They are screaming as a group from a young age "we don't want your boomer values" and we tell them too bad.


I know at this point nobody way to the right is reading what I have said but the other thing I just need to bring up is that if there is one thing we know about Trans kids it is they kill themselves at an alarmingly high rate.  It is truly striking.  Next time you think about making trans kids your political football I want you to ask how many teenage suicides am I willing to be complacent in for my own political gains?  Am I making things better or worse for suicidal kids?  

Edited by DrJockitch
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11 hours ago, Bob.Loblaw said:

People?  Who?  Whoever they are, do you think their complaints had any merit to them?  Gay people should play hockey.  That's it.  If anyone (players, fans, league) has a problem with that, they should feel ashamed of themselves.  You don't even have to agree with their supposed lifestyle (which makes you a homophobe btw), but you should support their right to play hockey openly.


Do you want to really know what's changed?  People have become emboldened to condemn political correctness - to condemn wokeness.  Politicians in Canada and the United States have staked their entire careers/personas on this single message.  That's what this is.  It's not that hockey has gotten rid of politics.  It's that one side of politics has won.


We are calling you out for implicitly supporting the anti-gay crowd because you make no mention of their contribution in creating a hostile, anti-woke fan atmosphere, and instead go directly at the maniacs who got way too personal on Twitter.  And you certainly did not think the outspoken players who repeatedly contradicted themselves deserved any criticism.  Put simply, it seems your only stance is to "blame the left".


Page after page and we can't really figure out what you're actually trying to say.

When did I say anyone shouldn't play hockey?


One side of politics has won? Oh please, spare me the dramatization.


I'd have thought that if I were being called out, there'd be a sound argument explaining any errors in my posts. Yet you've replied to me multiple times and have offered none of that. Instead it seems you prefer to make up statements that I haven't said.


If you can't figure out what I'm trying to say, that's on you for choosing to be willfully ignorant and/or refusing the accept the consequences to your actions.

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11 hours ago, StrayDog said:

To paraphrase - and please correct me if I'm wrong - but what you've said is "Actions have consequences." You have then placed the blame of the removal of special event jerseys ( the consequences) on fans and media who called out players not wearing Pride Night jerseys (the action). But you have not really addressed that the action taken by the fans and media is a direct consequence of the players who took the action of not wearing the jersey in the first place. And the Circle of Outrage continues........

I have addressed this, multiple times...


21 hours ago, Master Mind said:

As fans, we can't control the actions of the players. We can only control our reactions.


Some chose to react in a way that directed a lot of hate towards the players. That decision comes with consequences, as we've seen here 


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7 hours ago, Bob.Loblaw said:

Ah, the "love your neighbour" philosophy.  A bit to unpack here.


Firstly, it doesn't answer my question at all.  Would you condone your school if they held days of support or fundraising for various social causes?  Because under your initial comment, I feel like you would exclude your child from participating in a school Terry Fox run.  After all, "do what you wish on your own time and keep my kids out of it."  That's a blanket statement which basically forces you into the box of supporting nothing unless it affects you directly.


The second issue is that you just gave us the James Reimer message.  The biggest message of love he could've shown is to wear the jersey and express his "love" for them as human beings.  Being gay isn't a lifestyle - it's an identity.  So instead of Pride night being about celebrating a message of "everyone has the right to play hockey, including LGBTQ", Reimer made Pride night about himself.  And religion.  You want politics out of sport?  Keep religion out of my sport first.

Hang on, put your money where your mouth is, if you are being literal, and chastising people for not wearing a pride shirt, let us see you wear a Nazi shirt.

No?  You're not going to love Nazi's?  So you too are not being inclusive?

Stop playing the "religion" card - it's getting boring.

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5 hours ago, iinatcc said:

The LGBTQ community has been basically ignored and died die to the AIDS epidemic w minimal or little support for more than a decade and no one bats an eye. But now LGBTQ+ community trying to make themselves public with events like Pride Month or special awareness days, so that's now a problem?   


Religious Christians usually don't have a shirt on saying they love Jesus but they sure have a lot of buildings and huge structures expressing their beliefs. To be honest I think this more narcissistic than wearing a shirt :P





Could contain: Architecture, Building, Church, Person, Landmark, St. Peter's Basilica, Plant


I don't have a building expressing my beliefs - I didn't build 1.  Are you saying I should give up my beliefs because someone else built a building?

Are you going to stop watching hockey because the NHL isn't having cause based warm up jerseys?


All lives matter?  No.  Humanity is not fine.  Just about everyone will point out what they think are flaws in others.  

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4 minutes ago, DrJockitch said:

It is quite offensive and very showing to equate a symbol of inclusion for a marginalized group and a symbol of oppression and hate. 
The pride movement is there to try and protect marginalized people and show them that they can find a place to live and survive in society, the Nazi movement is about removing groups that are different from their homogenous view from society and literally killing them off.

I didn't say they were the same.

Hate is hate - no matter how it's presented.

Inclusive?  No.  Pride is not, hence why my gay daughter does not like them.  

We need to all be in middle ground.

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36 minutes ago, Master Mind said:

I have addressed this, multiple times...



So then, if we can only control our own reactions but not the actions of others, why are you you so concerned at the actions of other fans and media. After all, you have no control over them, and more than we do the players

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9 minutes ago, Heretic said:


I don't have a building expressing my beliefs - I didn't build 1.  Are you saying I should give up my beliefs because someone else built a building?

Are you going to stop watching hockey because the NHL isn't having cause based warm up jerseys?


All lives matter?  No.  Humanity is not fine.  Just about everyone will point out what they think are flaws in others.  

I think you totally missed my point 


Not every LGBTQ person or supporter of LGBTQ community wears a pride shirt either. But the one I was replying to seems to generalize people from the LGBTQ community and

it's supporters as people who over self promote their lifestyle so I just used a similar comparison. But there's Nothing wrong with that either, especially if religious institutions can be as vocal and public about their beliefs. 


And I never said I was never going to watch the NHL either. It's obvious what their true colors are but, what else is new? 



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