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OMG Heat Wave?


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Whats the hottest temperatures youve ever been outside in?

We did a hike in the Valley of Fire State Park a couple hours outside Las Vegas once in late July. Was 114 F (44.5 celsius) according to our rental cars outside thermometer. The pavement in the parking lot was soft enough to leave our shoe prints in it..We each drank about a litre of water per half hour. The kind of heat that hits you like a blow drier and doesnt stop. At least it was a dry heat.

P.S. Valley of Fire is a beautiful desert park. Its huge too. If your in Vegas and have a day where some exercise will do you good or just want to get out of the buffet lineups for a change its a good choice. youll need a car though. Its a outside of town a ways.

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Things don't look great though for the upcoming days. The temperature is expected to be at least in the 30's for the entire week. Kind of funny how we always complain about the continuous, wet, rainy weather in 'Raincouver' that we get for most part of the year, but can't handle this heat for only some months. But I'm more of a Winter person, so I would take snowy, cold weather over this heat.

Come to SK in the middle of January ::D

Whats the hottest temperatures youve ever been outside in?

I was in Arizona visiting my aunt and uncle and it got up to 115-120ish F... it was hot, but kinda nice.

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Whats the hottest temperatures youve ever been outside in?

We did a hike in the Valley of Fire State Park a couple hours outside Las Vegas once in late July. Was 114 F (44.5 celsius) according to our rental cars outside thermometer. The pavement in the parking lot was soft enough to leave our shoe prints in it..We each drank about a litre of water per half hour. The kind of heat that hits you like a blow drier and doesnt stop. At least it was a dry heat.

P.S. Valley of Fire is a beautiful desert park. Its huge too. If your in Vegas and have a day where some exercise will do you good or just want to get out of the buffet lineups for a change its a good choice. youll need a car though. Its a outside of town a ways.

I've been to Vegas and Death Valley in the summer -- in North America that's about as hot as you'll get.

It was around 122F in Death Valley and 118F in Vegas.

This sort of heat isn't too uncommon in the valley of California, especially the southern end, where the heat can be so bad the asphalt gets soft.

But this was nothing compared to the worst I've experienced. When I was 17 and visited a friend in Little Rock, Arkansas, for a week, it was around 120F with the crazy humidity out there (I remember looking at the newspaper seeing that LR was hotter than Death Valley for several of those days). It was so hot it melted off a friend's interior rear view mirror in her car. There were fires everywhere too. Walking out of their house felt like literally walking into a sauna or a bathroom that's had very hot water running for a while.

I much prefer the dry heat to humid. That's why the heat here in Calgary (been 29-36 the last week) has been great.

Edited by Mr. Ambien
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No ones denying climate change (if they are they are out to lunch) - the only question is how much of climate change is really affected by mankind?

It was bloody hot here in Armstrong yesterday, thermometer outside my kitchen window (north facing so not in the direct sun) almost hit 40!

Monday, June 29, 2015, 7:31 AM - The weekend felt like fall in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. But out west, in British Columbia in particular, in was hot enough to bury records dating back more than 100 years.

Back-to-back blazing hot days over the weekend saw 34 records topple on Saturday, with another 30 following suit on Sunday.

Not only was the 40oC barrier broken in 2015 for the first time this past weekend, some communities not only had their hottest days in June, one had its hottest-ever day, period, in 114 years.

Hottest day ever

There has never been a hotter day in Cranbrook, B.C., than it was on Sunday -- at least not since records were kept.

The town made it to 36.8oC, a smidgen higher than its old record in 1925, and the hottest day it has ever experienced, in any month, since record-keeping began in 1901 -- at a time when Canada had only seven provinces.

Though it's the only community that could make that claim, others, aside from experiencing their hottest June 28 on record, also marked their hottest-ever June days.

Though not as hot as on Saturday (more on that in a minute), there were still some near-misses, with Revelstoke, Kamloops and Lillooet coming within one degree of 40.

And though some records were recent, at least one, Kamloops, went all the way back to the 1890s.

City New Record Old Record Record year Bella Bella 29.6 23.4 1982 Blue River 35.9 32.0 1978 Castlegar 37.0 35.0 1922 Comox 31.2 30.0 1951 Cranbrook 36.8 36.1 1925 Creston 38.1 33.3 1926 Fort St. John 27.9 27.8 1950 Kamloops 39.1 38.3 1896 Kelowna 38.7 35.0 1937 Kitimat 31.2 30.0 1987 Lillooet 39.3 37.5 1987 Lytton 39.4 38.0 2008 Mackenzie 29.1 28.2 1987 Nakusp 37.1 33.5 2006 Nelson 37.0 33.9 1932 Pemberton 37.2 36.0 2008 Penticton 36.4 34.9 1979 Princeton 37.6 36.1 1937 Puntzi Mountain 32.9 30.3 2008 Revelstoke 39.5 35.0 1925 Smithers 30.1 29.3 1987 Sparwood 34.9 30.3 2006 Squamish 34.3 31.6 2008 Summerland 36.1 35.5 2008 Tatlayoko 33.3 31.5 1987 Terrace 30.9 30.4 1995 Vernon 39.3 35.4 2008 Whistler 35.6 33.2 2008 Williams Lake 31.4 30.1 2008 Yoho National Park 31.3 27.8 1932

First to Forty

As blazing hot as Sunday was, Saturday was actually even hotter in some parts of B.C.

The communities of Osoyoos and Warfield were the first in Canada to creep past the 40oC mark this year on Sunday. Aggazis, B.C., had its hottest June 27 in 120 years, since 1895.

Some communities not only had their warmest June 27 on record, they also had their warmest-ever record for any day in June, period. The least-hot record on Saturday's list is from the Mackenzie area, at 28.4oC.

City New Record Old Record Record Year Abbotsford 32.1 31.1 2000 Agassiz 33.7 32.8 1895 Blue River 34.9 34.1 2006 Campbell River 33.0 30.2 2000 Castlegar 39.2 38.3 1925 Clearwater 36.4 36.0 2006 Comox 30.9 29.4 1995 Creston 37.8 36.7 1925 Grand Forks 39.9 38.3 1925 Hope 33.8 31.1 1951 Kamloops 38.2 37.1 2006 Kelowna 38.1 37.5 2006 Lillooet 39.5 36.7 1925 Lytton 39.6 35.9 1987 Mackenzie 28.4 28.2 1992 Malahat 32.6 29.6 1995 Merritt 38.0 35.0 1992 Nakusp 35.3 34.1 1992 Nanaimo 33.3 31.7 1892 Nelson 37.6 33.6 2006 Osoyoos 40.4 36.9 2006 Pemberton 38.6 34.0 1992 Pitt Meadows 33.3 32.8 1895 Port Alberni 36.6 34.5 2000 Princeton 38.4 34.8 2006 Puntzi Mountain 31.7 29.0 1978 Sechelt 30.6 27.5 1995 Sparwood 33.6 31.5 2006 Tatlayoko Lake 31.3 28.5 1992 Tofino 28.7 27.6 1995 Warfield 40.6 36.0 2006 Victoria Area 29.8 29.5 1995 Whistler 34.5 32.0 2000 Williams Lake 30.3 29.5 2006

Record high temperatures were also set in portions of Alberta Saturday. Banff was the hot spot with a new same-day record of 31.9oC, beating out 29.8oC in 2006.

City New Record Old Record Record Year Banff 31.9 29.8 2006 Bow Valley 31.8 31.1 2006 Canmore 31.9 29.8 2006 Crowsnest 31.6 30.4 2006 High Level 29.9 29.3 2004 Rainbow Lake 29.9 28.0 2004 Suffield 34.8 34.4 2002

site-logo-swirl.pngDANGEROUS HEAT: 40oC is not healthy. Here are five terrible things extreme heat can do to humans.

The blazing heat comes courtesy of a ridge of high pressure, keeping most systems out and allowing the heat to build in both B.C. and Alberta.

It's not going anywhere for a few days, but Weather Network meteorologist Matt Grinter says the worst is over for now.

"Temperatures will be 'cooler' in B.C. today, although still above seasonal," he said early Monday. "After the scorching weekend, this could be a nice relief."

All that heat, coupled with some humidity, mean thunderstorms are possible throughout the B.C. interior today, with heavy rain and hail being the main threats.

The province's long range includes sun and warm temperatures for the rest of the week.

The past two months have been extremely dry in parts of British Columbia and across the Prairies, contributing to a spike in wildfires, new steps toward water rationing and rising grain prices.

Was it a heat wave?

Although the public will often use the word "heat wave" to refer to any perceived period of hot temperatures, it requires specific criteria to be met.

An actual heat wave occurs when there are three or more consecutive days when the maximum temperature reaches 32°C or more.

Even when the temperature reaches potentially dangerous levels (Related: Five horrible things extreme heat does do humans), Environment Canada's system of heat warnings doesn't cover most of B.C.

While every other province and territory in Canada has a province-wide warning threshold, usually based on temperature and/or how long that temperature will last, EC only issues explicit heat warnings in B.C. for two cities: Vancouver (When temperatures are expected to reach 29°C or more on consecutive days) and Abbotsford (where the threshold is 34oC). The weather agency does occasionally issue special weather statements for heat when conditions warrant.

Regardless of what the official story is, though, people complaining of a heat wave in the B.C. Interior won't be guilty of exaggerating this weekend.


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Back in 1983 in Victoria I was able to sunbathe for a few days in January. January. nobody yelled about climate change back then it was just unseasonably warm. Im not saying climate change isnt involved but we have had super hot weather for short periods before. Its not unheard of.

Maybe you should look up El Nino. It's kind of a thing we've known about for the past few decades.

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Too. Hot.

AC at work = walk outside to be SHOCKED BY the intense heat . Get stuck in traffic x 2 = want to die in my car because it would be easier than navigating around idiots in bumper to bumper. Brush fire in Richmond again. End of the world is near. I think I'm already in hell, paying for all my sins. Help.

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Too. Hot.

AC at work = walk outside to be SHOCKED BY the intense heat . Get stuck in traffic x 2 = want to die in my car because it would be easier than navigating around idiots in bumper to bumper. Brush fire in Richmond again. End of the world is near. I think I'm already in hell, paying for all my sins. Help.

never drive in Manaus/Belém Deb...

then you´ll see what is the hell. if you can survive there of course...

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...and it was venue city a year ago...

and British people going there. boy surely was the adventure of their lives. coming from the cold and organized England to the city were 35 Celsius at 11PM is normal...

one of my uncles told me that "he never saw so many tourists happy to see the caos just because the Amazon river was less than 1km from the city"

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So I bought an Air Conditioner at Costco with full intention of returning it before the 90 day return period is up. Can I buy another one right after I return the first? Will they catch onto my scam? Maybe I'll wait a day and pay cash. I'm just worried about the last week of August/Early Sept :(

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So I bought an Air Conditioner at Costco with full intention of returning it before the 90 day return period is up. Can I buy another one right after I return the first? Will they catch onto my scam? Maybe I'll wait a day and pay cash. I'm just worried about the last week of August/Early Sept :(

why not keep it and use on the next summer?

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Too. Hot.

AC at work = walk outside to be SHOCKED BY the intense heat . Get stuck in traffic x 2 = want to die in my car because it would be easier than navigating around idiots in bumper to bumper. Brush fire in Richmond again. End of the world is near. I think I'm already in hell, paying for all my sins. Help.

oh Canada...

you complain about "traffic"...

THIS is traffic and heat.





of couse sometimes you might find one of these near your house after all it a city in the middle of the jungle:


4,5 meters and 300kg on your garden. you pet must stay at home...

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Cause this saves me $500. Not my fault Costco has an awesome return policy

500 divided in 3 years. but it and keep it till it brakes. or but a dual one. able to heat and cool (we have this, goes from 17C to 33C)

he have one here and it costed US$ 1000 but so far it´s working well, and in Curitiba snowed last year. yes it snows in some cities in Brazil...

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