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Another busy day for BC’s wildfire service:



After a record breaking wildfire season last year, the 2016 season is already off to an early start.


In the last 24 hours, 37 new fires have started in the Prince George fire centre, aided by hot dry weather in the region.


But human carelessness is making the problem worse.


Fire Information Officer Kevin Skrepnek says of the 90 fires currently burning in the province, a majority are human caused.


“We’ve had 128 fires to date since April 1st this year, and only a few of those were lightning caused. Given this unusually high level of activity that we’re having right now, we just want to make sure that people are using all due precaution in the back country given how dry it is”


“We have got across the province right now almost ninety fires burning as we speak, and unfortunately I expect that number is going to continue to grow, given that the weather forecast right now is for continued warm and dry conditions for at least the next few days and not a whole lot of precipitation on the horizon.”


Last year, wildfires scorched two hundred eighty thousand hectares of forests, and cost the province an estimated 373 million dollars


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 Metro Vancouver water restrictions start 2 weeks early this year:



Metro Vancouver is bringing in Stage 1 water restrictions two weeks early this year, limiting when residents can water their lawns as of May 15, rather than June 1.


The restrictions will also run two weeks later — to Oct. 15 rather than Sept. 30 — regardless of the weather, according to an update from the regional district.


As of May 15, residential lawn sprinkling will be allowed on alternating days at these times:

  • Even-numbered addresses: Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings from 4 a.m. to 9 a.m. PT
  • Odd-numbered addresses: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings from 4 a.m. to 9 a.m. PT

Non-residential lawn sprinkling will be allowed at the following times:

  • Even-numbered addresses: Monday and Wednesday mornings from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. PT
  • Odd-numbered addresses: Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. PT
  • All addresses: Friday mornings from 4 a.m. to 9 a.m.

Other Stage 1 water restrictions will also take effect. Outdoor car washing and boat washing will only be allowed with hoses that have spring-loaded shut offs.


Last year, the hot dry summer brought the region into "uncharted territory" when it came to water conservation — with Metro Vancouver banning lawn sprinkling entirely with Stage 3 restrictions by mid July.


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6 hours ago, SaintPatrick33 said:

Yea hopefully officials can send the message to all idiots who smoke to NOT THROW THEIR BUTTS out the window into a dry forest. 


Story in todays province shows that most forest fires are caused by ignorant morons and not by lightning. Campfires, smoking etc...

We have idiots in our townhome complex butting out their cigarettes in the frigging bark mulch. 



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  • 4 weeks later...

Water restrictions in Metro Vancouver start 2 weeks early:



Metro Vancouver is implementing Stage 1 water restrictions this Sunday, two weeks earlier than last year.


The restrictions will also run two weeks later — to Oct. 15 rather than Sept. 30 — regardless of the weather, according to the district.


As of May 15, residential lawn sprinkling will be allowed on alternating days at these times:

  • Even-numbered addresses: Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings from 4 a.m. to 9 a.m. PT
  • Odd-numbered addresses: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings from 4 a.m. to 9 a.m. PT

Non-residential lawn sprinkling will be allowed at the following times:

  • Even-numbered addresses: Monday and Wednesday mornings from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. PT
  • Odd-numbered addresses: Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. PT
  • All addresses: Friday mornings from 4 a.m. to 9 a.m.

Other Stage 1 water restrictions will also take effect. Outdoor car washing and boat washing will only be allowed with hoses that have spring-loaded shut offs.

Stage 3 restrictions? 

Last year, the hot dry summer brought the region into "uncharted territory" when it came to water conservation — with Metro Vancouver banning lawn sprinkling entirely with Stage 3 restrictions by mid July.


Metro Vancouver's director of water policy and planning is hopeful that won't be the case this year. 


"We are moving in a much better situation," said Inder Singh. 


He said the water reservoirs are currently at full capacity and unlike last year, rainfall is in the forecast. 

Watch out, violators 

Singh said this season there is an expectation that municipalities will be tougher on violators.


Especially those watering in the evenings. 


Singh noted that enforcement will vary based on jurisdiction but ultimately bylaw officers will be on the lookout for violators and will be serving violation notices. 


Edited by -Vintage Canuck-
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On 4/19/2016 at 3:10 PM, J.R. said:

At least we have some decent snow pack this year vs last. That was as much of a problem with our water shortage as the drought was.

Saw a report last night.  Apparently they are at a record low.  I call b.s. on it though, but fear mongering...

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30 minutes ago, J.R. said:

Wouldn't be surprised with how warm it's been. 

No different than last year really and the Mountains have had a hell of a lot more snow. 


At any rate.  Why are they not looking into ways to increase the reservoirs?  Demand is only going to increase as the population isn't about to decrease.

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