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Everything posted by Cramarossa

  1. Me and bf on the Sportsnet broadcast of 'Nucks vs. Sharks last season (Mar 31) We are not photogenic.
  2. I don't mean to brag, but...Fin followed me on instagram today :lol:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cramarossa


      You earned that +1, @Green Building.

    3. Cramarossa


      They have retweeted me a few times. It's so lame, but little things like that make my day! Brandon Prust likes a lot of my tweets…ahah, go figure!

  3. Tomorrow I'm going to see Guns N' Roses live at AT&T Park in San Francisco :3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. chon derry

      chon derry

      but know apparently angus young might have called it quits as well ,stay tuned .......

    3. chon derry

      chon derry

      didn't you recently say you were 27 ?  in 1987 when guns and rose's first appeared on scene i was 27  lmao.

    4. Cramarossa


      I am 26 :) Ugh, I feel old just typing that out wahhh

  4. Who else is cheering for countries other than their own these Olympics? The Brazilian men's gymnastics team is giving me the vapors :wub:

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. -DLC-


      HELL.  NO.  

    3. Nuxfanabroad


      Few yrs back, I boasted incessantly about Canada's superiority, & in London we pulled down the GOLD in trampoline.


      Must defend that key medal!

    4. brilac


      I don't cheer for other countries during the Olympics.  It's USA - Women's Gymnastics and Men's Swimming is impressive!

  5. Not drunk yet but fully intend to be soon, amirite @Twilight Sparkle Edited to add: Yup, I'm drunk.
  6. Checked out General Fanager for the first time. Awesome site. No idea we still had the ghosts of so many NTCs hanging around.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pears


      I haven't figured out which one I like more

    3. Ghostsof1915


      I deny I had anything to do with NTC's. ;)

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i like rosteresource...gives all the lines for each team...

  7. If you didn't have to work (like you were rich, etc.), would you have still applied to work there in the first place just because you want the company to do well? I feel like it's disingenuous to imply making money isn't the (primary, not only) motivation anyone has for pursuing any job. I'm saying I don't blame RN'sT for staying at his current job just because it's a means to an end for him; that's true for a lot of people.
  8. "Confessions" is turning into the CDC rally for @Roger Neilson's Towel. I like it.
  9. Isn't that true of almost any job, though? I mean, I like where I work but I am still here primarily for myself (because I want/need money). If people wanted to work for free because they care well that's what volunteering is for. As long as you do your job to earn your check then I don't think you're taking advantage. This is a business relationship: if you show up and do what they ask then you're more than justified in accepting their money. And as far as taking time off for interviews, unless you've just gotten up and left without saying anything then I take it these absences were approved- you shouldn't feel bad about that. If they approved you to take personal time then what you do with that time is your business. You sound like a nice guy, and one with integrity at that. It sounds like you're doing the best you can in a tough situation. At least you are doing some work (even if it's not up to your abilities) instead of idly collecting benefits. Give yourself a break.
  10. Him, Hutty, and Jake with the mullets; someone needs to make that happen!
  11. I think Bowie is his legal name, which is kind of cool since it's unique. I like his bling rings from his Mem Cup days. And those videos of baby Bo with his sick mullet ahaha
  12. I remember his dad saying he was named after various athletes he admired like Bo Jackson etc., but then in that video where Jake and Ben did teammate trivia they said Bo was named after David Bowie.
  13. I love how he still makes the same expression to this day.
  14. Lol I don't eat the skin; even I have standards. I just love holding the skin up to the light and looking at the patterns, etc. I always loved looking at skin cells under microscopes too. Probably why I majored in biology and have an interest in dermatology.
  15. The confessions thread is so lit right now ahaha. Speaking of bathroom confessions: Back in high school I had a friend whose family owned a vacation home they were remodeling up by Seattle. The used to let me tag along and stay with them during the summer. There were remodeling the main house, where the dad stayed, and we teen girls (me, my friend, and my friend's sister) all stayed in the freshly remodeled living space above the detached garage. Even though the living space was fixed up, plumbing still hadn't been installed. We were supposed to go to the main house and use the old, filthy, moldy (hence the remodel) bathroom there. All of us were kind of skeeved out by the bathroom in the main house, and one night it was pretty late when we all needed to pee and we didn't want to walk across the dark yard (there had been some break-ins/suspicious persons) to get there. Since there was no plumbing in the living space we decided to just pee in our Vitamin Water bottles. Problem was that only one of us had finished our drink at that point. We ended up taking turns peeing in the bottle, one after another. I was the last one to use it. It was warm and wet to the touch Bonus confession: Both of the other girls got super sunburned that trip (I didn't; melanin FTW!). I gleefully helped them peel their dead, flaking skin off. I just helped my bf peel his sunburn off too. I love doing that. I have kind of a problem.
  16. Anybody know how Gino Odjick's doing? I thought of him today.

    1. HerrDrFunk


      Just did a Google hunt for any updates...couldn't find anything. I'm just hoping it's a "No news is good news" situation. 

    2. -DLC-


      He's doing well (considering his illness).  

    3. HerrDrFunk


      I kinda like to imagine there's a shirtless white blood cell cruising around his body, looking to mess up any trace of amyloid proteins it comes across.

  17. Heath Slater :wub:

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      @Kazmanian Devil Jinder Mahal is a p.o.s. replacement for Khali. Nothing but a low grade jobber!!


    3. LuckyLuciano


      @Chip Kelly lol i went to school with Jinder Mahal, friend of mine beat em down, another guy sold em fake steroids.


      He was friends with tiger singhs nephew and gama singhs son so he got in. The nephew and son couldn't make the cut I guess.  

  18. Edit: Didn't realize it was the same link as @Maniwaki Canuck! Well here it is copied and pasted Didn't see this posted anywhere. Interview of Bo by Ben Kuzma. What a beaut this kid is. Love him. http://vancouversun.com/sports/hockey/nhl/vancouver-canucks/bo-horvat-qa-young-canuck-on-pushing-his-pace-virtanens-consistency-quest-willies-systems-challenge-mounting-that-tv
  19. Eddie Läck! How I miss him Also, does this mean it's Taco Tuesday?
  20. Yeah, that he wanted to lose some kilograms
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