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Entertaining game, too bad they lost.


I thought  Hwang In-beom was the Whitecaps player of the match.  He seemed to be all over the field.


But for one bad mistake Nerwinski played well, too.


Give them five to ten games and then we'll see what's what.

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I liked what I saw from them in the first half. 


It was refreshing to see them pressing high up and having a creative build up. It was something we haven't seen from this team before. But man do you have to be fit to play that style and it looked like they started to run out of gas, which wasn't surprising.


It was very noticeable to me how little the players stood around and whined about missed calls and just got on with it. Something that I always hated with Robbo's team.


I'm intrigued though to see what this team can become once they've meshed as a team.




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10 hours ago, UnkNuk said:

Entertaining game, too bad they lost.


I thought  Hwang In-beom was the Whitecaps player of the match.  He seemed to be all over the field.


But for one bad mistake Nerwinski played well, too.


Give them five to ten games and then we'll see what's what.

If the Caps don’t start to mesh and win games, how long before BC Place only has crickets watching?  

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1 hour ago, coastal.view said:

was it just me

or did the new keeper

look awkward on a couple of goals

not a great way to start the season in my view

It's funny, because he looked very composed early on. It seemed like after the penalty (which he played perfectly, actually) doubt started to creep into his game.


Not sold on Henry at all. It looked like guys were sneaking in behind him the entire match. Honestly, the defenders scare me more than the "keeper does. They're going to miss Waston's dominance in the air, unless they find someone during the season. Right now I don't see anyone that they can count on for clearances.....

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I have no faith in the whitecaps this season, its gonna take atleast a season or two for all these players to gel, and i doubt the whitecap fans are patient enough to wait, esp if we dont win any games .....watching the 1st game, was cancer to anyone's eye....the passing plays and stuff were so bad, and we gave the ball up so much.


Only time will tell, but minnesota isnt a very good team, imagine us playing the good teams, im afraid to see what happens lol

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Just watched the salt lake game were we lost 1-0 , i actually fell asleep :( , to be honest, our team last year was hella more fun to watch than this years team, not sure wtf is going on, but we boring af ....atleast last year it was hella more exciting to watch even if we lost :( 

Edited by Dave "The Hammer" Schultz
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On the bright side, I thought In-beom Hwang had another good game - this guy bears watching.  And the keeper, Maxime Crepeau, played well.  As well, Ardaiz showed some creativity when he was subbed in.


On the other hand, Fredy Montero has been hard to spot in both games.


And once again, they're having trouble scoring.


But it's still early days.

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15 hours ago, foop said:

Why was there no review on the penalty call? What's the point of having a VAR if not for moments like that...? Brutal.

I was wondering the same thing. I tuned in late, so I missed seeing it live, but I will say in the Referee's defense, it definitely looked like a foul in real time. Why there was no review (which would have overturned the call, IMO) is a mystery to me.


Caps actually looked better this week, despite the loss. Too bad Henry's header was right at the keeper. It had enough pace to go in, if it's even a yard right or left.

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12 hours ago, UnkNuk said:

On the bright side, I thought In-beom Hwang had another good game - this guy bears watching.  And the keeper, Maxime Crepeau, played well.  As well, Ardaiz showed some creativity when he was subbed in.


On the other hand, Fredy Montero has been hard to spot in both games.


And once again, they're having trouble scoring.


But it's still early days.

I thought Crepau was excellent.


I have been lamenting the loss of Kendall Waston since the end of last season, when he announced that he wanted out, but I see one positive. Crepeau to this point has looked very confident in coming off his line a claiming balls in the air. In past seasons, Ousted and Marinovic seemed to get caught in between, knowing that KW was pretty much always there for clearances. Sometimes the got in each others' way and sometimes balls that Waston missed, ended up in the onion bag.


It seems like now, we know anything within reach of Crepeau is going to be his....

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Another ZZZZZZZZZ game :( if it werent for the penalty we would be down 0-1 still ...with very to no chances .....i really dont like this new whitecaps , im having a hard time accepting this....atleast robinson's team was hella fun to watch, im always yawning and changing the channel when whitecaps are on...

Edited by Dave "The Hammer" Schultz
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Three games, three losses, and the Sounders up next.  Not good.


Too bad, really - I thought the Caps deserved a draw today.  I agree the first half was a snoozer but the second half showed some promise.


The coaching staff now has two weeks to figure out what's going wrong and how to fix it.  Let's hope they can.

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