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Status Updates posted by Grapefruits

  1. Health Tip: If you can't afford a doctor, go to an airport - You'll get a free x-ray and a breast exam, if you mention Al Qaeda, you'll get a free colonoscopy

  2. Real estate may be your ticket to success.

    1. Baka


      I'd rather cook meth

  3. When did Nick Nolte become the Flames GM?

    1. Ghostsof1915


      Separated at birth?

  4. Jim Jefferies coming to the Vogue Theatre May 29th!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grapefruits
    3. CatsPajamas


      will it be knew material?

    4. Grapefruits


      I would imagine, he did all new material last time he was here, a lot of it ended up on Fully Functional

  5. I used to wonder what it'd be like to read other people's minds. Then I got a Facebook account, now I'm over it.

    1. nux4lyfe


      You got facebook now? FB is so 2008..it's just flat out sucks now.

    2. Batmania


      likes this post

  6. Can someone tell me which end the Giants defend in the 1st & 3rd? Thanks

  7. Anyone else watch Gold Rush around here?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grapefruits


      haven't been able to get into Jungle Gold, just seems EXTREMELY scripted.

    3. Henrik Kesler

      Henrik Kesler

      Me. As a business major in undergrad, it's damn obvious the Hoffman Crew doesn't do any calculations before amassing massive debt going on these gold hunting extravaganza's

    4. Grapefruits


      I get a kick every time the Hoffman's come up with no gold, LOL! Feel bad for their crew though, but they were stupid enough to follow.

  8. So Paul Walker has been confirmed dead. I guess you could say, he went too fast and furious...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Grapefruits


      joke popped into my head when I heard of his death, I'm sure many others thought up something similar, it's kind of an obvious joke.

    3. kodos


      I'm just giving you a hard time, Grapefruitz.

    4. Baka


      bahahaahahah omg my sides hurt

  9. Black Friday: The time of year where people buy stuff they can't afford and don't really need on credit just because they think they are getting a deal. Only to pay back what they saved and more to the credit card company because they can't afford to make more than their minimum payments.

    1. goalie13
    2. Guest


      You know me so well

    3. Guest


      But I never miss a payment

  10. For anyone interested, Danny Bhoy is coming to the Bell Centre is Surrey April 2nd

  11. You just got licked!

    1. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      i just gave you herpes!

    2. Grapefruits
    3. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      i guess this is where we get all x-rated and **** XD

  12. Do you ever sit and watch your dog try to scratch his ear and think, Damn! I bought a freakin idiot?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Alchemy Time

      Alchemy Time

      Dee, you've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.

    3. Batmania


      You think your dog ever looks at you and thinks "Why does this idiot keep watching me try to scratch my ear?" :D

    4. Batmania


      You think your dog ever looks at you and thinks "Why does this idiot keep watching me try to scratch my ear?" :D

  13. The new "On This Day" feature on facebook is definitely good for a few laughs

  14. NIN was AWESOME!!!

  15. Psychic Sylvia Brown found dead, I bet she didn't see that coming...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grapefruits


      I hear the Long Island medium chick tried to warn her at a Psychic Intervention. She was pissed, Ouija boards were flipped, Tarot card were thrown...

    3. :D


      That's too bad. She was always on Coast to Coast AM when I would listen to it adn they were some good episodes.

    4. Batmania


      Entertaining lady. RIP.

  16. Nothing like playing a little Tecmo Bowl to bring me back to when life was simple and less stressful

  17. So how much longer until the sellout streak officially ends?

  18. Anyone else playing the TSN Predictor?

  19. anyone have any ideas why my spell checker stopped working for CDC? I use Firefox

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Armada


      Go to school then you won't need it.

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      firefox has been a nightmare the last week. also all m,y google stuff was totally messed :(

    4. Grapefruits


      yeah, it's only on CDC. Started a few weeks back

  20. Note to self... stay out of Canucks Talk

    1. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      it's not so bad when i post there D:

  21. watching Campus PD makes me laugh

    1. nux4lyfe


      Aren't you glad that you live in Canada?

    2. Grapefruits


      Every day I get out of bed

  22. Holy crap, the new marina sauce at Pizza Hut sucks!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Dion Phaneuf

      Dion Phaneuf

      Panago is the worst popular chain...I like pizza hut tho

    3. Grapefruits


      good catch JE14, LOL! Trust me, I won't be ordering it again, they must have changed it in the past couple months

    4. :D


      Megabite is by far the worst chain pizza in Vancouver

  23. Craig Ferguson was awesome at the Red Robinson last night.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grapefruits


      it was great, they gut who does the voice of Geoff opened for him and he came out near the end of Craigs set.

    3. johngould21


      I think Geoff's, Morgan Freeman is unbelievable.

    4. Grapefruits


      he did a joke about having Morgan Freeman as the voice of his GPS, it was hilarious. He also does a crazy DeNiro impression

  24. SHL-referee Sören Persson holds a guillotine choke on Marius Holtet

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Plum


      When he taps you here from a distance.... AND ITS ALLLLLLL OVERRRRRRR

    3. SOB for MVP

      SOB for MVP

      and he gets the tap. Beautiful. Didn't even need to pull guard.

    4. Rick Grimes

      Rick Grimes

      I love this. We need our Refs in the NHL to be trained like that, haha.

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