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[discussion] forum closure

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2 minutes ago, SabreFan1 said:

That was the final straw.  There was more to it than just the one thing.  It's been almost 4 years now and I'm feeling bad for you guys now after I read that thread on Reddit a day or two ago.

Sabrefan!! it's great to see you. I hope you're doing well.

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14 minutes ago, SabreFan1 said:


Not a she or a they.  Still have a penis.  And on a TMI note.  It got groped on Monday by the lady doing a doppler scan of my kidney.  She's my new favourite med tech at the medical center I go to now.  :lol:


*edit* added 2nd quote.

My apologies! I had you confused with another user, I think...


In any case, good find with the med tech! I hope that works out for you!

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1 minute ago, Roberts said:

Sabrefan!! it's great to see you. I hope you're doing well.

Doing fine.  Just had to stop by to see wtf was going on after I read about management shutting this place down soon.


It's weird seeing fans/customers getting basically attacked by their own club.

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Just now, SabreFan1 said:

Doing fine.  Just had to stop by to see wtf was going on after I read about management shutting this place down soon.


It's weird seeing fans/customers getting basically attacked by their own club.

I hope you know that a lot of people on here would really like to have you back in the community. Been seeing your username brought up a lot over the years. You aren't just a "guest" to most of us. Stealth made a new forum, so we won't be controlled by the Canucks anymore, if you're interested. Regardless, good to see you again. forumcanucks.com

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Just now, Roberts said:

I hope you know that a lot of people on here would really like to have you back in the community. Been seeing your username brought up a lot over the years. You aren't just a "guest" to most of us. Stealth made a new forum, so we won't be controlled by the Canucks anymore, if you're interested. Regardless, good to see you again. forumcanucks.com

At the very least, I'll go and register my name on it.

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Pretty obvious why they want to shut this down.


Everyone will have to get their Canucks fix on Social Media, Social Media generates dollars. This place doesn’t.


My post count is low but I’ve been getting all my news here since the start. 

Someone needs to make their own forum and replicate this one. That will show the establishment that shutting this down was a bad move. 

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4 minutes ago, Fozzy said:

Everyone will have to get their Canucks fix on Social Media, Social Media generates dollars. This place doesn’t.

How will the Canucks monetize that social media? Who is going to pay them for information, data and opinion that is freely available everywhere? They can pound sand as far as I am concerned.


4 minutes ago, Fozzy said:

Someone needs to make their own forum and replicate this one. That will show the establishment that shutting this down was a bad move. 

Already there. Go here and sign up: https://www.forumcanucks.com/

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7 minutes ago, Fozzy said:

Pretty obvious why they want to shut this down.


Everyone will have to get their Canucks fix on Social Media, Social Media generates dollars. This place doesn’t.


My post count is low but I’ve been getting all my news here since the start. 

Someone needs to make their own forum and replicate this one. That will show the establishment that shutting this down was a bad move. 

Funny because now most of us just simply made the move to the new forum, where we might have the chance to support the forum directly. It almost backfires on the Canucks!

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Kariya, Park, Malhotra,  Brash, Gino, now Woo and Hirose. Carter, Weekes, Bailey, Etam, Chatfield, Archibald. And if Lafayette made that shot!?!? Or if Bains scores a cup winner in the playoffs, he'll rule the Scott Road festivals. All have been commented on according to their merit not their colour, from what I've seen anyway. Dorrie was a possible target, but again all comments were above board and not about her gender. 

(Alf is the only one who stands out, but we can all generally agree that he needs very much help.)


They need to walk this back. We are not a racist team. We haven't railroaded anyone out of town because of race. Ask Bear.



Edited by Hairy Kneel
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7 hours ago, Crash The Crease said:


VegasCanuck, with all due respect, why are you doing this?


I don't mean any disrespect, and you quite obviously have been a member of these boards far, far longer than I've been. Even though I'm a long time lurker, I only recently signed up. In fact, I signed up just shortly before they announced they were shutting it down.


But seriously, the feeling I get from the new forum is that people are wanting to move on and don't want to save the old CDC. And I thought from your response to my posting on the new forum that you were in agreement???


I actually came back on this old forum by mistake and then I saw your postings and was surprised.


But because I only posted it on the new forum and not here, I'll cut and paste what I posted yesterday on the new forum. It went as follows:




I was a long time lurker on CDC and only just recently signed up. Shortly after I signed up, they shut it down. My point is that I have very few posts and probably won't post much in the future on the new site, but I have been following CDC for years.

And while I think the intentions are well intended @VegasCanuck, and appreciate the efforts, I think it would be a mistake to go back to the old forum that is controlled by the Canucks. First off, we have almost the same forum in the new home (thanks so much @Ribs). Secondly, we basically control it ourselves. But the biggest reason I have for not wanting the old forum back, is what if they do rescind their decision, and everyone goes back, and then sometime down the road they decide to shut it down again, this time with no notice? Then the community really is lost. At least this time everyone has two weeks notice. With the work @Ribs has done, and the migration that's taking place, my suggestion is to run with it.

This time there is a pretty good chance that the Community stays together. If they ever decided to shut it down without any notice, it would be very difficult to rebuild. There's an old saying "Fool me once, shame on you - fool me twice, shame on me".

In my view, they've fooled us all once. Why give them a chance to fool us a second time?




So that's what I posted yesterday on the new forum. And looking back, maybe I misread your response in that I thought you were no longer going to pursue trying to have the Canuck organization rescind their closure notice. Because if you continue to pursue this and if by some chance / miracle they agree, then it's going to be a real cluster you know what. Because I don't think the majority of folks on the new site want to come back. So the net efforts of pursuing this could well be splitting the community you are trying to save.


You want to build closer ties to the organization I say that's fine and that's up to you. But I think it is a dangerous road to pursue to try and get the closure rescinded. I've never been much into conspiracy theories, but if I was the Canuck organization, and I wanted to kill the CDC, and also saw how quickly the new site is growing, then I would absolutely agree to stop the closure. I'd then leave it run for maybe a year or so and then shut it down with no notice.


And I have to say again I am sincere when I say I don't mean any disrespect. But I think you are playing with fire. There's a pretty cool thing happening over at the new site and my impression is that most are enjoying it and embracing it. I say leave well enough alone.



Ultimately, I'm trying to get them to do something I've never seen them really do, engage with the fan base that is in this board.


Moving to the new board is great, but there's significant costs associated to the organizers. The people in this board promote Canuck hockey at a grassroots level. I'm trying to get them to see the power of that and maybe find new ways to grow the fan base not just here, but potentially across the NHL. 

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1 hour ago, VegasCanuck said:

Ultimately, I'm trying to get them to do something I've never seen them really do, engage with the fan base that is in this board.


Moving to the new board is great, but there's significant costs associated to the organizers. The people in this board promote Canuck hockey at a grassroots level. I'm trying to get them to see the power of that and maybe find new ways to grow the fan base not just here, but potentially across the NHL. 


First of all, it's not a significant cost. If memory serves it's less than $200 per month and numerous posters have said they would happily donate to help defray costs. Ribs himself has said we'll worry about the money later.


Secondly, your previous posts clearly indicate you are trying to save the CDC. And in my view, and again with respect, while I think you are well intentioned, I think this is the absolute wrong thing to do.


Why would you want to stay with a site that is controlled by the Canucks organization, when we now have a site that is laid out in the exact same manner, that people are migrating to in numbers and is being run by the same very capable mods? It makes zero sense.


And again, I'll repeat that if you pursue this and the Canucks somehow agree not to shut down the CDC, I think you will have created a real mess. I think you'll have two sites competing against each other, because I have the very strong impression that there are a lot of folks on the new forum who would have no desire or intention to return to a resurrected CDC. And with the current CDC you are also still under the control of the Canucks. If they decide to rescind their decision, and keep the CDC running, and then at some point in the future once again decide to shut it down, this time without notice, then the Community will be scattered and it will be very difficult if not impossible to assemble everyone back in the same place again.


And do you really think people like Ribs, who has put and is putting, so much work into setting up the new site, would do it a second time? I know I wouldn't.


You are also not currently negotiating from a position of strength. They have given notice of closure and you're basically going hat in hand to ask for concessions. Don't you think it would be better to wait until the new forum is up and running, and hopefully running well with lots of traffic, and then go to them and see what can be done? In other words, approach them from a position of strength, not weakness.


And finally, I don't believe the goal in any of this should be to save the CDC. The goal should be to save the community that makes up the CDC. It's the community that is the important part and Ribs is doing his damndest to make that happen.


So while I believe you are well intentioned, I think what you are doing and the path you are taking is the absolute wrong way to proceed and has the potential to tear the community apart.

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7 hours ago, Fozzy said:

Pretty obvious why they want to shut this down.


Everyone will have to get their Canucks fix on Social Media, Social Media generates dollars. This place doesn’t.


My post count is low but I’ve been getting all my news here since the start. 

Someone needs to make their own forum and replicate this one. That will show the establishment that shutting this down was a bad move. 

Rogers has a permanent banner ad here. "Powered by Rogers" All they had to do was think a little and incorporate some ads into the forum.


Plus the team is probably paying for Tweet Deck or something + other costs for other social media apps that companies have

Edited by MaxVerstappen33
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8 hours ago, SabreFan1 said:


Not a she or a they.  Still have a penis.  And on a TMI note.  It got groped on Monday by the lady doing a doppler scan of my kidney.  She's my new favourite med tech at the medical center I go to now.  :lol:


*edit* added 2nd quote.


Nice to see you're around, hope to see you at the new site. https://www.forumcanucks.com Especially with how good the Sabres future is looking.


p.s. Can I get a referral? ;)


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