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Coconuts last won the day on May 10

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About Coconuts

  • Birthday 07/31/1990

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    Working out, gaming, reading, writing, camping, hiking, hockey, music, the reason why you're reading any of this.

    Oh, and stuff. That's probably the most important bit!

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Canucks Hall-of-Famer

Canucks Hall-of-Famer (14/14)



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  1. I really hope Edler hits the 1000 game mark as a Canuck, he's about 130 games off. He'd be the fourth Canuck to ever do it. 

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    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Edler already took a hometown discount for his current contract.

    3. canuktravella


      im not saying edler wont get big money somewhere else hes made his big bucks he will resign cheap and retire a canuck 1-2 more yrs at 1-2 mill  akex is the swedish dman version of  linden 

    4. Coconuts


      I wouldn't be surprised to see him take cheaper one year deals, or a cheaper two year deal. Edler's different than every single one of those Dmen in that he's played his entire career here. Ohlund could have, but went to Tampa. A huge chunk of his life is centered in the lower mainland. I just don't see him being interested in playing anywhere else at this stage in his career, and with the team he's always played for one the rise why would he? 


      Discount doesn't mean league min, but taking less. He's already taken less to stay in Vancouver. 


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