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Spotted Zebra

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Status Updates posted by Spotted Zebra

  1. A wise man once said : Give'r till the liver quiver

    1. Sharpshooter


      Tonight I gave 'er and my liver waivered.

      Stupid liver.

  2. Bieksa is only putting up Brent Sopel Numbers

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Spotted Zebra

      Spotted Zebra

      Well they did outbid Luongo for it.

    3. DollarAndADream


      At least he didn't injure himself picking up a cracker.

    4. Canuckian93


      I wanna eat sopels hair

  3. Did Brodeur say he'd retire if there was a lockout?

    1. ChenWei91
    2. BananaMash


      UMB, what have I said about caps lock.

  4. Why the Eff is every single dog in the neighbourhood barking right now? Including mine

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gunner Garrison
    3. lee goren rulez69
    4. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Crazy mad hail storm !!! Lightning insane winds !!! Dam you Calgary >(

  5. Is 24 Pts in 42 playoff Games considered good? 14's stats.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. stonecoldstevebernier


      It's not too far off his regular season pace, and he steps up in big games. Pretty good, yeah.

    3. Canuck919191
    4. Spotted Zebra

      Spotted Zebra

      Clutch as hell but not consistant

  6. Absolutely no shame in me going to sleep at 9 Tonight.

    1. :D


      Same. In bed by 9, home by 11 ;)

  7. Justin Schultz? Never heard of him.

    1. Grape
    2. :D


      A week ago, this would have been true of 99% of CDC

  8. Uh as an Offensive D playing the PP with the Sedins? Lax a bit he'll be fine

    1. canuck_trevor16


      the new christan Ehroff hopefully?

  9. Pretty much the equivilent of an NHL All star team vs the Chicago Wolves

  10. Do your job Frostbite

  11. House Hippo or Baby Wolf?

  12. All this signing means is that it's officially OK to boo Schneider when he lets in 2 + Goals

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spotted Zebra

      Spotted Zebra

      Oh I'm gonna have fun with this!! I'll finally get to see what the whole boo your players thing is all about.!

    3. Canucks_fo_life


      I'll be on him after every loss..."hey hes making 4 mill, earn it!"

    4. Kass9


      You will be ON Schneider regardless.

  13. Asking price for Erikkson?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Caboose


      Kesler, Edler, +

    3. PowerIce


      Raymond, Ballard, & a first

    4. logic


      Half of Rogers Arena, $50,000,000 and a large double double.

  14. Sorry I forgot what Roberto Luongo Owes Vancouver? Oh that's right Absolutely nothing.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. cs2016


      Defence needs to step it up too.

    3. The Brahma Bull
    4. Mr.DirtyDangles


      lmao this debate will rage on for eternity :P

  15. Anyone else like rain as much as I do?

    1. Stick-in-Rink


      I thought I was the only one..

    2. stonecoldstevebernier


      I like the sound of the rain on my roof at night...

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      I love the rain Growing up in Van you kind of need to lol

  16. you may as well have cheered bettman, those boo's were pathetic

    1. Neil HD

      Neil HD

      Damn it all! He didn't even have to strain himself a bit to keep a straight face!

    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      i know right lol :P

    3. WolfxHaley


      That's probably why the draft hasn't been held here yet.

  17. Part of me think all this hype is a ploy for ratings. A very good one at that

  18. frozen grapes

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stick-in-Rink
    3. BananaMash


      Why did they freeze Don Cherry.

    4. c00kies


      ^He's waiting until all Russian/European hockey players are gone from the NHL.

  19. Not sure who's face makes me want to punch something more. Marchand or Ozil

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Grape


      Dammit Netherlands scored.

    3. NightHawkSniper


      Don't punch the Rat, that would give him a reason to go get plastic surgery for his nose

    4. Spotted Zebra

      Spotted Zebra

      looks like a fly threw up on his face

  20. Darren Dregger : Panthers most likely to trade for Luongo

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kass9


      FLA already has Markstrom, Theodore, and Clemmensen.. Possibly draft Subban. Why would they want Luongo back?

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Lou going back to FLA has always been at the back of my mind. his wife is from there , he played like a champ there too. Who knows it is a possibility.

    4. AV.


      Gets rid of Booth, Ballard, Vokoun, and Horton. Brings in Luongo.

  21. Whats there to do in Williams Lake/Nelson?

    1. logic


      If you're there for a long period of time I would say take the drive up to PG and go to the pine center mall.

    2. BM24



    3. Grapefruits


      There are many small lakes up in the Williams Lake area that are great for fishing.

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