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Coconuts last won the day on May 10

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About Coconuts

  • Birthday 07/31/1990

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    Working out, gaming, reading, writing, camping, hiking, hockey, music, the reason why you're reading any of this.

    Oh, and stuff. That's probably the most important bit!

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Canucks Hall-of-Famer

Canucks Hall-of-Famer (14/14)



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  1. How did you become a Canucks fan?


    I became a fan back in the 03-04 era, I would have been 12-14ish. I became a fan because someone I idolized was a huge fan, and because of the EA NHL games. My parents aren't into hockey so I needed someone else to give me the push. I consider myself fortunate to have followed most of the Sedin's careers. 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Rick Blight

      Rick Blight

      My dad and uncle took me to a Canucks/Edmonton Flyers game (WHL days) in 1954 and I have been a die hard fan ever since.

    3. -DLC-


      Born into it.  

      Mom, mostly...she was a HUGE fan.  Loved all sports but Canucks were her team.  

      Down the road, Trevor and Sopel would be her favourites. 


      I had to be Mom-Dad for my son when he was young, so Canucks became our thing (too).  We did it all - carnivals, family fairs, ASG festivities.  Was a great time for us...memories stored forever.

    4. -DLC-


      LOL...my ex used to say "you better not ever cheat on me (I wouldn't....loyalty is my strong point)"...he'd continue with "and, if you do, it'd better be with Trevor Linden".   This was prompted by him being convinced that Trevor was "checking me out" years ago at an event we were at.  He insisted (and took a pic, lol).  He apparently had dreams after that that Trev and I ran off together!  :towel:

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