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Captain Canuck #12

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Everything posted by Captain Canuck #12

  1. They'd match up best with Snepsts and Fraser from that team. Would be interesting.
  2. Who's Noone?? Why's he panicking?? Now I'm really worried!!
  3. I should also add that they "interview" babies too (but together with their parents), and it's also for the same reasons listed above.
  4. I recall being interviewed for maybe 2 minutes at most for my Nexus interview, with no questions at all that took any effort to answer. I think they're mainly just checking to ensure that you're a real person, and also that you are who you say you are.
  5. Can't have 3 extra forwards on the roster, unless we go with only 6 D.
  6. That's only if they decide they absolutely have to have 8 D instead of 14 forwards. If they go with the 14 forwards though, they can send down/waive both Biega and Schaller, and keep Eriksson, Goldobin and Fantenberg as their extras (or possibly swap Eriksson for Schaller, if he looks good enough in preseason). Gaudette would have to be demoted to Utica too.
  7. You know, for many years, everyone tuned in to CNN whenever there was a big new story, like 9/11, or the war in Iraq, or the major Tsunamis. But as soon as it became obvious that they weren't going to let Trump get away with any of the gross exaggerations and outright lies that he was throwing out there (starting with his largest inaguration crowd ever) , those who support Trump started turning on CNN and calling them Fake News, etc. Although it's true that CNN is relentless in exposing Trump for what he is and the extreme number of lies he commits, and would obviously like to see a Democrat win in 2020, it's for good reason. I don't like one-sidedness in new coverage either, but Trump is an extreme case and I would have to say that I fully support CNN for repeatedly calling him on his lies and unethical behaviour. If they didn't do this, if they just went along with it like FOX News for example, where would be? Is the society that Trump and his base would like to create really one that we would want to have as our norm? I have to hope that the majority of North Americans haven't de-evolved to this degree.
  8. I like him too, but from what I've seen, I think that better comparison is a Darren Archibald-type. He's a big guy who will fight when he knows it's called for, or to help himself get to the next level, but it doesn't look like it's part of his personality or something he particularly likes doing. He hasn't done overly well in his fights through the years because he's not really into it. But I still think he has great potential as a well-rounded fourth line-type, who can grind it out with the best of them and add a few goals as well.
  9. Did he continue playing with group #3 too? if so, that's not a good sign. No one who's considered a true prospect played in that group (besides Virtanen)
  10. And Moving in Stereo faded right into All Mixed Up, with no gap between songs. That's something else you can't get today without having whole albums, as opposed to buying just the individual songs.
  11. Precisely. That's where Jake will show his true value. Tryamkin too, once he comes back.
  12. What I remember this jersey best for is that it was the one the Blues wore that night in the '90-something playoffs when Gino lost it and tried to take on the whole Blues team, especially Glenn Anderson:
  13. Except that a total of approx. 30 teams would be willing to take a chance and pick Jake off waivers, while precisely 0 would take Eriksson.
  14. Must mean something big's about to happen. Quick, alert CDC!!
  15. I don't believe you can have a 24 man roster. Those days are long gone.
  16. Not only that, but he has essentially NO ability to play the fast-paced, aggressive forechecking style that Green coaches and most of the other players on the team can now play. He was brought in to play with the Sedins, when we had a team centered on them and their playing style. They're long gone and he's now a very square peg not understanding whey he can't squeeze into a round hole.
  17. Because making impulsive, asinine statements is what posting on CDC is all about, isn't it?
  18. It's their legitimate right for any citizen to have free access to the means to commit mass shootings and blow their own children's brain out in large numbers, isn't it? How how dare you question that premise sir!! Are you some kind of Communist?
  19. There is no other country that the US compares more closely to than Canada, in so many ways. But we don't have the NRA or the belief that he have to have it written into our constitution that it is our right to all own guns, and we don't have anywhere near the amount of gun violence that the US has. Why is it so hard for them to understand that if they took the same attitude that we have towards guns, their number of guns deaths would decrease dramatically?
  20. I wouldn't worry too much about Zack or Gaudette being sent down. As soon as there are injuries, and we KNOW they will come, they will be the first call-ups. In the meantime, it won't hurt them at all to be playing first or second line minutes in Utica, and hopefully bolstering their confidence by dominating in the AHL, vs. third or fourth line minutes (and no special teams time) up here.
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